FISA Abuse troll is a scam.


Well-Known Member
So Fox News came out with what @Bugeye has been hyping:

But funny enough this entire storyline is based on a quote in the Washington Post that says someone changed something on a document,
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That turns out to have not mattered because it was still valid.

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Classic Fox. They keep on rolling with the story even when their own reporting blows away the entire premise.
The nunes memo will do it
Exclusive: Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden

"Mr. Parnas learned through Nunes' investigator, Derek Harvey, that the Congressman had sequenced this trip to occur after the mid-term elections yet before Congress' return to session, so that Nunes would not have to disclose the trip details to his Democrat colleagues in Congress," said Bondy.
CNN broke the story. Lol
That's the best you've got? Seriously?

Oh well, when you support a candidate that rails on Obama's occasional round of golf, promises he will never golf because he will be too busy being President and then spends millions of taxpayer dollars golfing immediately...

When you support a candidate that raises hell about Hillary's server and then uses an unsecured cell phone to conduct sensitive matters of state...

You must have come to the realization that you are a complete idiot but just don't know what to do about it at this point.

Don't worry Buggery, the Trump brain trust will throw you another line soon. Maybe there will be an investigation into the investigation of the investigation. Bill Barr will jet off to Cyprus to find Joseph Mifsud's connection to the fake whistle blower and determine once and for all what they owe James Comey - who is clearly George Soros' love child.

We are all laughing at you. The whole world is laughing at you.
CNN broke the story. Lol
It has become painfully obvious that Trump calling CNN fake news is unfortunately true, because he keeps sending his high level government officials there to lie on air to the American public. Anything that comes out of the mouth of this administration cannot be trusted as true, well outside of the few moments that Trump is pushed into responding, then it is just whatever the person wanted him to say which may or may not be true.
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We can now expect high dudgeon in the WH over somebody leaking what was said in the report. Of course the leak makes them angry. They can't now lie to us for the next month about what is in that report. Propaganda doesn't have to be true to be effective. It just needs to be repeated many times without an effective and factual counter argument.

The hue and cry will now be "somebody leaked an official document". In this WH, "leaker" = patriot. Apparently, they haven't rooted all of them out yet.

So are you going to ignore the findings that the FISA application was valid while you scream and tear out your hair because somebody did something wrong that had no effect whatsoever on the outcome? Lol, that is so weak - and yet fully expected from a person of your diminished caliber. And the fact that you can support Trump despite all the obvious corruption uncovered during the impeachment investigation makes this extra rich.

Will Bill Barr be putting out a statement that similarly ignores the conclusions while he sets his hair on fire about a fly found in the soup?

How does it feel to be exposed as a tiny, hypocritical goat?

Please keep posting about this, it exposes you as willing to ignore Trump's egregious violations of the Constitution while you cry about any little failing or misstep of those who rightfully oppose him. It's funny as hell.

What investigation will you be misguidedly hanging your hopes on next? Are you going back to waiting on the impending indictments stemming from Trump's Blue Ribbon Voter Fraud Commission? I mean, we have to get something out of the millions spent to make Donald feel better about losing the popular vote so badly, amiright?
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