Obama warns Warren & Sanders

Has the Democratic party moved too far to the left?

  • Yes, their fucking doomed

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No, the people love it

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
Good luck with the family, I sure do hope things work out for you. I am looking forward to warrens healthcare plan, I love the idea of having healthcare covered if I decide to quit a job or decide to move or change careers, it would give me so much freedom and peace of mind knowing I won’t have that expense hanging over my head. It’s a total game changer . Legal weed is one of those things that looms over like a dark cloud when I think about places on the East coast I want to live like New Jersey and Philly and they don’t have weed shops and got nasty weed laws. I have been spoiled here in Oklahoma and Oregon . Bernie has laid out a plan and I’m quite happy with his proposal.
Whenever Bernie says he has a plan, check the details. I'm guessing there are none or none that are actionable. He hasn't done anything as a Senator not that it stops him from making grandiose statements. Just saying, all thunder and no lightning.

Totally agree that people will be able to move and try new employment if we can get the healthcare system out of the hands of private industry.
Awww, you let him out from under the covers long enough to like your post. You two are precious. A little hairy and unkempt and no doubt those tattoos have no meaning whatsoever, but still pretty darn cute.
Hi Amber,

Doing well, just taking care of business. It seems that me and my wife have been appointed the role of guardians for our parents. Taking care of kids is one thing but caring for the elderly is a step harder than that. It's been eleven years and counting since I could even leave for a vacation without having to worry about what happens if Mom goes down with a medical emergency. Sometime during that period, my wife's mother drifted into Alzheimers so, we have three households to manage. My kids are getting a real education on life.

My mom is close to running out of money to pay for her own care (she lives in assisted living facility, which costs about 5k/month), so this talk about radical change to how health care is delivered has my attention. It's my guess that by the end of 2020, she will be broke and on Medicaid. That's when we find out if the place she's in will in fact honor their promise to accept Medicaid payments. We've already been given the run-around by another facility and it was an eye-opener how quickly and easily she was denied a place when they decided it was in their best financial interests to do so. Medicare has been a good deal for my mother but it isn't free and has factored into her declining finances, though the real reason she is running out of money stem from her poor health and need for care 7/24. Other countries would provide that kind of care in return for her life-long contributions but not here. On paper, we plan to file for Medicaid at the necessary time and expect things to proceed without a hitch. We'll see what happens when reality comes home to roost.

Unlike Bernie, Warren has put forward a cost analysis and specified how pay for covering everybody under Medicare including senior-care. It seems to me that her plan is low-balling costs and the difference will be paid for with extra taxes whether she owns up to it or not. So, yeah, Warren has the right ideas but people are not wrong if they are skeptical of her plans. To me, holes in Warren's plans are not nearly as much of a concern as what Republicans tried to do the last time, which was: repeal the ACA, privatize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, dump 10's of millions from healthcare they received through the ACA and pretty much fuck over my elderly parents.

Also, Warren is not radical or scaring people like me who have much at stake and personal experience in what our government does regarding our healthcare system. It seems to me that Obama is overstating his concern. He is a private citizen and has the right to speak his mind but I think he's behind the times on this topic. I'm more worried about Republican efforts to gut Medicare and Medicaid than I am about expanding coverage. With the looming number of boomers headed into senility with a whole lot less in savings than my Mom had, we have to figure out what to do for them. To many Republicans, retirement for the masses means "work until you can't and then die".

Regarding MJ, Warren is good but hasn't been forthcoming with enough details for me to know what she intends. She says "legalize", she says "decriminalize" and she doesn't say what that means. Maybe I have been lulled into a false sense of security by living in Oregon where it's simply no longer an issue.
I'm sorry to hear of the problems affecting your parents. I have been there. I'm sure things will work out OK & I wish you & your parents the best
Anyway, if I could select a candidate that actually would be the best for this country it would be Buttegeige.
Extremely smart and has (besides Biden) the most sensible approach to healthcare, which will or could prove to be the Achilles heal of Warren and Sanders and the Democratic party.
But he's gay, too young, and gay (never be elected)
Most people with a fucking brain now know that Trump is a scumbag, so this should be an easy win you would think, but I'm still nervous.
Tax increases makes EVERYONE puke, and as mentioned before, the initial cost estimates of Warren's and Sander's plans are probably BS.
The average American won't vote for it, because their too fucking stupid in my humble opinion to understand the math and the benefits.
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The republican approval ratings are what let us know that, most people don't have a brain and don't know he's a scumbag. If you were ever optimistic about the people in this nation, Trump has such widespread support that it should have been squashed by now.
The republican approval ratings are what let us know that, most people don't have a brain and don't know he's a scumbag. If you were ever optimistic about the people in this nation, Trump has such widespread support that it should have been squashed by now.
37% approval isn’t widespread support
Why do you hate Biden & Clinton?

Come on now, since when is being critical of something automatically equated with hate? I don't even think I "hate" Trump, even though he's the biggest piece of shit politician in US history. Being critical of your own group is super healthy. For one it's a constant reminder to not get drunk on labels and ignore content and merit. Second, it's a form of continuous improvement, because if you want to keep the fat lady being fat, then tell her everyday that she looks great. Blowing smoke up people's ass is exactly you propagate their behavior. It's also how you outwardly convey your best efforts to be fair, because who listens to a salesman that says their product is perfect?

I don't hate them in the least, but I'm very critical of anything relating to greed, because I think it's the biggest problem with...probably the world, well that and fear. Hillary didn't do enough to hold people accountable for the bogus loans banks were giving out before the 2008 bubble popped, yet she made good money giving speeches to various financial institutions afterwards, I guess....because of her extensive banking background and high level education in economics? No, she doesn't have those things and it's doesn't pass the smell check.

Still, I think she'd make a fine president and her husband was the only person in the last half-century to even touch debt, so I'd be hopeful that it's something she'd continue, because I believe debt is going to make its way to the front of the line at some point and republicans have the absolute *worst* history of anything to do with money, even though they tout themselves as the money experts. Turns out they're experts at stealing from us.
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37% approval isn’t widespread support

So, I probably shouldn't have to point out that approval ratings from an opposing party is meaningless, because republicans aren't out there voting for democrats and democrats aren't out there voting for republicans, so the only metric that actually matters is approval ratings from their respective party. Trump's approval ratings from his half of the country is a giant flag that says, "you are giants idiots with shit morals".
I'm sorry to hear of the problems affecting your parents. I have been there. I'm sure things will work out OK & I wish you & your parents the best
Anyway, if I could select a candidate that actually would be the best for this country it would be Buttegeige.
Extremely smart and has (besides Biden) the most sensible approach to healthcare, which will or could prove to be the Achilles heal of Warren and Sanders and the Democratic party.
But he's gay, too young, and gay (never be elected)
Most people with a fucking brain now know that Trump is a scumbag, so this should be an easy win you would think, but I'm still nervous.
Tax increases makes EVERYONE puke, and as mentioned before, the initial cost estimates of Warren's and Sander's plans are probably BS.
The average American won't vote for it, because their too fucking stupid in my humble opinion to understand the math and the benefits.
I can't even try to guess what the American voter will do, much less the Independent voters. I just vote according to my values for the primary.

I put that story out about my parents to highlight where EVERYBODY is headed, not just my own. According to this source, half of all people in the US aged 65 have managed to sock away less than $170,000. If they retire at 70 and live to 90, that's not enough. Republicans and Democrats can talk all they want about what "should be" but reality is that half of the adult population will be broke and dependent on society for their daily needs before they leave us. Near as I can tell, the Republican plan is we die in misery.

A universal healthcare plan that includes elder care is not just the right thing to do but absolutely necessary. Near as I can tell, Warren is the only person running who has at least faced up to these facts and put out a plan that is based upon factual analysis. We can debate the facts of her plan yet it would be stupid to deny that hers is the only rational plan out there. Bernie never owned up to the costs or means of payment. Biden's healthcare plans are short sighted and don't account for the upcoming wave of broke, diaper wearing, drooling, old boomers headed to a dependent care facility near you.

Trumpers are the upcoming zombie apocalypse in real life. They vote down any attempts to address this looming crisis but will be consuming their and everybody else's children's future when they reach an age where they can no longer work but still consume huge resources for their daily healthcare needs.

Vote Republicans out.
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So, I probably shouldn't have to point out that approval ratings from an opposing party is meaningless, because republicans aren't out there voting for democrats and democrats aren't out there voting for republicans, so the only metric that actually matters is approval ratings from their respective party. Trump's approval ratings from his half of the country is a giant flag that says, "you are giants idiots with shit morals".
So, I probably shouldn't have to point out that in the general election, there is no distinction between Republican and Democrat in the voting booth. So, a metric for the general election that actually matters is approval rating. Trump's approval rating is much closer to 40%. Not half. I don't know why you feel the need to say you are a Democrat. You talk like a Republican who is defending Trump, no matter what you claim to be.

I have no idea what your morals are but you are a giant idiot.

vote Republican out.
It misrepresents the amount of support. You'd think someone with 37% approval would easily lose against whomever they're running against, but with the country split down the middle and with Trump having 90% approval from his half, you should probably wake the fuck up and look outside and see who the president is. We need to change that and downplaying it just because awww boo hoo you don't like some dude on the internet, is dumb as shit.
It misrepresents the amount of support. You'd think someone with 37% approval would easily lose against whomever they're running against, but with the country split down the middle and with Trump having 90% approval from his half, you should probably wake the fuck up and look outside and see who the president is. We need to change that and downplaying it just because awww boo hoo you don't like some dude on the internet, is dumb as shit.
All those ad homs just prove how weak and scared you are
No u poop ur mom.

Wheeeeeee, let's keep doing this because it's totally not boring.
Your very first sentence in your very first post in this thread was ad hom

then you tried to say that people who use ad homs are weak and filled with fear

now you’re trying to say “but you guys started it!!!!!!!” like a whiny child even though it was you who started in with the ad homs

now you are getting all emotional and pissy just because I’m calmly pointing out these facts about your whiny, gaslighting, always the victim, never your fault, petulant behavior

do you think you’re doing ok here?
You do understand how "time" works, yes? You do realize that your 7th grade angry incel posts occured before today, yes? I've heard of people that think it's a new day every time they blink, just never met one.

Shit, maybe you're not even aware. Did you know that there is more to the internet than tired cliche NO U POOP type of comments? I bet you have like a million posts on youtube.
You do understand how "time" works, yes? You do realize that your 7th grade angry incel posts occured before today, yes?
How time works:

you post in this thread, immediately starting in with ad homs

minutes later, you cry about ad homs, saying they show a weak and scared individual

later in time, you can’t stop using ad homs

after that, you play the victim and claim “but you started it!!!!!!” even though it was indeed you who not only started it, but started complaining about it minutes later

I calmly explain this to you and you dig deeper into the victim complex

we know, it’s never your fault