I’m just trying to figure out when and homs are bad and when they are notI dunno, hows that slurpee on the ol' bmx bike taste? You get the latest issue of Teen Pop yet?
Hey Fogster, what’s shaken amigo? We need Warren to help heal our country, her nurturing loving kindness. Do you know what her plan on legalizing is?Looking at who is running, I'm happy with all of them. Whoever wins the Democratic nomination is leagues better than Trump or any other Republican. That said, I'd encourage people to vote according to values in the primary, not according to what they think other people might prefer.
Regardless of their current position on these policies, I don't think anybody can pass a single payer universal coverage healthcare bill during the 2000-2004 term. So, I'm looking for somebody who has demonstrated can work well with others to further their goals, not just "my way or the highway". To me, this person is Warren. Biden's plan isn't bad though it falls short. Sanders fails the "works well with others" test just like his minuscule base of support.
LOL @ “you started it!!!!!!”You moved the convo to personal, so I'm joining you. If you wanna speak on topic, I'm happy to do that with you. Just following your lead.
Shiff is a dick. I support what he is doing, just wish someone else beat him to it. Him and Warren both make people hate dems. Their rhetoric just adds to the division in our country.It's fine, sometimes people just give us that vibe. For example, Schiff had some great comments yesterday, but...he does kinda look like a guy that has someone in his basement against their will.
LOL @ “you started it!!!!!!”
pathetic child
Thanks for your inputShiff is a dick. I support what he is doing, just wish someone else beat him to it. Him and Warren both make people hate dems. Their rhetoric just adds to the division in our country.
The very first sentence of your very first post in this thread was an ad homI wasn't doing it. You wanted to do it. I'm happy to play tinker toys for a bit. It's fun getting back to my youth.
Nice argument. No one listens to you here anyway, maybe time to move on with whatever your agenda is.Thanks for your input
you can go back to sucking trump cock now
Nice ad homsDude if anyone here is rolling coal and flying dixie flags, it's you. The most looney "liberal" I've ever seen. And you tell others they're phony. Friggin bizarro world up in here.
Nice ad homsI edited, please requote it, comrade tweeky.
As if Trump hasn't already planted the flag on top of that pile of shit.(Shiff) and Warren both make people hate dems. Their rhetoric just adds to the division in our country.
Nice ad homs
I have 30k posts over a decade in a california forum
In your very first sentence of your very first post in this thread, you used ad homsThank you. So you wanna keep doing cliche tweekerbuck NO U POOP UR MOM kind of stuff, or are we moving on now?
Nice ad homsIt's a reference for having lots of conversations with lots of people and I've never seen one as looney as tweekerbuck. Oh snap, buck is that you? From your other account??