Creepy Uncle?


Well-Known Member
Republicans have been calling Joe Biden 'Creepy Uncle Joe' for years, accusing him of pedophilia, and promoting videos like the one posted below.
Joe Biden has never been accused of anything other than making one woman uncomfortable.

There has never been a claim of anything else of any sort of sexual nature against him.

Meanwhile, your hero Trump has:
  • 24 accusations of sexual assault against him.
  • Dozens of women in non-disclosure agreements to not speak of affairs he had with them.
  • Has paid off a porn star he had affairs with while married.
  • Has abused two of his three wives.
  • Has posed in sexually suggestive pictures with his own daughter.
  • Has publicly stated he'd like to have sex with his own daughter.
  • Has publicly stated he abuses women.
You have to be a complete, patent idiot of the highest order to make a thread comparing Trump to Biden.


Well-Known Member
They are apologizing everywhere Burt and high church officials are on the hot seat and behind bars. It's nice to see an actual Christian as pope for a change, it's a massive and ancient institution run by sexually repressed people for the most part, so there's gonna be issues. Not Catholic myself, I'm a religious heathen of sorts.

Look at it like this, prison is the best place for such a priest, it'll give'm a chance to help those at the bottom of the heap, like Jesus. Lead by example...
Wasn't that post by Burt a jab at French Canadians? I'm guessing there is still a lot of bigotry about French culture in Canada. Burt's post dripped with the same kind of outrage we have from many in the US regarding multiculturalism.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't that post by Burt a jab at French Canadians? I'm guessing there is still a lot of bigotry about French culture in Canada. Burt's post dripped with the same kind of outrage we have from many in the US regarding multiculturalism.
We got em here too, and we can chat about it if he wants to put his cock in the meat grinder of taking an indefensible position in a civilized debate Canadian style. Or we can go American style bare knuckle I guess, we ain't that much different after all, hockey is our national sport, way more violent than football!.

In Canada politics is more like sport, in America it went from being a political sport to a death struggle for constitutional democratic survival and the soul of the nation, the stakes are much higher.
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Well-Known Member
Wasn't that post by Burt a jab at French Canadians? I'm guessing there is still a lot of bigotry about French culture in Canada. Burt's post dripped with the same kind of outrage we have from many in the US regarding multiculturalism.
How do you know I'm not "French Canadian"?


Well-Known Member
How do you know I'm not "French Canadian"?
Great English Burt! It's good to know a second language, grows the brain. Maklin don't sound too french to me? Think you'd be proud of yer culture and spread it a bit, kinda ram it down other folks throats...

Inject a little cultural diversity and spice, parlez vous francais?

Ya get an idea where this can lead too Burt? The meat grinder awaits...

PS: I figure the Americans should make Spanish an official language too and recognize them as one of the founding peoples of America. Many didn't come in but were absorbed, like Quebec.
That would sure as shit stir the pot down south!


Well-Known Member
How do you know I'm not "French Canadian"?
Burt, please just leave me alone and stop following me around. I wasn't talking to you, I don't much like you and find you boring. I'm not that way and if I were, I wouldn't be interested in you anyway. If you want a friend, go get a dog.


Well-Known Member
Burt, please just leave me alone and stop following me around. I wasn't talking to you, I don't much like you and find you boring. I'm not that way and if I were, I wouldn't be interested in you anyway. If you want a friend, go get a dog.
Here's a lesson on how not to invite comments from people, don't make them (me) the subject of a public conversation between you and someone else. Now quit crying like a little bitch!


Well-Known Member
Wasn't that post by Burt a jab at French Canadians? I'm guessing there is still a lot of bigotry about French culture in Canada. Burt's post dripped with the same kind of outrage we have from many in the US regarding multiculturalism.
Now you ain't trying to exploit no national divisions among us Canadians and drive a wedge are ya Foggy? Like some Russian, or Canadian I might add!:lol:

We have human rights counsels an such to deal with serious miscreants and I'm sure ole Burt is just doing the usual bitching and griping that many Canadians do and might have got carried away cause he was pissed off.


Well-Known Member
Now you ain't trying to exploit no national divisions among us Canadians and drive a wedge are ya Foggy? Like some Russian, or Canadian I might add!:lol:

We have human rights counsels an such to deal with serious miscreants and I'm sure ole Burt is just doing the usual bitching and griping that many Canadians do and might have got carried away cause he was pissed off.
I guess my instincts were honed by listening to US bigots carp and complain about multiculturalism just before they morphed into Trump supporters. My experience is bigots are venomous snakes and can't be ignored. Worldwide, right wing bigots are showing more fascist-power than I had hoped. As @BurtMaklin and other right wing posters demonstrate, Canada has snakes too. Maybe I'm just projecting and Canada's anti-French bigots aren't the same as the kind of people who follow Trump. I'd like to think so.


Well-Known Member
Here's a lesson on how not to invite comments from people, don't make them (me) the subject of a public conversation between you and someone else. Now quit crying like a little bitch!
So, now I'm to blame for your unwanted sexual advances. Right wing narcissists like you never accept fault for your own actions. Sir, keep your hands off me.


Well-Known Member
I guess my instincts were honed by listening to US bigots carp and complain about multiculturalism just before they morphed into Trump supporters. My experience is bigots are venomous snakes and can't be ignored. Worldwide, right wing bigots are showing more fascist-power than I had hoped. As @BurtMaklin and other right wing posters demonstrate, Canada has snakes too. Maybe I'm just projecting and Canada's anti-French bigots aren't the same as the kind of people who follow Trump. I'd like to think so.
I am not disputing that there are more of them now than there were. But they never went away - they were always there without any way to reach a wider audience. The internet gave them the means to reach out and the ability to hide at the same time and there numbers have swelled accordingly. So far I refuse to accept that this is a wider trend for the future - so I still hold onto a little hope.


Well-Known Member
I guess my instincts were honed by listening to US bigots carp and complain about multiculturalism just before they morphed into Trump supporters. My experience is bigots are venomous snakes and can't be ignored. Worldwide, right wing bigots are showing more fascist-power than I had hoped. As @BurtMaklin and other right wing posters demonstrate, Canada has snakes too. Maybe I'm just projecting and Canada's anti-French bigots aren't the same as the kind of people who follow Trump. I'd like to think so.
Well Frenchmen is white after all, so some empathy remains...

Like I said politics in America is a blood sport these days, yer in a struggle for constitutional survival and the soul of yer nation, we came through a similar storm a few decades back that almost tore the country apart. I try to let old wounds rest and live in the present.


Well-Known Member
I am not disputing that there are more of them now than there were. But they never went away - they were always there without any way to reach a wider audience. The internet gave them the means to reach out and the ability to hide at the same time and there numbers have swelled accordingly. So far I refuse to accept that this is a wider trend for the future - so I still hold onto a little hope.
Recent events in Brazil, India and Britain as well as the gains by right-wing political groups in Europe have me worried about a worldwide drift towards fascism. Poland and the Czech Republic have jumped off the right wing diving board and into Trumps right wing cesspool.

Maybe this is a bump in the road toward a more open future but I can't help but see trends outside of the US as heading more rightward than left. Sanders and his cult show that the authoritarian left isn't gone and dead either.


Well-Known Member
I'm a nice guy, but some folks need to be bitch slapped back to reality...

Kinda reminds me of Trump and his supporters, especially the GOP senate....
No doubt. But those Benny Hinnites weren't getting a dose of reality slapped into them. Those people were letting go of the final shred of disbelief by falling down for that two-bit charlatan and I will bet you that 99% of those taken in by him are fervent Trumpers.


Well-Known Member
Recent events in Brazil, India and Britain as well as the gains by right-wing political groups in Europe have me worried about a worldwide drift towards fascism. Poland and the Czech Republic have jumped off the right wing diving board and into Trumps right wing cesspool.

Maybe this is a bump in the road toward a more open future but I can't help but see trends outside of the US as heading more rightward than left. Sanders and his cult show that the authoritarian left isn't gone and dead either.
Sometimes these things lose their appeal quickly. There have been significant setbacks in their agenda in Russia, Poland, Turkey and in our mid-terms. Consider the possibility that it is a mania, like bell-bottoms, the pet-rock or beanie-babies and will be consigned into history's dustbin before long.

The internet is a big deal. It is natural that we would have some difficulty adjusting to such a big change.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes these things lose their appeal quickly. There have been significant setbacks in their agenda in Russia, Poland, Turkey and in our mid-terms. Consider the possibility that it is a mania, like bell-bottoms, the pet-rock or beanie-babies and will be consigned into history's dustbin before long.

The internet is a big deal. It is natural that we would have some difficulty adjusting to such a big change.
I look forward to the time when we will look back on Trump and the right wing movement and joke about them. Like we do when we flash the peace sign with both hands and say "your president is not a crook".


Well-Known Member
So, now I'm to blame for your unwanted sexual advances. Right wing narcissists like you never accept fault for your own actions. Sir, keep your hands off me.
Oh no, you're the victim of internet "rape". Hopefully you'll make a full recovery with the help of M4A.

Lol @ "right wing narcissist".

I'm so far left you're in my blindspot, chump.