ROFLMAO! or our Franzia fueled sock army. We've had some dooziesYou apparently never met our former bisexual yoga instructor.
ROFLMAO! or our Franzia fueled sock army. We've had some dooziesYou apparently never met our former bisexual yoga instructor.
LOL that's not on a Tesla jj, you're slippin!
Exploding with fire, not bowels
LOLOL textbook!"The tape is from a local TV news show in Oregon, which sent a reporter out to cover the removal of a 45-foot, eight-ton dead whale that washed up on the beach. The responsibility for getting rid of the carcass was placed on the Oregon State Highway Division, apparently on the theory that highways and whales are very similar in the sense of being large objects. So anyway, the highway engineers hit upon the plan -- remember, I am not making this up -- of blowing up the whale with dynamite. The thinking is that the whale would be blown into small pieces, which would be eaten by seagulls, and that would be that. A textbook whale removal."
LOLBlow it up and push the rubble into the ocean. God damn I love when people get shit done!
Energetic materials and a rotting carcass, what could possibly go wrong.I remember that on the news the day the blew it up
So you were raised right. What happened?I'm surprised they didn't have beers and a Marlboro while they where setting up the tnt. My parents would have invited all sorts of people and told them to bring the kids.
I remember that on the news the day the blew it up
So you were raised right. What happened?
This one was good too> PENIS!
Well if all you can afford is second hand smoke it is better than no smoke at all! I'm sure they did the best they could.I think it could have been the second hand smoke.
You gotta respect the Chinese people's reverence for the almighty penisThe best part is the guy standing right next to whale guts for the photo op. You don't have to be that close to know what the fuck just happened.
Well if all you can afford is second hand smoke it is better than no smoke at all! I'm sure they did the best they could.
Then why would you criticize them for second hand. That's pretty harsh.Yeah they did the best everything. The best meth, coke, and liqour they could.