Well-Known Member
So I've ended up with 3 healthy clones for which I have no use. It pains me to toss them into the compost pile so if anyone has any suggestions, or if any other mid-valley growers are interested in freebies, let me know. There's a Northern Lights, Jorge's Diamonds and a Durban Poison that I plan to take cuttings from in a couple of weeks for my fall hydro grow.
The first year I grew, I did it year round indoors and out. I was taking cuttings from my spring indoor to plant in my summer outdoor, and then taking cutting from that weeks later to start another indoor. I'm a long way from that now, just one winter indoor and a 'take it or leave it' summer outdoor. Nice of you to offer them up though.

I've been reading up some on why it's bad to smoke moldy pot, there is a LOT more information out there now compared with 5 years ago when I started growing, before states started going legal. Some of the buds are on the borderline, they have so many trichomes that sometimes they look "fuzzy" but under a scope I see no actual mold. Also, mold/rot is usually accompanied by discoloration, but some buds seem to naturally have a yellowish tinge to them and one of my plants turned 'autumn colors' and has naturally darkened buds, making it really challenging. I read somewhere that a 'blacklight' will expose mold, and since we're planning on getting pets again, I went ahead and ordered one of those LED blacklight flashlights. Anyone ever tried that? I suspect that it might only work if the mold is on a 'non-organic' surface, that life on life may not differentiate.
So far I've jarred a little more than I had estimated, even after a brutal trimming and throwing out anything that might have mold on it, we've got a decent amount from the three of four plants (the last one was cut later and is still hanging). The one bigger plant -- Alien v. Triangle Spl. -- netted about as much the other two combined. It seems that outdoors with the unpredictable climate range, particular aspects of genetics become paramount. Potency and flavor are always important, and yet ultimately useless if they can't rebound from cold weather or resist mold effectively.
I'll have to think about what I'll do differently next year... it's a long way off.