Oregon outdoor 2019

So I've ended up with 3 healthy clones for which I have no use. It pains me to toss them into the compost pile so if anyone has any suggestions, or if any other mid-valley growers are interested in freebies, let me know. There's a Northern Lights, Jorge's Diamonds and a Durban Poison that I plan to take cuttings from in a couple of weeks for my fall hydro grow.

The first year I grew, I did it year round indoors and out. I was taking cuttings from my spring indoor to plant in my summer outdoor, and then taking cutting from that weeks later to start another indoor. I'm a long way from that now, just one winter indoor and a 'take it or leave it' summer outdoor. Nice of you to offer them up though. :)

I've been reading up some on why it's bad to smoke moldy pot, there is a LOT more information out there now compared with 5 years ago when I started growing, before states started going legal. Some of the buds are on the borderline, they have so many trichomes that sometimes they look "fuzzy" but under a scope I see no actual mold. Also, mold/rot is usually accompanied by discoloration, but some buds seem to naturally have a yellowish tinge to them and one of my plants turned 'autumn colors' and has naturally darkened buds, making it really challenging. I read somewhere that a 'blacklight' will expose mold, and since we're planning on getting pets again, I went ahead and ordered one of those LED blacklight flashlights. Anyone ever tried that? I suspect that it might only work if the mold is on a 'non-organic' surface, that life on life may not differentiate.

So far I've jarred a little more than I had estimated, even after a brutal trimming and throwing out anything that might have mold on it, we've got a decent amount from the three of four plants (the last one was cut later and is still hanging). The one bigger plant -- Alien v. Triangle Spl. -- netted about as much the other two combined. It seems that outdoors with the unpredictable climate range, particular aspects of genetics become paramount. Potency and flavor are always important, and yet ultimately useless if they can't rebound from cold weather or resist mold effectively.

I'll have to think about what I'll do differently next year... it's a long way off.
My one Durban Poison that promises to be an early finisher seems to be coming out of its caffeine shock and stacking on bud. It has the appearance of a week 4 flower, so I have reason to be optimistic that it'll be close to finishing by Oct 1. I gen erated some fem pollen and crossed it with another DP as well as the other 2 strains in the garden, so I hope to have some seeds to try outdoor next summer.


Surprisingly, the earliest finisher in the garden looks like it will be the Medical OG Kush from Kera. Short little sucker, at about 2 feet, but is developing 4-5 nice colas that are smelling pretty nice.

It didn't rain in volume at any particular point, but it rained enough to soak them, and it did that with unusual frequency for an Oregon summer. I think the netting also held onto the moisture after the rain ended, and I'd try to shake it out, but it may have dripped droplets over a longer time onto the plants keeping them wet. Also, I had concurrent experiments going, and it's possible that the drip irrigation was over-watering them. Too much water will cause them to transpire more, making mold more likely. We ended out taking down 3 of the 4 today and hanging them. Damn, the garage smells awesome.

We ended out with about 60% of the total production, I'd estimate (20% lost to mold, 20% to not being fully developed because they came down early), but since they were harvested too soon I'm not sure how it'll smoke. The last one still in the ground shows no mold, so we'll let it finish naturally. I cut off the water to it, I'll hand water it if it looks like it needs it. The whole thing looks like it'll add up to maybe half a pound if we're lucky.

That sucks about your coffee experiment, I've had years where I did things out of balance or took the wrong advice and had cannabis and/or veggies suffer. The only time I've put coffee grounds around a plant is with Blueberries, and I can't really say if it did anything good or bad. I've also read that the acidity thing is a myth, but that was a year after I was told to put it around the Blueberries. I've found that after a good long winter, the soil has usually corrected itself and I get a fresh start the following spring.

Weird. I’m in the gorge too! It’s rained ( lightly 2 times good soak once) 3 times since June 10th at my place.
Weird. I’m in the gorge too! It’s rained ( lightly 2 times good soak once) 3 times since June 10th at my place.
It was truly a weird summer.

Here are screen shots from WeatherUnderground of the record of rainfall and temps where I live -- it's kind of overly-brief though because some days they indicate rain but show "0" fell, and other days they say are clear and sunny and then they indicate it rained about a half inch, which might mean it rained overnight (like July 1st). Overall it reflects what I remember, which is that from the beginning of July through most of August it rained at least once a week. Even if it was just a sprinkling, it was still enough to build up moisture on the buds. Totally unusual for Oregon.

07_2019.jpg 08_2019.jpg
My DP is looking like it will finish about mid October. This is the latest pheno and only the second time finding it. Usually they are done for me by October 10th at the latest with some finishing earlier. I only grew 1 dp this year and the leaves were very thin from the start.
Hey graying.geek, your EB build thread inspired me to build my own. I used it last winter with good results.

Nice build, Tef. Looks pretty familiar. :-)

: said:
I used a mix of 5000K and 3000K strips, each on it's own driver.

Yeah, that's the configuration I'll use if/when I do another build. The alternating spectra attached to separate drivers would be more flexible transitioning between veg and flower. Nice work.

: said:
Thanks for the inspiration.

Thanx. It was definitely a learning experience and I think it inspired several others to DIY.

BTW, my last grow under my DIY light produced 1.2 lbs of bud. Pretty respectable.
My DP is looking like it will finish about mid October. This is the latest pheno and only the second time finding it. Usually they are done for me by October 10th at the latest with some finishing earlier. I only grew 1 dp this year and the leaves were very thin from the start.

I think one of my DPs is showing the same pheno, as it started flowering ~2 weeks after the early one. First time growing DP, or any sativa for that matter, so it's a bit tough to judge. If you have any growing tips, don't hold back. This will probably be my goto outdoor strain, and I plan to put a couple of them in my hydro system at the end of Sept.

One thing about this strain that surprised me is the smell. Different from any cannabis plant I've ever been around. It's generally described online as smelling "spicy", but to me, it smells exactly like sesame oil. Very odd from my experience. Do they exhibit this odor throughout flower? If so, I doubt I'll hear any complaints from the neighbors.
I think one of my DPs is showing the same pheno, as it started flowering ~2 weeks after the early one. First time growing DP, or any sativa for that matter, so it's a bit tough to judge. If you have any growing tips, don't hold back. This will probably be my goto outdoor strain, and I plan to put a couple of them in my hydro system at the end of Sept.

One thing about this strain that surprised me is the smell. Different from any cannabis plant I've ever been around. It's generally described online as smelling "spicy", but to me, it smells exactly like sesame oil. Very odd from my experience. Do they exhibit this odor throughout flower? If so, I doubt I'll hear any complaints from the neighbors.

The smell in flowering is not that strong in my experience however if you get any hot days late in bloom the smell might travel a bit. It smells once you cut it down and during the drying process.

The smell is hard to describe and pretty uniform, anise is what it's supposed to smell like and it's very similar but with a fermented twist I can't describe. It smells dank when dried slowly.

The plants are very strong but they can stretch a good size and break branches late in bloom. This is usually only a problem with large plants. It's a hardy strain and I never had much problems so I'm sure you will be fine.
Yall be ready for caterpillars and bugs!! They're in full force this season...one was tryna dig into my bluniverse this morning! She is sweet ao I can understand why but just heads up, they're rockin steady right now! Bt your shit!
Woke up at 6:30 to the sound of big unforecasted raindrops- threw on some clothes and ran out to the backyard with the wagon, hauled the 2 plants under the raincover on the side patio with help from my wife, one big branch on the Blackcherry Cheesecake (which is a beast) was hanging real low and in danger of breaking so I tied it up as well as a bunch of other branches before I shook them off some and turned on a fan. I think I was more soaked than the plants at that point, lol
Now the sun is out, so I hauled them out from under the raincover and they're on the patio drying out
The Chernobyl seems to have weathered it no problem
Woke up at 6:30 to the sound of big unforecasted raindrops- threw on some clothes and ran out to the backyard with the wagon, hauled the 2 plants under the raincover on the side patio with help from my wife, one big branch on the Blackcherry Cheesecake (which is a beast) was hanging real low and in danger of breaking so I tied it up as well as a bunch of other branches before I shook them off some and turned on a fan. I think I was more soaked than the plants at that point, lol
Now the sun is out, so I hauled them out from under the raincover and they're on the patio drying out
The Chernobyl seems to have weathered it no problem
We had a pretty severe thunder shower roll through here at about 2am. I was too tired/lazy to run around in it though. Lol. Looks like we lucked out....
Here we go Valley people; a preview of fall weather is bearing down on us. Looks like a wet forecast for the next week or so. Time to pull out the rain coats.

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Looks like you got your plants covered just in time. Just had a few extreme downpours come through where I'm at. Have standing water in the yard. Glad I picked all my ripe or close to being ripe tomatoes this morning or else they'be be splitting open on the plants right now. Put the couple outdoor plants under the awning for now. Looks like there's a good possibility of a bumper crop of moldy weed here in NW Oregon with the weather for the next couple weeks being wet and humid. And night temps dropping down into the mid 50's. Plants will be staying wet without taking measures to cover them up.
This has been a great thread to read. I'm sorry I haven't been more involved with it. Seriously. I will be, in the future.

Sounds like you (@xtsho ) are fairly close to me. PM me if you ever want to swap some clones. I have (supposedly) true GG4, and Gods Gift. I'm doing some pollen crosses for seeds too. I think it would be a blast to grow some other stuff too....
I went out yesterday to build a covering was never able to get anything that worked before it got dark. Needless to say the plants are quite soaked today. We finally did get a covering up this afternoon. We've been trying to shake some of the water off the plants to some degree of success. I have heard of people using a leaf blower on low. Anyone ever tried that?
I went out yesterday to build a covering was never able to get anything that worked before it got dark. Needless to say the plants are quite soaked today. We finally did get a covering up this afternoon. We've been trying to shake some of the water off the plants to some degree of success. I have heard of people using a leaf blower on low. Anyone ever tried that?

Yes, I've used a leaf blower- gotta stand about 15 feet away though
Looks like you got your plants covered just in time.

Barely, for sure.

: said:
Looks like there's a good possibility of a bumper crop of moldy weed here in NW Oregon with the weather for the next couple weeks being wet and humid.

No kidding. September weather is typically more manageable than this; 1 or 2 days of sprinkles, maybe a few showers for a day or so, but not this steady, drizzling shit that we're so famous for in October.

Despite my Girls' rain pancho, sitting inside a humid tent for a week isn't gonna be good for anyone. I'll probably spritz some of the more at-risk buds with KHCO3 this afternoon.

@Dougnsalem : Jump in when you're ready! I'm sure everyone would be interested in your strains and grow operation.

@tef162 : Yes, I've used a leaf blower, and also a box fan set out in the garden. Ain't gonna save you with this constant drizzle, though. :cry:

@xtsho : No tornado warnings in the central Valley, but I think most of the thunderstorms were to the N of us.
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