Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

Elon Musk was warning about AI and looks like hes gonna shit his pants on Joe Rogan early this year//// than recently he's being a weirdo pushing brain chips and to integrate with AI. He's been compromised! I don't trust Elon Musk recommendation for president nor would I trust any politicians from both parties. The only way to get real middle class candidates is you need to get rid of CPAC. CPAC requires candidates to be basically rich to even be consider to run as president. Both parties are distraction and complete shit! I voted for Trump as a wild card but I didn't expect much at of him.I'm a strict Independent that do not favor either party and try to keep in the middle. I voted for him because he had the balls expose mainstream media. I have hated mainstream media way before Trump so I just happened agree with him on that.

But anyway Trump has disappointed me on several issues. My biggest reason I will not be voting for trump in 2020 or anyone is because he stabbed wikileaks Julian Assange in the back! I have much more respect for Jullian than Trump. Trump lost my vote for mainly that reason and picking shady cabinet members. But also not gonna be tricked into voting for the other clowns! The game is rigged and I'm done playing!

You want change audit and remove the federal reserve and get rid of the banking families control over our monetary system since 1913!

If a candidate not talking about any those issues I mentioned, they're a bunch of fake plastic wrapped puppets!
How much money you pay in tax every year?
I pay 35% of my paycheck which gross is about 6-7 grand. They take that and hand it out to cowards and thieves who dont work for a living

My great grandfather came from Ukraine settled in lloydminster..fought tooth and nail to settle.the land and carve a living for himself from nothing.
They left ulraine when stalin was killing more Ukrainians that Hitler did jews.
My grandfather also fought in the second world war is a decorated soldier who took 3 ss medals of the germans he killed

My other great grand father was a kootney cree aboriginal who had his land and his rights stolen from him his children thrown in residential schools where they were raped by catholic priests.
I got enough for a status card but I work and dont need the government paying for me. I take care of myself

My father is a forester for 45 years jusg retired. And had played a big part in reforestation of.this country.

I'm work on a drilling rig. I work 30 and 10s away from my.family so I can provide.for them so you guys can drive around all day crying about everyone else.
My.familie has done more for canada than 75% of the people.here.

You dont know fucking thing about canada stud and what my family has gone through. I'm more canadian than the rest of you snowflakes sitting there with your hands out crying about morals and rights and being offended by everything.

I work for a living..I contribute. My family has run the gauntlet so all.these.immagrants today can come here with their hands out and get more.given to them Up front than my ancestors ever did.and you can sit here being offended all day. I give a fuck. Men have a duty to their families and their country. Not snowflakes on forums
Yet here you are.......on a forum with the snowflakes getting upset and ranting about immigrants stealing your tax dollars lol. Thank-you for your families contribution to clear cutting forests and raping the earth for subsidized oil. Please stop telling people your Canadian.
Incessant dismissal
Incessantly dismissing

Lol the judge overturned conviction because evidence was buried. Jury never saw exhonerating evidence. These are the facts that you are dismissing. You're brainwashed.
There was no exonerating evidence. There was testimony. You're mixing up different cases. We're discussing the former electrician who raped his stepdaughter. The defense relied solely on discrediting the victim and it got him convicted by a jury.

The problem with just desperately searching for anything to smear a prosecutor with are these two things. You only resort to biased BS and now you're mixing up two cases. It's causing you to insesant dismal the facts.
Rawn Pawl is a turtle fucker.
Ron Paul is not the first to talk against the Federal Reserve. I believe John F Kennedy spoke against the federal reserve shortly before he was assassinated. I never understood why douche bags would laugh at Ron Paul calling him so crazy when he was only one talking about the REAL ROOT problem! Now I'm not a big fan of his son Rand Paul but he does bring up good points.

I don't care who does it, but I want that fucking Federal Reserve to burn in hell and the fuckers who founded it! I'm so angry noone has done shit about it or at the very least talk about it. I almost want to run for president myself and send the airforce to the banking families mansions! I would have them wiped off the map overnight!
Chug that koolaid
Been wondering if it's actually just some Russian bot trying to increase site traffic. Doesn't make any sense and the priotrity seems instigation..
Says the guy who voted for Primadonald Trump and high-fives the racist while blaming political correctness for politics you disagree with.

That's why you insesant dismal the facts.
Says the guy who voted for Primadonald Trump and high-fives the racist while blaming political correctness for politics you disagree with.

That's why you insesant dismal the facts.
Sound it out. They're big words. You can do it! After you've practiced a little reading we can test your comprehension.

After reviewing the medical records in camera, the court granted the motion for a new trial and vacated Gage’s convictions. The trial court concluded that the testimony of the victim and her mother was not credible, leaving insufficient evidence to support the jury’s verdict. The court explained that it had harbored doubts about the veracity of Marian’s testimony during trial because it “appeared to be contrived.”

The court then concluded that evidence in the medical records rendered Marian’s testimony an insufficient basis for conviction as a matter of law. Several items in the medical records grounded this conclusion: (1) Wanda apparently described Marian to a mental health professional as “a pathological liar [who] lives her lies”; (2) Marian’s accusations followed a large fight with her mother after Wanda caused Marian’s then boyfriend to be sent to prison; and (3) Marian made only fleeting references to having been sexually abused during the course of her psychological treatment.
After reviewing the medical records in camera, the court granted the motion for a new trial and vacated Gage’s convictions. The trial court concluded that the testimony of the victim and her mother was not credible, leaving insufficient evidence to support the jury’s verdict. The court explained that it had harbored doubts about the veracity of Marian’s testimony during trial because it “appeared to be contrived.”
You're terrible at this. You just admitted that everything I said is true. Even if it is worded in a biased way, the facts remain. Yet you insesant dismal the facts.

No evidence
Trial comes down to testimony
Defense attacks accuser credibility
Jury moved by testimony
Jury rejects defense
Jury unanimously convicts
Activist judge defies will of jury
Activist judge overturns conviction

Did I mention you suck at this?
Some people just don't want to see the truth. They're so invested emotionally, that to concede to the reality of the situation would erode their identity. That must be a scary feeling. Its literally why I think trump won. When I hear you bang your head against the wall, it sounds exactly the same. She may be who you want, and maybe you picked fights with ppl over her, but you dug your own hole, that was all you, not my responsibility to deal with the fallout. You need to look internally and have a candid chat with yourself.
The George Gage case was a flat out indefensible miscarriage of justice on several fronts; and several people in the LA district attorneys office should be in jail by now or disbarred at the very least.

But for the record, the conviction took place 12 years before Kamala Harris was the DA of California. What's more, she was never directly involved in the case in any way, shape or form. It was handled entirely by the LA County District Attorney's Office all the way to the 9th circuit court of appeals.

It is highly likely that Harris never even heard about the case at all. To suggest she did would be like saying the San Francisco Chief of Police should be on the hook for something a Los Angeles Country Police Officer did.

Now, ultimately, as state's attorney general it is her responsibility to oversee the legal issues of the State, not the individual cases taking place across the most heavily populated area in the United States.

So the entire argument of blaming Harris for a case that took place over a decade before she was ever in office in a district she had nothing to do with and an appeal she knew nothing about is, sorry to say, more than a bit stupid.
The George Gage case was a flat out indefensible miscarriage of justice on several fronts; and several people in the LA district attorneys office should be in jail by now or disbarred at the very least.

But for the record, the conviction took place 12 years before Kamala Harris was the DA of California. What's more, she was never directly involved in the case in any way, shape or form. It was handled entirely by the LA County District Attorney's Office all the way to the 9th circuit court of appeals.

It is highly likely that Harris never even heard about the case at all. To suggest she did would be like saying the San Francisco Chief of Police should be on the hook for something a Los Angeles Country Police Officer did.

Now, ultimately, as state's attorney general it is her responsibility to oversee the legal issues of the State, not the individual cases taking place across the most heavily populated area in the United States.

So the entire argument of blaming Harris for a case that took place over a decade before she was ever in office in a district she had nothing to do with and an appeal she knew nothing about is, sorry to say, more than a bit stupid.

This was during her tenure as the AG.

Judge rendered Marian’s testimony an insufficient basis for conviction as a matter of law...


The state appealed it. Who do you think the state is?

Of course she's listed. She's the AG of the entire state. That's like saying a U.S. District Attorney for the Southern District of New York advises AG Barr on every case he handles.

He doesn't. More times than not, Barr wont know a thing until a disaster happens...like Epstein. That was, by title, Barr's responsibility even though he was not involved in any of it until after the fact.

You have no idea what you're talking about, as usual.
Of course she's listed. She's the AG of the entire state. That's like saying a U.S. District Attorney for the Southern District of New York advises AG Barr on every case he handles.

He doesn't. More times than not, Barr wont know a thing until a disaster happens...like Epstein. That was, by title, Barr's responsibility even though he was not involved in any of it until after the fact.

You have no idea what you're talking about, as usual.
The AG decides who to try. When the state appealed, that was under her direction.

The prosecution supressed evidence to discount the testimony given, which was the only evidence the prosecution used to build a case (and potentially a huge black eye on the office of the AG).

The judge vacated the case based on this, the presence of conflicting envidence

When something like this happens, it's not your run of the mill legal everyday. It could have been an ugly smear on the office. People were alerted. The judge told the deputy attorneys to address it with their supervisor. The state still appealed the judges action and Gage is literally in jail on a technicality. Kamala Harris most definitely was aware.

She had a bit of a scandal when she was the DA of SF, with the 600 cases being thrown out, then with the Jamal Truelove wrongful conviction settlement, then she was under some heat for not seeking the death penalty on a convicted cop killer, so if something like this were to surface, that her office withheld or suppressed evidence to wrongfully convict someone else, she'd be in some pretty hot water, she made damn sure to lock him up and throw away the key despite the razor thin case. The Gage case was not the only case.
Elon Musk was warning about AI and looks like hes gonna shit his pants on Joe Rogan early this year//// than recently he's being a weirdo pushing brain chips and to integrate with AI. He's been compromised! I don't trust Elon Musk recommendation for president nor would I trust any politicians from both parties. The only way to get real middle class candidates is you need to get rid of CPAC. CPAC requires candidates to be basically rich to even be consider to run as president. Both parties are distraction and complete shit! I voted for Trump as a wild card but I didn't expect much at of him.I'm a strict Independent that do not favor either party and try to keep in the middle. I voted for him because he had the balls expose mainstream media. I have hated mainstream media way before Trump so I just happened agree with him on that.

But anyway Trump has disappointed me on several issues. My biggest reason I will not be voting for trump in 2020 or anyone is because he stabbed wikileaks Julian Assange in the back! I have much more respect for Jullian than Trump. Trump lost my vote for mainly that reason and picking shady cabinet members. But also not gonna be tricked into voting for the other clowns! The game is rigged and I'm done playing!

You want change audit and remove the federal reserve and get rid of the banking families control over our monetary system since 1913!

If a candidate not talking about any those issues I mentioned, they're a bunch of fake plastic wrapped puppets!

Do you think that will stop Communist control of the Corporate Lobbyist?
Boeing sees it's future with China. Comrade.

Stop shopping for paint while your kitchen is on fire.
Elon Musk was warning about AI and looks like hes gonna shit his pants on Joe Rogan early this year//// than recently he's being a weirdo pushing brain chips and to integrate with AI. He's been compromised! I don't trust Elon Musk recommendation for president nor would I trust any politicians from both parties. The only way to get real middle class candidates is you need to get rid of CPAC. CPAC requires candidates to be basically rich to even be consider to run as president. Both parties are distraction and complete shit! I voted for Trump as a wild card but I didn't expect much at of him.I'm a strict Independent that do not favor either party and try to keep in the middle. I voted for him because he had the balls expose mainstream media. I have hated mainstream media way before Trump so I just happened agree with him on that.

But anyway Trump has disappointed me on several issues. My biggest reason I will not be voting for trump in 2020 or anyone is because he stabbed wikileaks Julian Assange in the back! I have much more respect for Jullian than Trump. Trump lost my vote for mainly that reason and picking shady cabinet members. But also not gonna be tricked into voting for the other clowns! The game is rigged and I'm done playing!

You want change audit and remove the federal reserve and get rid of the banking families control over our monetary system since 1913!

If a candidate not talking about any those issues I mentioned, they're a bunch of fake plastic wrapped puppets!
Who cares what a Trump voter thinks, learn to spell, it’s “our” not “are”
Get rid of that parasite Federal Reserve that's been sucking are dicks dry since 1913 and alot issues will be resolved in this country! And get our asses back on the gold standard. Unless that is, if the bastards didn't already rob our gold blind stored in Fort Knox!

You mean the good 'ole days when there was a recession every two years on average.

When the wealthiest people in the country could wait for enterprising Americans to work hard and start up new industries, let them work to build up their buildings and cities, then rip out the carpet from underneath them by bankrupting banks in the region and buying up the loans/land/businesses of the people as they have nobody to turn to when they can't pay their bills.


The Federal Reserve doesn't have anything to do with gold in Fort Knox, nor does it make new currency that is the Treasury and is not connected to the Federal Reserve.

The Fed is the blend of how little we trust each other, Government chooses the board members, Banks pay the bills, Citizens choose the government and get paid by the banks and borrow from them to be able to do things like buy houses (imagine having to save a hundred thousand before you could buy into the housing market) and start businesses.

The garbage about the Federal Reserve you will find online usually is just conspiracy theories. The groups that would like to scare people to their causes like a boogy man that doesn't really try to sway public sediment.
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The AG decides who to try. When the state appealed, that was under her direction.

You're stupid.

She was the STATE attorney general. She had no part in the case at all.

The trial was conducted in LA county. The LA county district attorney decides who gets tried in LA county, nobody else. It wasn't even the LA county DA that tried the case, it was one of a great number of assistant ADA's.

After the conviction when the appeal takes place, the DA of LA county took over. He took it all the way to the 9th circuit court of appeals to uphold the conviction. That is a federal court, not a state court.

Again, Harris had nothing to do with it.

The State District Attorney handles state business, not county or city business in the same way that the United States District Attorney runs the nations legal issues, not each and every state. That's why the states have their own divisions of U.S. Attorneys Offices that are run with autonomy.

The only time the U.S. District Attorney deals with a field office is typically when something goes very, very wrong. (Which is happening right now.)

It's the same with a States Attorney General - they do not interfere in the day to day goings on of a country DA's business. Ever. They're handling the states legal affairs.

I understand you're illiterate, uneducated and the like, so it's no small wonder you don't know how things work.
Also, Gage is a convicted child rapist. His defense relied solely on attacking credibility of the accuser and the jury rejected this defense. We could all give opinions on this all day but if you were not one of the 12 members of the jury, your opinion is irrelevant. The jury unanimously convicted him.

TacoMac makes a valid deductive argument that ends the debate about Harris's involvement and his expertise is clearly beyond mine in this matter.

My opinion on Gage is that the jury made the right verdict.