Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

Gold ran on it, she laughed at it. Now she's all for it. Flip. Flop. Her prosecutorial record aside from weed is disappointing, the cases that I read about didn't make her look very good at all.

I think you could take your own advice. I've given several examples of why she is a phony. It's you who has decided to dig their heels in amid the evidence. I literally feel like I'm talking to her through you, you seem to be taking my opinions very personally and want to quickly to dismiss the reality and merit of the allegations presented, and for what??? You've made up your mind, you're campaigning, I'm just commenting and discussing. Your targeted onslaught of pushing Kamala all over me is turning me off to her. I'm compitent enough to know that anyone with an opinion thinks their right, it may not make them so, but to them they are. So if we both think we're right, how much is fighting going to solve anything? I know I'm not going to change your opinion, and if you don't like mine thats ok. We both have our reasons, maybe a bit of tolerance is in store?

If she wins the bid I'll give her my vote, but Id rather she didn't win the bid. I think there are better candidates. Lol but I definitely know who you are going to vote for :bigjoint:
I'd give this a half like if I could.

That bit about the laugh at MJ prosecutions is a fucked up bit of propaganda. It works well to reinforce antipathy people already have against her. The Sanders voters love to use it too. To me, it just shows how desperate people on the right and the left are to take Harris out.

I don't know if I'm going to vote for Harris but Biden has a seriously bad track record when it comes to "get tough on crime" legislation that he wrote and sponsored. From everything he's said thus far, Biden hasn't really changed from the old style Democratic party hack of 30 years ago. He's old and should retire along with Sanders. Harris, on the other hand isn't from that era and has shown she can get shit done. There are other candidates to consider and I'll continue to listen to them too. I don't understand why a "middle of the road" voter would be so opposed to somebody with a record of experience and demonstrated ability to work with others that Harris has. I read that article you posted about her and it doesn't really say that she prosecuted an innocent man. Looking at the convicted guy's complaint, it doesn't say he's innocent at all. One could say that the lawyer is using an old tactic of smearing the victim to get a guilty man off the hook. That was an unconvincing article to me.
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Cool copy paste.

George Gage was accused by his ex-wife's daughter of raping her. The defense had a field day on her unreliability due to the mental illness that he caused to her by raping her. The prosecutor, who is now running for president, was not daunted by this.

Her testimony was shared with a jury and they unanimously convicted him. You're defending a child fucker because you're terrified that the prosecutor who locked him away is coming after Trump.

Gage has not been exonerated.

Did you skip over..
She also defended Johnny Baca’s conviction for murder even though judges found a prosecutor presented false testimony at the trial. She relented only after a video of the oral argumentreceived national attention and embarrassed her office.

had unlawfully held back potentially exculpatory evidence, including medical reports indicating that the stepdaughter had been repeatedly untruthful with law enforcement. Her mother even described her as “a pathological liar” who “lives her lies.”

And then there’s Kevin Cooper, the death row inmate whose trial was infected by racism and corruption. He sought advanced DNA testing to prove his innocence, but Ms. Harris opposed it. (After The New York Times’s exposé of the case went viral, she reversed her position.)

fought to keep Daniel Larsen in prison on a 28-year-to-life sentence for possession of a concealed weapon even though his trial lawyer was incompetent and there was compelling evidence of his innocence. Relying on a technicality again, Ms. Harris argued that Mr. Larsen failed to raise his legal arguments in a timely fashion. (This time, she lost.)
Fighting to keep innocent people in jail #Harris2020

You bitch about my point being made by a right wing news outlet, so I just provided you with a source more palletable to you. It doesn't matter what facts or cases I bring up you're set in your ways.

Heres more background on the Gage case, you obviously have 0 clue what you're talking about.. Let me copy paste educate you some more, it really is a great tool...
George Gage was a 60-year-old electrician with no criminal record. He entered into a marriage with a woman named Wanda, and the marriage went very wrong. Gage had an extramarital affair, and Wanda divorced him and moved away with her daughter, Marian.

“Years later, Marian brought forward allegations that Gage had sexually abused her when she lived with him as a kid, and because so much time had passed, the only evidence was Marian’s testimony,” says Bazelon. “George Gage was indicted and tried, and the jury hung the first time. He was offered a plea

deal that would have essentially given him time served, because he had been incarcerated. He said, No, I am not a sexual predator—he adamantly insisted that he was innocent.”

Bazelon continues, “There was a second trial. He was convicted. Afterward, the prosecutor, who’s now a judge, sought the maximum possible penalty. In response, the court asked for some documentation that it turned out the prosecutor had suppressed—reams of material, including medical and psychiatric records that were quite damning of Marian in terms of her truth-telling ability. The most damning to me is a hospital intake form where her own mother wrote on the form, ‘My daughter is a pathological liar and she lives her lies.’ ”

Under the law, Bazelon says that all of this information should have been disclosed, but it was hidden.

“The trial judge read the material and reacted so strongly that she wrote an order overturning the conviction,” Bazelon says. “Ironically, the misconduct of the prosecutor meant that he prevailed on appeal, because the California appellate court said, Well, the jury never considered this evidence, and so, judge, you can’t reverse on that basis. Then the case gradually, over time, made its way through various courts and ended up in the 9thCircuit.”

The prosecutors working for Harris defended the conviction. The appellate judge made a signal to Harris’ office to dismiss the case, but she did not budge, and the conviction was ultimately upheld on a technicality. Today, George Gage is 80 years old. He is partially blind and he is dying, slowly, in a prison in California.


^^^(Left wing media btw Harris can't even get support from her own party)..

Hung jury and was given time served but said nope, I'm innocent, then she buries evidence, the judge overturned the conviction... He's in jail on a technicality...

Fighting to keep innocent people behind bars! #Harris2020
These are the people you should be defending! Not Harris! I thought you were a democrat!?

Don't think there's too many right wingers that give a shit about Kevin cooper, but here, read about the racially charged trial and case against Kevin cooper...

"...Various judges have concluded that Cooper was framed...."

"...Cooper also faced politicians who cared more about saving face than saving the life of a possibly innocent person. Kamala Harris, as district attorney of California, refused to permit advanced DNA testing that could have exonerated Cooper. It was only after Kristof’s column was widely shared, and Harris was no longer in a position to help, that she reversed her position..."


Took the NYT to finally get Harris to budge on her position, and the dude is still in jail...

I don't care if the people were guilty or not, I want fair due process, not a rigged courtroom.

Fighting to keep innocent people in jail #Harris2020
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She definitely does not like a fair playing field. Shes pretty slick on the outside, but actions don't lie. I would have wanted much different choices made in all those cases, and it seems they weren't mistakes but fought for efforts to commit injustice... Not good. I didn't like trump because he was one of the swamp, all the right wingers believed he was going to drain it. To me she just saying what she thinks ppl wana hear to get elected but when looking at her actions scares me to what that really means, kinda see a similarity in the other deciever. Idk who or what she really stands for, she hasn't made a gutsy or unpopular move that was based on doing the right thing. She just puts on whatever the people want to hear. To me this smells bad, she might be a good pres but this just stinks... Pee yuuu..
Fighting to keep innocent people behind bars! #Harris2020

You should check more than one opinion piece before making this claim. That article shows quite well how propaganda works. Not necessarily false but presents half truths as if they were the whole.

For example regarding Cooper, the acclaimed innocent man on death row:

Prosecutors say previous tests show Cooper, now 61, killed Doug and Peggy Ryen, their 10-year-old daughter Jessica and 11-year-old neighbor Christopher Hughes.

They say the tests proved Cooper was in the Ryen's home and smoked cigarettes in the Ryen's stolen station wagon, and that Cooper's blood and the blood of at least one victim was on a T-shirt found by the side of a road leading away from the scene of the murders.

It was Harris's job to administer her department and use its resources in the best interests of the State. She chose, based upon evidence before her to oppose spending her department's resources on extra testing. Was she wrong? This test might show she was. Maybe. If you've ever held a position of authority, you'd know that decisions have to be made when they must be made and sometimes it has to be a judgement call. Harris had test results that showed Cooper was at the scene. Smoking cigarettes in the station wagon after it was stolen isn't exactly exculpatory either. I don't know what else you would do if you were in a similar position. She made a call and it wasn't without good cause. Time will tell if she was right. I'm saying all of this to counter that opinion piece's extreme claim that Harris deliberately withheld evidence that would have freed Cooper for no good reason other than she's a bitch.

That opinion piece was clearly biased and not trying to cover both sides of the issue. The NBCnews piece did. It covers both sides of the argument. The bit I posted was extracted as a counter-argument to the most definitely one-sided opinion piece that you cite to as if it were the only source for facts. I haven't dug into all of the cases you cited but I'm willing to say right now with conviction that if you dug into them a bit deeper you'd see that the cases are more nuanced than that opinion piece would have you believe.
You should check more than one opinion piece before making this claim. That article shows quite well how propaganda works. Not necessarily false but presents half truths as if they were the whole.

For example regarding Cooper, the acclaimed innocent man on death row:

Prosecutors say previous tests show Cooper, now 61, killed Doug and Peggy Ryen, their 10-year-old daughter Jessica and 11-year-old neighbor Christopher Hughes.

They say the tests proved Cooper was in the Ryen's home and smoked cigarettes in the Ryen's stolen station wagon, and that Cooper's blood and the blood of at least one victim was on a T-shirt found by the side of a road leading away from the scene of the murders.

It was Harris's job to administer her department and use its resources in the best interests of the State. She chose, based upon evidence before her to oppose spending her department's resources on extra testing. Was she wrong? This test might show she was. Maybe. If you've ever held a position of authority, you'd know that decisions have to be made when they must be made and sometimes it has to be a judgement call. Harris had test results that showed Cooper was at the scene. Smoking cigarettes in the station wagon after it was stolen isn't exactly exculpatory either. I don't know what else you would do if you were in a similar position. She made a call and it wasn't without good cause. Time will tell if she was right. I'm saying all of this to counter that opinion piece's extreme claim that Harris deliberately withheld evidence that would have freed Cooper for no good reason other than she's a bitch.

That opinion piece was clearly biased and not trying to cover both sides of the issue. The NBCnews piece did. It covers both sides of the argument. The bit I posted was extracted as a counter-argument to the most definitely one-sided opinion piece that you cite to as if it were the only source for facts. I haven't dug into all of the cases you cited but I'm willing to say right now with conviction that if you dug into them a bit deeper you'd see that the cases are more nuanced than that opinion piece would have you believe.
There's definitely some ambiguity. When the consequence is death, you side with a DA trying to save a few bucks? Risk you got it right? That's what I'm talking about.. Wrong move, quit blaming the circumstance, she handled it like poopy..
Did you skip over..
I'm not going to take the time, again, to explain each case individually with my own words, again, that you failed to read, just because you copy pasted. You will vote for trump either way.

Gage is a rapist. Convicted by a jury of peers, unanimously. The defense relied on attacking the victims credibility and the jury rejected this. The rapist can die in a dungeon for all I care.

Kevin Cooper is alive and the DNA evidence did not exonerate him.

Baca's victim's dying words were to ID Baca as the shooter to police. The victim's partner was trying to give first aid to the dying man which is why he was covered in blood. Baca is fucking guilty.

Daniel Larsen was framed by cops and locked away under the 3 strikes law. It sucks that his prosecutor was so good and he went to prison. It's good that he is free. Can't say much more about it.

Stop trying to overwhelm the thread and bury the arguments with walls of copy pasted text. Just show the link. It's obvious what you're trying to do.

Going through every moment of her professional life and posting entire articles just to make it look like you have a lot to say just makes you look desperate to smear Harris because you're terrified of her.
she could have had a public opinion on MJ that was pro
She always has. That's why she laughs at the bullshit. When she became DA, convictions dropped precipitously. More than half of all the convictions for marijuana related offenses of her time as DA were during her first year and the charges were started before she became DA and started to reform prosecutory policy.

If Prop 19 had passed, California's weed law would be exactly like Arizona's. Fuck that. She didn't want to see her own Jamaican family members in prison for smoking. I'm deeply grateful for her opposition to prop 19.

After all of your copy pasting, you are left with one case. One fucking case to point to and say that she fucked up. Daniel Larsen was framed by cops and tossed in the Slammer on the 3 strikes law. His defense attorney has since been disbarred as well.
There's definitely some ambiguity. When the consequence is death, you side with a DA trying to save a few bucks? Risk you got it right? That's what I'm talking about.. Wrong move, quit blaming the circumstance, she handled it like poopy..
The article you posted was biased as all hell. If that's all you need to decide that Harris made a mistake, then the problem is in you, not Harris.
Please stop telling people your Canadian ...... :(.

How much money you pay in tax every year?
I pay 35% of my paycheck which gross is about 6-7 grand. They take that and hand it out to cowards and thieves who dont work for a living

My great grandfather came from Ukraine settled in lloydminster..fought tooth and nail to settle.the land and carve a living for himself from nothing.
They left ulraine when stalin was killing more Ukrainians that Hitler did jews.
My grandfather also fought in the second world war is a decorated soldier who took 3 ss medals of the germans he killed

My other great grand father was a kootney cree aboriginal who had his land and his rights stolen from him his children thrown in residential schools where they were raped by catholic priests.
I got enough for a status card but I work and dont need the government paying for me. I take care of myself

My father is a forester for 45 years jusg retired. And had played a big part in reforestation of.this country.

I'm work on a drilling rig. I work 30 and 10s away from my.family so I can provide.for them so you guys can drive around all day crying about everyone else.
My.familie has done more for canada than 75% of the people.here.

You dont know fucking thing about canada stud and what my family has gone through. I'm more canadian than the rest of you snowflakes sitting there with your hands out crying about morals and rights and being offended by everything.

I work for a living..I contribute. My family has run the gauntlet so all.these.immagrants today can come here with their hands out and get more.given to them Up front than my ancestors ever did.and you can sit here being offended all day. I give a fuck. Men have a duty to their families and their country. Not snowflakes on forums
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There’s that negative correlation again...
My family were immigrants. I fail to see how that's negative
I'm an immigrant.

Immigrants today get more than immigrants back in the day how is that negative. Thats fact. Oh right that's the left in you trying to make this a racial bigoted thing

Keep swinging stud
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My family were immigrants. I fail to see how that's negative
I'm an immigrant.

Immigrants today get more than immigrants back in the day how is that negative. Thats fact. Oh right that's the left in you trying to make this a racial bigoted thing

Keep swinging stud

ok comrade
I'm not going to take the time, again, to explain each case individually with my own words, again, that you failed to read, just because you copy pasted. You will vote for trump either way.

Gage is a rapist. Convicted by a jury of peers, unanimously. The defense relied on attacking the victims credibility and the jury rejected this. The rapist can die in a dungeon for all I care.

Kevin Cooper is alive and the DNA evidence did not exonerate him.

Baca's victim's dying words were to ID Baca as the shooter to police. The victim's partner was trying to give first aid to the dying man which is why he was covered in blood. Baca is fucking guilty.

Daniel Larsen was framed by cops and locked away under the 3 strikes law. It sucks that his prosecutor was so good and he went to prison. It's good that he is free. Can't say much more about it.

Stop trying to overwhelm the thread and bury the arguments with walls of copy pasted text. Just show the link. It's obvious what you're trying to do.

Going through every moment of her professional life and posting entire articles just to make it look like you have a lot to say just makes you look desperate to smear Harris because you're terrified of her.
You're dismissing the key points because your blinded by affiliation.

The judge overturned the conviction. He's rotting on a technicality. Where's your bleeding heart? Hung jury first time. If the risk is rotying in jail for life or admitting to something you did do, what does an innocent man choose? He said Fuck that and fuck you guys I didn't do shit. She's a pathological liar, its been documented and this is ridiculous I want my name cleared. Went to trial and Harris hid and buried and manipulated the facts of the case so that the jury convicted, and when the court asked for some documentation it wss finally brought to light all "reams of buried evidence" that Harris was behind. The judge scolded the office and overturned the conviction.

You say I've made up my mind but when you routinely dismiss the facts because of your incessant need to campaign for Harris, its confounding.. Very telling of your true character. The fact that someone like you who tries to defend the injustices, the unlawful actions, makes me less inclined to vote for her.