Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

Look at how he talks. Frequently misses the definite article in places where no american ever would

He’s a Russian pretending to be american
You've got a serious problem with the world man.
Gotta try and make everyone into something they're not.
You never answered me before so we're you abused by your dad as a child?
Are you a closet gay or an open gay who gets abused for That?
What happened in your life to make you hate yourself so much? You know life's a lot easier if you don't go around shouting and turning everyone against you eh?
Designed, or directed, not built by. There's so much crazy stuff in history that's unknown, or unexplainable etc.
I'm sure some people have an easier time believing in aliens, than "God"
It's not that farfetched considering.
I believe in the god eating penguin.
I wrote a book on it so there's just as much evidence that he exists as there is for god.
God exists purely because someone has faith.
Well my faith goes to the penguin and because he's the god eating penguin god cannot exist. My penguin ate him.
Argument settled :)
Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, calling universal basic income 'Obviously needed'
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang can count Tesla CEO Elon Musk among his supporters after Musk offered a simple message of support via Twitter on Saturday.

Then why didn't he assist Mr. Yang? Instead he let him run out of cash..
I'm talking to some rubes on IG that are proposing you guys amend your constitution to make absolute free speech so they can be racist anti-vax cunts on the internet. Twitter was mean to them and they don't like it. This is more palatable to them, with all it's wide reaching consequences, then taking social media out of the hands of billionaires and putting it under the control of the people. This way free speech would be enforceable to the letter of the law. But they don't like that approach. They want a billionaire with 2 decades of experience silencing his critics to run the "town hall" as they like to refer it.

These people have got to be kids that never experienced the glory days of the internet. When mIRC was filled with grown ass men trying to pick up children, when AOL Chatrooms were synonymous with pedophilia. The "good old days" (LOL) when a website looked like a word document.

Wait until they realize I'm Canadian lol. They gonna lose their shit at my socialist ass.

If Twitter is the "town hall" I'm getting the fuck out of town I'll tell ya that.