2019 Election Talk

I'm curious why you think I'm insecure?

I didn't say that kids can't "want to be a different gender" or that they cannot be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

I don't agree that they have the capacity to make a decision such as this that will alter their entire life. Stick with dressing and acting like the opposite sex, when you turn the age of majority, then decide if you want to start treatment. That's all...
Kicker is that gender dysphoria is a mental illness and half of these "transgenders" don't even have it. They just wanna be progressive by exploiting someone else's problems.
@UncleBuck starting to sound like he wants his balls waxed and doesn't care what you think.

Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder that should NOT be treated by positive reinforcement through medically induced "gender" swapping.
If someone has a mental disorder we don't cater society to them, we help them cope with it so they can live a normal life.
Dress how you want, marry who you want, live how you want, but dear Lord stop giving children hormone replacement therapy when it is incredibly dangerous.

Arguing that parents should be allowed to inject their children with hormones because their CHILD decided they want to be a different gender is disgusting.
Your dumb loud angry bigotry does not correspond with the best practices recommended by any reputable organization

So go mind your own fucking business
You havent said anything that makes any amount of sense at all. That's what people who can't hold up their own end of an argument do. Name call and avoid the point. Its okay UncleBuck. Maybe you'll pull your head outta your ass one day.
Maybe you’ll stop reciting right wing propaganda and being a dumb loud angry bigot, but I doubt it

Sorry that the APA and every other reputable organization disagrees with your dumb loud angry bigotry
REPORTED as hysterical impotent cuck

Lout, who TF is gonna attend to some shit from Shitholevile you throw up in a post. GTFOH idiot
I'd call you dude but wouldn't wanna assume your gender..

Do you know how stupid you sound. Go learn how to construct a sentence.
Here's how it works, it's quite simple.

The Democratic Socialists of America were failing miserably. They couldn't rub 2 pennies together because no one likes socialism.
So they pulled off an amazing feat - they convinced everyone that socialism is about protecting the marginalized people.
(spoiler alert: socialism is NOT about protecting the marginalized. See notes from the real socialists that showed up to the conference and almost shit themselves when they were told that clapping is illegal because triggered)

Because of this, the DSA has ben fundraising hundreds of thousands of dollars off people who believe they are marginalized and convincing more people that they should consider themselves marginalized. Now you can go to the DSA annual meeting, throw up your hand and say "Point of Privilege. I can't hear anything when other people are talking, so please only open your mouth when you have a microphone" and everyone will apologize to you, pat your back and thank you for your donation.

The DSA is trying to normalize this behaviour and treat it as marginalized, which means you can now become part of the margins of society BY CHOICE.
This is NOT 100% of the transgender people, but it is a portion of them and it is a problem.
Oh thats eloquent! Your quips are as flaccid as the labia on trumps neck vagina, it seems to be a trait with the dimwitted cucks from Ca who populate this thread.
Hahahahah. Oh ok. Yep. Pretty sure our federal government is far more accepting of trans people than yours is..do some research home (boy or girl). How can you call someone stupid when you can hold up your own end of an argument or tell the difference between a boy or a girl?
Oh thats eloquent! Idiot your " serious hopes" really, who gives a fuck???

Your quips are as flaccid as the labia on trumps neck vagina, it seems to be a trait with the dimwitted cucks from Ca who populate this thread.

Ahh yes. Trump Derangement Syndrome.
It will be in next issue of the DSM, then you can get meds too!
Hahahahah. Oh ok. Yep. Pretty sure our federal government is far more accepting of trans people than yours is..do some research home (boy or girl). How can you call someone stupid when you can hold up your own end of an argument or tell the difference between a boy or a girl?

One of the rare downsides of being Canadian - it's considered a hate crime to mis-gender a snowflake.
I'd call you dude but wouldn't wanna assume your gender..

Do you know how stupid you sound. Go learn how to construct a sentence.
Did you make up that “assume your gender” thing yourself or just copy it from a bunch of bitter neo nazis?
Here's how it works, it's quite simple.

The Democratic Socialists of America were failing miserably. They couldn't rub 2 pennies together because no one likes socialism.
So they pulled off an amazing feat - they convinced everyone that socialism is about protecting the marginalized people.
(spoiler alert: socialism is NOT about protecting the marginalized. See notes from the real socialists that showed up to the conference and almost shit themselves when they were told that clapping is illegal because triggered)

Because of this, the DSA has ben fundraising hundreds of thousands of dollars off people who believe they are marginalized and convincing more people that they should consider themselves marginalized. Now you can go to the DSA annual meeting, throw up your hand and say "Point of Privilege. I can't hear anything when other people are talking, so please only open your mouth when you have a microphone" and everyone will apologize to you, pat your back and thank you for your donation.

The DSA is trying to normalize this behaviour and treat it as marginalized, which means you can now become part of the margins of society BY CHOICE.
This is NOT 100% of the transgender people, but it is a portion of them and it is a problem.
Aaaahhhhh, gender dysphoria is a conspiracy theory to promote secret socialism now

You guys just keep getting smarter
Doesn’t that guy say your wife and daughter are hypocrites for wearing makeup to work and expecting not to be sexually harassed?

So you just go on Twitter, read what looney bins lefties say and then come back here and regurgitate it?
You should try discerning things on your own instead of believing everything you read.
It's super cool to be outraged, I get it - just find something legit to be outraged about.
If it's any consolation, we probably both agree that Marianne Williamson is underrated.

one of the best candidate clips yet this insanity cycle.
So you just go on Twitter, read what looney bins lefties say and then come back here and regurgitate it?
You should try discerning things on your own instead of believing everything you read.
It's super cool to be outraged, I get it - just find something legit to be outraged about.
I literally watched him say exactly that you clown