I didn't advise them not to check pH I simply stated that plants don't normally fall over dead from pH issues especially if they didn't show any signs of it being off before that.and if you read what I said I did say to get a ph meter or if didn't have money to buy some pH strips. I agree pH is important (although apparently not near as important as you think). Dude I've had dwc tubs that will swing all the way down to 4 something and while yes pH swings do effect the plant and I'm sure if let go unchecked for weeks it might kill it, it's not going to happen over night.Forget all that other stuff in between. Why would you advise him not to check ph??make no sense??
You could be cool I don't know you but atm u remind me of one of these guys that has two answers to every problem pH or Cal mag. Not every problem is from pH and I sti can't get over you saying "it happens all the time in hydro". NO IT DOESNT