Helpppp plant died OVER NIGHT

Forget all that other stuff in between. Why would you advise him not to check ph??:o make no sense??
I didn't advise them not to check pH I simply stated that plants don't normally fall over dead from pH issues especially if they didn't show any signs of it being off before that.and if you read what I said I did say to get a ph meter or if didn't have money to buy some pH strips. I agree pH is important (although apparently not near as important as you think). Dude I've had dwc tubs that will swing all the way down to 4 something and while yes pH swings do effect the plant and I'm sure if let go unchecked for weeks it might kill it, it's not going to happen over night.

You could be cool I don't know you but atm u remind me of one of these guys that has two answers to every problem pH or Cal mag. Not every problem is from pH and I sti can't get over you saying "it happens all the time in hydro". NO IT DOESNT
I didn't advise them not to check pH I simply stated that plants don't normally fall over dead from pH issues especially if they didn't show any signs of it being off before that.and if you read what I said I did say to get a ph meter or if didn't have money to buy some pH strips. I agree pH is important (although apparently not near as important as you think). Dude I've had dwc tubs that will swing all the way down to 4 something and while yes pH swings do effect the plant and I'm sure if let go unchecked for weeks it might kill it, it's not going to happen over night.

You could be cool I don't know you but atm u remind me of one of these guys that has two answers to every problem pH or Cal mag. Not every problem is from pH and I sti can't get over you saying "it happens all the time in hydro". NO IT DOESNT
Shame on you Apalche. Shame. Try and educate op. Not just give him an option. What you are telling him is your personal opinion. What ImI telling him is a FACT. AND CONSIDERED SCIENCE. The most basic fundamentals. All he has to do is check ph. If I'm wrong then no harm. But its its one of the most important and basic fundamentals you need to check ph.
Shame on you Apalche. Shame. Try and educate op. Not just give him an option. What you are telling him is your personal opinion. What ImI telling him is a FACT. AND CONSIDERED SCIENCE. The most basic fundamentals. All he has to do is check ph. If I'm wrong then no harm. But its its one of the most important and basic fundamentals you need to check ph.

Hmm I think maybe your literally slow so if that's the case I'm sorry for the harsh reply but I'm really wondering if you even know how to read let alone grow a plant. What about your opinion that's it's pH makes it science. First off like I said many times I already told him to check pH with meter or strips but that it is most likely another issue. So what your telling me is that you have personally seen plants fall over from pH issues and that it causes weak spots on stems. All the while the day before there wasn't anything wrong no leaf spots or anything. Educating someone by telling them that plants fall over in hydro all the time from pH is about the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Maybe you should do some reading and see what your real issue is if that's happening to you on the regular cause that's surely not normal reaction to pH being off. I pH my water every night I know all about pH. I also ran dwc for years where plants have no buffer and I'm telling you I have had some wild pH swings and never had more than leaf spots or curled up leaves from it.

Spreading bad information is worse than saying nothing at all to come on here sprouting some bullshit about plants just falling over on the regular from pH is ignorant and just plain bad information. Also if you would take the time to read more than one sentence out of a post you might actually learn something.
Hmm I think maybe your literally slow so if that's the case I'm sorry for the harsh reply but I'm really wondering if you even know how to read let alone grow a plant. What about your opinion that's it's pH makes it science. First off like I said many times I already told him to check pH with meter or strips but that it is most likely another issue. So what your telling me is that you have personally seen plants fall over from pH issues and that it causes weak spots on stems. All the while the day before there wasn't anything wrong no leaf spots or anything. Educating someone by telling them that plants fall over in hydro all the time from pH is about the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Maybe you should do some reading and see what your real issue is if that's happening to you on the regular cause that's surely not normal reaction to pH being off. I pH my water every night I know all about pH. I also ran dwc for years where plants have no buffer and I'm telling you I have had some wild pH swings and never had more than leaf spots or curled up leaves from it.

Spreading bad information is worse than saying nothing at all to come on here sprouting some bullshit about plants just falling over on the regular from pH is ignorant and just plain bad information. Also if you would take the time to read more than one sentence out of a post you might actually learn something.

Ok so someone just stepped on it. As soon as I check on the stem the very next thing I would do is check ph. Shame on you Apashee. Same
Shame on you Apalche. Shame. Try and educate op. Not just give him an option. What you are telling him is your personal opinion. What ImI telling him is a FACT. AND CONSIDERED SCIENCE. The most basic fundamentals. All he has to do is check ph. If I'm wrong then no harm. But its its one of the most important and basic fundamentals you need to check ph.
You sir are not the sharpest tool.....did you know if I put the word SCIENCE in all caps it make me look smart. To the op just ignore this guy you have gotten some other actual good advice.
You sir are not the sharpest tool.....did you know if I put the word SCIENCE in all caps it make me look smart. To the op just ignore this guy you have gotten some other actual good advice.
Tham this dude ain't even giving advice. Smh.

Oh and shame on u Rayan.
Shame on me for what not being an idiot and keep harping on pH when the grower is in dirt in the first place and the majority of quality potting soil has lime to buffer pH and the majority of the countries drinking water is going to fall between 5.5 to 7.5 which the dirt should buffer just fine. But let's play your game and say it was pH do you still believe a plants first sign of a pH problem is just to fall over? I mean sure pH issues happen and make for ugly leaves and if left uncorrected for weeks will eventually kill the plants. But it's a progressive problem that happens over time.

SO SHAME ON YOU FOR ACTING like you know what your talking about do me favor and google damping off since now your answer is someone stepped on it. When there is clearly enough information from the OP in this post that makes damping off seem like it's a real possiblilty, whatever the answer is the fact is you still said "this happens all the time in hydro" which is misinformation at best and likely an outright lie. If your plants keep doing this this in hydro I'm here to offer help make your own thread and ask questions we will get it sorted out but I can promise you that the first sign of a pH imbalance is not the plant just falling over.
Really? I was beginning to think it was too far gone... So do i let soil dry out or flush it with ph balanced water?
Do not flush that's the worst thing you could do you will just end up with crazy root rot and defeciency. If someone ever tells you to flush ignore everything they say. If by "flushing" you mean give them 1 feeding of plain water or low nutrient water that's cool but do not continuously run water through them it does nothing. If you have a pH issue just give some beneficial microbes and pH correctly flushing is a myth created by noobs on forums.
I made another post.... No advice is better than your bad advice
I really think he must either be reading English as a second language or has comprehension issues he continued to tell me that I recommeded not checking pH when I said it was important to and to get a meter. He also for some reason has plants that just fall over and thinks adjusting his pH is gonna fix it.
I really think he must either be reading English as a second language or has comprehension issues he continued to tell me that I recommeded not checking pH when I said it was important to and to get a meter. He also for some reason has plants that just fall over and thinks adjusting his pH is gonna fix it.
Yeah you probably shouldn't listen to the guy that has plants falling over all the time hahaha
Show me and then I will believe :blsmoke:
What do you need to see buddy, you show us pictures of plants falling over from pH with no prior leaf damage. Your an idiot and have ruined the flow of this thread with your stupid replies. If you don't know something that's okay but you don't need to make up answers to "help" people when you have no clue what your talking about. Then try to tell op not to listen to people who might actually know what they are talking about.

I'm done with the back and forth with you but I just want to tell you that you have me and prob anybody else reading this wondering if you have ever even grown a plant.
I have 3 auto bubba growimg in 75-81 degree temps depending on lights being on or off. Averaging 50% humidity. Its in soil. My biggest healthiest one literally just died? In less than 24 hours of perfect condition. The other two still look perfectly fine. I watered them yesterday morning and took photos right before bed last night. All was well when i woke up but when I got home from work it was just limp and lifeless!! Is there any way to save this auto?!?!?! First pic is of all of them last night, its the biggest one. Second photo is of the plant now View attachment 4358675 View attachment 4358676 View attachment 4358677
I don't know if its been said I only skimmed through the thread, but it looks like damping off. Throw it away and clean your room it can spread to your other plants. I can't see if you have the pots sitting directly on a wood floor, if you do put saucers under them wet wood won't help anything.
I don't know if its been said I only skimmed through the thread, but it looks like damping off. Throw it away and clean your room it can spread to your other plants. I can't see if you have the pots sitting directly on a wood floor, if you do put saucers under them wet wood won't help anything.
One person has mentioned it abd now im terrified because I still have the plant around my other two! I wont be home for another 6 hours! Damping off can haooen this late? Ive tried googling it abd have only seen seedling damp off. I have vinyl flooring but they are indeed sitting directly on the floor. Normally when i water i put papertowels beneath them until the draining stops.
One person has mentioned it abd now im terrified because I still have the plant around my other two! I wont be home for another 6 hours! Damping off can haooen this late? Ive tried googling it abd have only seen seedling damp off. I have vinyl flooring but they are indeed sitting directly on the floor. Normally when i water i put papertowels beneath them until the draining stops.
The older the plant the better the chances of it surviving. It could be something else, but its the only thing I've seen kill a plant that quick. The term damping off is kind of a generic term that encompasses different molds and fungus. I've only dealt with it once about 10 years ago and its never happened since. All I did was make sure I washed pots before transplanting, run off trays weren't left with water in them, water/nute buckets were cleaned, keep an eye on temps and humidity, just that kinda shit nothing to drastic.
I haven't read through every single comment but be wary of some of the advice given.

There are a lot of people who word their comment's in a way where they seem very skillful/experienced but it's quite the opposite. They've done some online research and are quite literally regurgitating the information that they've read online. Nothing beat's personal experience and learning things first hand. Take the suggestions that are given to you and search it on the web yourself. It will give you a better understanding of whether's their opinion is valid or not.

I doubt this issue stems from improper watering. Underwatering and overwatering symptoms will be noticeable way before death. These symptoms are usually shown through plant's leaf's as there isn't enough water within the leaf's vacuoles to maintain cell rigidity.

It honestly looks like some mechanical damage to me. Like someone or something bumped into it or physically snapped her in half. Just my opinion tho.