Helpppp plant died OVER NIGHT

I would take them out of that soil...rinse them in some ph’d water... and let them recover in something hempy style...she dying and very seriously doubt it will just bounce back by just leaving it alone...

I rarely see a stem totally fall over unless she dying... does look like a root problem...
Leaning pretty hard... I wouldn’t just watch it.. the clock is ticking on them autos...

If nothing else prop it up!!!
If that all happen over night.. after watering... it has to be logging... maybe take the light off it...

Looks like mine plants after a fail cloning!!jm2c
It's leaning from an inch up the stem. Doesn't look like roots to me. Seriously, give her a good watering, and if she hasn't recovered by tomorrow, then do what Hempire says. The last thing you want to do with a plant this weak is disturb the roots except as a last resort. That will probably kill her.
It’s funny how you can put a plant in straight water and it will survive... (hempy) but that same plant you can have the soil too moist and shit will go down hill.. I find that we simply water too much... that plant will go along time without water... test it out..if the humidity is good.. it pull from the air.. if too low it pulls from pot..... once I got this right, things got better... those plants where beautiful before you watered them...we learn tho... we know next time..fuck it.. try it again
It’s funny how you can put a plant in straight water and it will survive... (hempy) but that same plant you can have the soil too moist and shit will go down hill.. I find that we simply water too much... that plant will go along time without water... test it out..if the humidity is good.. it pull from the air.. if too low it pulls from pot..... once I got this right, things got better... those plants where beautiful before you watered them...we learn tho... we know next time..fuck it.. try it again
Thats whats killin me it was beautiful, thriving, my biggest healthiest one. My other two have had issues but never this one... And in just a few hours of me being at work it can just completely detoriate.. It was happy yesterday and even this morning.. How did it just go wrong? How did yesterdays watering destroy the plant today
This is what Im starting to think and why I took it out of the pot... But like others have said, they believe it to be UNDER watering so Im just stuck and confused... Lol
When I water my plants.. I stopped over watering til drain... because I was losing nutes..after I water and I test my top layer... this indicates to me how much the light is evaporating, not what the plant is sucking up.. the roots are at the bottom... I stick a finger in the holes to check for dampness..
2 things will help.. a cheap scale from wal mart(weigh the pots) and moisture meter... it will give you a ball park as well as the weight of the lack of oxytocin’s basically what it comes down to it...

Or perhaps you grabbed the wrong watering apparatus... that was loaded with some heavy nutes....
In my experience, when you under water it is very obvious. The soil becomes really hard and dry, leaves will start to wilt, there will be a dry space between the soil and the container... When my plants are dry and I water them, they usually recover fairly quickly, usually in a few hours, unless they are so wilted they're already too far gone. That said, you said your plants were looking good when you watered them, so it's definitely NOT dying because it's too dry - you can check that off your list of possibilities.
Let her know your there for her and she will bounce may have to go old school and hit her w some super thrive...find something in the closet for STRESS...small small dose
When I water my plants.. I stopped over watering til drain... because I was losing nutes..after I water and I test my top layer... this indicates to me how much the light is evaporating, not what the plant is sucking up.. the roots are at the bottom... I stick a finger in the holes to check for dampness..
2 things will help.. a cheap scale from wal mart(weigh the pots) and moisture meter... it will give you a ball park as well as the weight of the lack of oxytocin’s basically what it comes down to it...

Or perhaps you grabbed the wrong watering apparatus... that was loaded with some heavy nutes....
Yea thats clearly what i should have been doing because while people say how dry it looked on top you can definitely tell in the root photo how moist the soil really was all throughout it besides maybe the first too inch.. Do you think it can be saved? I have it repotted in hipes thats the dry soil will soak up some of the moisture from the wet soil? Idk. And i have the stem propped back up straight towards the light. All the lower leaves are still laying flat down
In my experience, when you under water it is very obvious. The soil becomes really hard and dry, leaves will start to wilt, there will be a dry space between the soil and the container... When my plants are dry and I water them, they usually recover fairly quickly, usually in a few hours, unless they are so wilted they're already too far gone. That said, you said your plants were looking good when you watered them, so it's definitely NOT dying because it's too dry - you can check that off your list of possibilities.
Yes. I watered around 7am sunday morning. The healthy photos are around 11pm sunday night. Monday morning i left for work at around 7am and they looked exactly the same as the night before, healthy. Come home Monday at 5pm and this is what i find... Also posted a photo of the soil/roots after removing from pot. Most definitely was not lacking on water. Maybe inly the first inch or two on the top of soil was dry. The rest was firm and moist.
Yea thats clearly what i should have been doing because while people say how dry it looked on top you can definitely tell in the root photo how moist the soil really was all throughout it besides maybe the first too inch.. Do you think it can be saved? I have it repotted in hipes thats the dry soil will soak up some of the moisture from the wet soil? Idk. And i have the stem propped back up straight towards the light. All the lower leaves are still laying flat down
I probably wouldn’t dose it with heavy lights right off.. let it sit in dark to work on the roots...and check it over hour or so..if it wilted more by the hour I would give it light... that heat and light will suck her dry...especially in dry soil..don’t panic.. just take your time with her... I would’ve added more perlite as well to that soil... get the roots going!!!depends on how much wet soil you removed.. to tell if the dry soil will absorb it.. but if you left enough moisture you should be ok..that way you don’t have to keep watering
I probably wouldn’t dose it with heavy lights right off.. let it sit in dark to work on the roots...and check it over hour or so..if it wilted more by the hour I would give it light... that heat and light will suck her dry...especially in dry soil..don’t panic.. just take your time with her... I would’ve added more perlite as well to that soil... get the roots going!!!depends on how much wet soil you removed.. to tell if the dry soil will absorb it.. but if you left enough moisture you should be ok..that way you don’t have to keep watering
Honestly i barely removed anyy soil vecause the roots were showing all over and I know aytos dont taje transplant very well to begin with. Didnt want to even disturb the roots by trying to break apart the wet soil. Im glad you said that tho vecause its lights out right now but ive been tirn in shutting them off or leaving them on because of this one...
Being an auto I would most definitely Hempy IT... and straight catch back up... when roots hit water in res.. it’s gonna get no more watering more under or over watering
If you start transplanting or washing off your roots with autos I'd just toss em. If they get stunted they don't yield for shit, prob cheaper to buy herb than pay the electric bill for stunted autos. I dunno just my 2 cents but I don't see me wasting room on autos again. Don't get me wrong they can be nice and yield good but it's not conistent since every run from seed and they are so easy to stunt and once stunted don't yield hardly anythjng.

So I vote to stake that plant and keep on trucking along if it does die toss it but I wouldn't be repotting anything.
If you start transplanting or washing off your roots with autos I'd just toss em. If they get stunted they don't yield for shit, prob cheaper to buy herb than pay the electric bill for stunted autos. I dunno just my 2 cents but I don't see me wasting room on autos again. Don't get me wrong they can be nice and yield good but it's not conistent since every run from seed and they are so easy to stunt and once stunted don't yield hardly anythjng.

So I vote to stake that plant and keep on trucking along if it does die toss it but I wouldn't be repotting anything.
Its so weird because when i first looked into growing all i saw was autos are easier, autos are faster, autos are resistent to everything, autos are great.. Lol.. Now i have autos and all i see is autos are a waste, autos are easy to stunt etc. Ughhh. I have some photos but everyone had me thinking photos are harder to grow than autos and im a first timer...
Like someone else said. Check PH. When I first started that shit would happen to me all the time. But I was able to correct it quickly in hydro.