Bernie Sanders 2020

Zero. I see it differently. I do not think people would ever fall asleep in the presence of a crazy woman. I figure she has the same desperate, frenetic, disturbed energy she shows here. My guess is that a good number of them find themselves saying, "ya know, you can just let me out here."
I was more imagining pretending to be asleep with one eye open so as to avoid having to engage in conversation.

Her complaint was that the Clinton campaign didn't use the DNC. That they didn't listen to her. You have it wrong again. and again. and again.
The Clinton campaign had a habit of not listening to the troops on the ground. It was terrible. Local campaign coordinators were given daily lists of people to call from the phone banks. Volunteers kept coming up and saying "these are exactly the same people we called yesterday and they are getting angry about it." We found other lists to start calling because they were right - they were the same people, night after night. We got complaints about it.

Anyway, these calls to people not on the official lists got called "Rogue Calls" by the campaign and they were held against the performance of the coordinators.
did you ever read trolls by them? you'd have to be pretty stupid to click on..Sample: 'click here if you think Hillary is a man.. and sign the petition that says "NO" to transvestite ex-first lady's from becoming president':lol:

next thing you know everyone's looking at her crotch in every pic.

Fox people, there isn't a conspiracy theory they don't believe.Jesus!:wall:
Gee, I can't imagine what a person like that would be like.

I said the content of the emails is what ultimately tanked Clinton's campaign

What did I say that was false?
What you said is your opinion and isn't true or false because it isn't based upon facts but also can't be disproved..

All causes taken together gave Trump a very small marginal win in the EC that was possible because of a few thousand voters difference in a few key districts. One could point to any number of small factors like the stolen emails released at a timely moment or Comey's letter that might have shifted opinion enough to give Trump that win. The real numbers that explain Trump's win are the tens of millions of white voters, mostly men, who were attracted by Trump's racist and misogynist rhetoric. They are the real cause of his win. The small shifts due to Comey or Wikileaks or what have you made a difference only because of those millions of racists who like Trump for who he is. Not saying what you tout might have made a difference but am saying they were only a small factor that became important because it was a tight race.

Did you read those e-mails that you keep talking about? They were just office back chatter and pretty much meaningless. It was Putin's and the Republican propaganda machine that blew them out of proportion. They played you and your kind who were already biased to think there was something terrible about them. I read them and they were pretty much just idiotic back office talk by some low level nothing. That you think they were important only shows how much of a chump you are. It also shows how needy you are to think that you are important.

Did you know that 90% of people who supported Sanders in the primary ended up voting for Hillary? Your theory that progressives aren't capable of voting rationally for the best candidate on the ballot if they don't have Bernie doesn't hold up in the light made by the facts. It does make you feel important though. Too bad for you.

LOL Senisitive unrealistic bitches these Bernie bros are.


Wasserman Schultz was only fired for calling Sanders a "damn liar". She should have been keelhauled."

DWS was fired, four people within the DNC were fired, everybody involved apologized for cheating the American people.. totally..

You can sit here and deny it till the end of the Earth, we all know it's true, we all know it happened. That's why you're here now. In an attempt to mitigate it.

The worst thing you could do to your image and your ability to defeat Trump is deny it. Admit it and you might actually win with Biden. Enough people might forgive you. I won't. But maybe enough people will.
DWS was fired, four people within the DNC were fired, everybody involved apologized for cheating the American people.. totally..

You can sit here and deny it till the end of the Earth, we all know it's true, we all know it happened. That's why you're here now. In an attempt to mitigate it.

The worst thing you could do to your image and your ability to defeat Trump is deny it. Admit it and you might actually win with Biden. Enough people might forgive you. I won't. But maybe enough people will.
nobody denies that the DNC at that time acted improperly. Staff were fired because the DNC is supposed to be a neutral body and it wasn't. Nobody disputes that. What I'm disputing is your assertion it proves Bernie lost because of DNC bias. You have to tell me what they did that was so awful. I read much of what was publicly available and there wasn't anything I saw that could cause Bernie to lose by 12% margin, much less swing black and women voters to favor Clinton in the way they did.

But really, do you think that DWS calling Bernie a damn liar is why Bernie couldn't attract a majority of black and women voters to him? That's what I mean by false outrage. You sensitive little bitch. Bernie lost because he was a terrible leader, especially for issues that affected black and women voters. Your theory hinges on white male superiority. If you truly believe that then own it. If you don't then you are just looking for excuses, not reasons.

Read the effin article and tell me that the worst found in the DNC e-mails is why Bernie lost. If not the petty stuff listed in the article then tell me what the DNC did to swing the election to Bernie?