Bernie Sanders 2020

nobody denies that the DNC at that time acted improperly. Staff were fired because the DNC is supposed to be a neutral body and it wasn't. Nobody disputes that. What I'm disputing is your assertion it proves Bernie lost because of DNC bias. You have to tell me what they did that was so awful. I read much of what was publicly available and there wasn't anything I saw that could cause Bernie to lose by 12% margin, much less swing black and women voters to favor Clinton in the way they did.

But really, do you think that DWS calling Bernie a damn liar is why Bernie couldn't attract a majority of black and women voters to him? That's what I mean by false outrage. You sensitive little bitch. Bernie lost because he was a terrible leader, especially for issues that affected black and women voters. Your theory hinges on white male superiority. If you truly believe that then own it. If you don't then you are just looking for excuses, not reasons.

Read the effin article and tell me that the worst found in the DNC e-mails is why Bernie lost. If not the petty stuff listed in the article then tell me what the DNC did to swing the election to Bernie?
"Sure they cheated, but that's not why Sanders lost!" is not a valid argument against the fact that the DNC cheated

The DNC cheated and Sanders losing the Democratic primary are two separate issues

Now that you finally take responsibility, where do you believe we should go from here to ensure the DNC does not cheat again and help elect another Republican president? Do you believe anyone should have to take responsibility for cheating progressives and the Sanders campaign in 2016?
"Sure they cheated, but that's not why Sanders lost!" is not a valid argument against the fact that the DNC cheated

The DNC cheated and Sanders losing the Democratic primary are two separate issues

Now that you finally take responsibility, where do you believe we should go from here to ensure the DNC does not cheat again and help elect another Republican president? Do you believe anyone should have to take responsibility for cheating progressives and the Sanders campaign in 2016?
You said they cheated when they were supposed to remain neutral

That's what I was telling you the entire primary

What made you change your mind?
"nobody denies that the DNC at that time acted improperly. Staff were fired because the DNC is supposed to be a neutral body and it wasn't. Nobody disputes that."
i deny that the DNC acted improperly

but nernie did act improperly. took help from russia, stole clinton's files, etc. still coudn't win because he's loser
let me explain it to you like you are a child still living at home with his parents who cannot keep an erection with women

general election polls this far out have zero predictive value

polls about who democratic voters prefer for the democratic primary give us a sense of who is moving up or down atm (at this moment, not ass to mouth)

do you get the difference, limp dick?
again, you simply can't get it right.

The only opinion polls about who will win an election that matter are election polls.
You heard it here first; "the only opinion polls about who will win an election that matter are election polls"..

Remember that..
You heard it here first; "the only opinion polls about who will win an election that matter are election polls"..

Remember that..
Yep. Your posts about how great Benie is doing are meaningless. Elizabeth Warren, by the way, is kicking Bernie's ass and I don't need a poll to draw that conclusion.

It's just a matter of time before you and your "progs" (lol) start hacking away at her with smears and lies. Bernie can't win in a fair contest. He cheated n 2016 and will try to cheat again.