Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?

I dunno. I was using Buck-logic. Anybody that supports Trump is obviously a racist because Trump is supposedly racist.

I guess I just thought that the shoe would fit on either foot.


Oooh yes, I see, Uncle Buck logic.

Poor Uncle Buck fell and hit his head as a youngster. We think he slipped in feces, but it's only a theory. He's sort of a charity case.

We usually let him have both sides of an argument, believe he's winning etc. It keeps him here, safe, rather than riding his giant tricycle repetitively to the local Wendy's where he's been kicked out of the mens room more than once.
this is the civilized 21st century, we can do it with subpoenas and warrants...

What happens if people decide they just want to be left alone and decline the "invitation" to participate in your ideas ? You leave them alone, right?

Like I said, liberals love guns.

The concept that any one race or ethnic group is superior to all others is absolutely ridiculous. Promoted by people whose own family trees rarely branch. If they ever do.
Agreed 100%, but don't forget that each race/ethnic group are not equal either. different =/= superior. This is not only supported by science but also a majority of the population. Saying every race is the same and capable of the same things is like saying men and women are the same and capable of the same things, which is obviously false.
If it weren't for guns how would liberals get people to pay for all of their ideas ? Liberals love to threaten the use of guns.
You got that ass backwards. Most gun nuts are Republican, that's why they're Republican because they actually believe Liberals want to go around and take their guns away.

The main Republican constituents (Handlers) are the wealthy and corporations. Period. But you can't win elections with only the votes of corporations and rich people, so they use pro-life issues to get the Evangelicals, dog-whistle politics (Racism), 2nd Amendment (Gun nuts) and the people who think they are rich but aren't,Those 4 groups are the ones who get these fuckers in office, not the wealthy and corporate dickheads. Republicans are OWNED by the wealthy and corporations, owned! If you pay attention to Republican legislation, and use critical thinking, you can clearly see who they really care about. They only appear to hear you when they are campaigning for reelection, other than that, the regular, everyday person don't exist.
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you'll be hearing about a few more similar incidents around here because any gun owning moron(which happens to be the majority of residents) can now carry/conceal without a permit.
that little beauty was the brainchild of gov.(trump Jr.) bevin.

Bevin signed the NRA-backed measure, Senate Bill 150, into law Monday. It allows anyone who is legally allowed to own a gun, and is at least 21-years-old, to carry a concealed weapon without a permit in the state of Kentucky.Mar 14, 2019
remember when the world health organisation did that study and found that defensive gun use in the states outnumbered shootings (accidental and on purpose, including the majority which were suicides anyways) between 2 and 10 to 1?
Agreed 100%, but don't forget that each race/ethnic group are not equal either. different =/= superior. This is not only supported by science but also a majority of the population. Saying every race is the same and capable of the same things is like saying men and women are the same and capable of the same things, which is obviously false.
Explain a little further. I wanna make sure I'm not misunderstanding you.
You got that ass backwards. Most gun nuts are Republican, that's why they're Republican because they actually believe Liberals want to go around and take their guns away.

The main Republican constituents (Handlers) are the wealthy and corporations. Period. But you can't win elections with only the votes of corporations and rich people, so they use pro-life issues to get the Evangelicals, dog-whistle politics (Racism), 2nd Amendment (Gun nuts) and the people who think they are rich but aren't,Those 4 groups are the ones who get these fucker in office, not the wealthy and corporate dickheads. Republicans are OWNED by the wealthy and corporations, owned! If you pay attention to Republican legislation, and use critical thinking, you can clearly see who they really care about. They only appear to hear you when they are campaigning for reelection, other than that, the regular, everyday person don't exist.

No, you're wrong. Liberals love guns.

How else can they make unwilling people pay for their ideas if gun use isn't threatened ?

I'm not here to defend Republicans. I'm here to proclaim that Liberals love guns. You can't deny that with any kind of a logical argument either, but go ahead and try. This should be fun.
No, you're wrong. Liberals love guns.

How else can they make unwilling people pay for their ideas if gun use isn't threatened ?

I'm not here to defend Republicans. I'm here to proclaim that Liberals love guns. You can't deny that with any kind of a logical argument either, but go ahead and try. This should be fun.
Just did. It's part of the rights platform.
remember when the world health organisation did that study and found that defensive gun use in the states outnumbered shootings (accidental and on purpose, including the majority which were suicides anyways) between 2 and 10 to 1?

That makes sense. Of course it probably doesn't even take into account all the "gun use" by liberals via legislation.

Everytime a new law is passed, the threat of a government gun being used offensively is intensified across an entire population, since a gun is the mechanism to enforce confiscatory laws. (Get the money from the tax donkeys)
remember when the world health organisation did that study and found that defensive gun use in the states outnumbered shootings (accidental and on purpose, including the majority which were suicides anyways) between 2 and 10 to 1?
only because the great state of kentucky was excluded from that study so the numbers wouldn't get jaded and create an imbalance...
Just did. It's part of the rights platform.

Wait a minute, you shit and KKK members shit too. Why are you a racist?

Okay, so I see you're not going to connect the dots and I'll have to spell it out for you...again.

Liberals love guns, using them is part of their platform. It's what they use to get the money from unwilling people to fund their ideas. Are you able to rebut that ? No, you are not.
Explain a little further. I wanna make sure I'm not misunderstanding you.
Have you ever been in the hospital? One of the first things they ask you is race, why? because it matters. Drugs don't work the same for all races (or sexes) for example. That it was recently signed into law that all mew drugs need to be tested on multiple races men and women is big for the health of these groups (if you live in canada you would have seen shopper's heart health for women ads) To go further single nucleotide polymorphisms that explain genetic differences between white people don't work for black people, all this is proof that (surprise) we're different, differences aren't just skin deep.

I think if liberals moved past this and were able to have an honest discussion re everyone is different but worthy of the same respect and rights it would do a lot to end racism. As it is now people see that the elites claiming everyone is equal are lying and feel justified in their beliefs that some attribute or another makes them superior.

I don't mean anything on an individual level regards to capability, but the fact is if you wanted the tallest person in the world you could exclude women and if you wanted the smartest you could (probably) exclude everyone that isn't asian this is just statistics though with large numbers of people and a minor difference in average iq.
Wait a minute, you shit and KKK members shit too. Why are you a racist?

Okay, so I see you're not going to connect the dots and I'll have to spell it out for you...again.

Liberals love guns, using them is part of their platform. It's what they use to get the money from unwilling people to fund their ideas. Are you able to rebut that ? No, you are not.
I’m a racist? You’re talking out of your ass.
I’m a racist? You’re talking out of your ass.

I was using your "logic". You claimed I was defending "the right" because of a failed correlation / causation thing, so I did the same thing to you, albeit a little more absurd.

Anyway, liberals love guns, it's how they get their way when they want to take your money and run your life, they use a gun. You know that, right?
But you would be okay with guns being used to enforce your confiscatory tax ideas though right ?
Remember when you said people would be imprisoned or killed for Obamacare?

Still not a single case of that

You’re literally always wrong
Have you ever been in the hospital? One of the first things they ask you is race, why? because it matters. Drugs don't work the same for all races (or sexes) for example. That it was recently signed into law that all mew drugs need to be tested on multiple races men and women is big for the health of these groups (if you live in canada you would have seen shopper's heart health for women ads) To go further single nucleotide polymorphisms that explain genetic differences between white people don't work for black people, all this is proof that (surprise) we're different, differences aren't just skin deep.

I think if liberals moved past this and were able to have an honest discussion re everyone is different but worthy of the same respect and rights it would do a lot to end racism. As it is now people see that the elites claiming everyone is equal are lying and feel justified in their beliefs that some attribute or another makes them superior.

I don't mean anything on an individual level regards to capability, but the fact is if you wanted the tallest person in the world you could exclude women and if you wanted the smartest you could (probably) exclude everyone that isn't asian this is just statistics though with large numbers of people and a minor difference in average iq.
Ok, gotcha and I agree, but I think it is the right that have a problem understanding respect and rights of others. This is the flaw of their view of people who don’t look, speak or think like they do. This is why you hear all this anti-diversity from the right.