Well-Known Member
And how many times has history been rewritten?
For starters you guys don't know the difference between a bigot and a racist. Also you guys don't believe racialist is a real what might i ask?
Good luck with that slugger. If you think that's the case your not looking for history in the right places. ProTip: Dont base your understanding of history on some hazy misunderstood memory of a high school history class and then apply it to politics.
Then I guess you believe Kim Jong Il, "made grenades with pine cones and crossed rivers on floating leaves," if you believe history hasn't been rewritten many times
Or possibly vikings were just stupid mother fuckers with the intelligence of cave men. Who were barbarian sexist pigs that raped women for fun. That's what I was told in my European English Lit class in high school.
These days all white men are that viking definition against all minorities.
Go wag the dog some more.
No you might not ask.
I didn't know you were that rich.atleast i have my manors, to hell with you then lol
For starters you guys don't know the difference between a bigot and a racist. Also you guys don't believe racialist is a real word.
I didn't know you were that rich.
"There" not gonna be happy "your" not using correct grammar...i see what you did their.
"There" not gonna be happy "your" not using correct grammar...
Luks lik no1 doesn't madder.
Or right in the face...just make sure they're not black or you'll have a national outcry...all the rest of the "spectrum" are fair game thoPeOpLe WhO TyPe LiKe ThIs ShOuLd bE ShOt In ThE BaBy MaKeR.....just sayn
The first time I saw that alternating-caps style I thought to myself ... eight-year-old with a keyboard! Ohh cute. The "ohh cute" wore off mighty quick ... and some folks have stubbornly stayed in elementary school. It's like a truculent celebration of illiteracy. cn
Only hookers can get away with it imo.