Dixiecrats didnt vanish off the face of the earth the whole reason LBJ was picked for the VP slot for Kennedy was because Kennedy would not get dixiecrat votes therefor lose the election. So LBJ was the pick because the DNC knew hed be the only one that might get the Dixiecrats attention instead of voting Repub (support from people like Al Gores father). The whole point im trying to get a cross is there is a difference between democrats and southern democrats. Up until LBJ pissed them off enough to leave they were the niche segment in the community that caused the most issues in legislation whether it was democratic or republican. The dixiecrats fought just as hard against northern Democrats as they did against the Republicans. It goes back to the civil war. The War Democrats(northern dems) supported Lincoln and the Copperheads (southern dems) supported the south. So when Lincoln ran for reelection he ran not on the Republican ticket but the National Union Party ticket with his Vice President being Andrew Johnson ( A War Democrat). The assumptions that the actions of the Dixiecrats are one with the Democratic party is the issue here.