Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?

D. none of the above

Also, I'm not an idiot, you dolt.

Liberals love them some guns. That's how they get money from unwilling people to pay for their policies. You denying that ?
So you claim that if conservatives were running the country no guns would be used to enforce anything. Right? You could blow off court, speed through town, hold up banks or NOT PAY TAXES and when authorities finally confront you it’s with a smile and “Please”. Right? Republican Heaven. Conservative corner.
So you claim that if conservatives were running the country no guns would be used to enforce anything. Right?
Lol oh, suuuuuure!

Ignore those heavily armed white paramilitaries standing around in plain sight during the riots in Ferguson MO- while black children were being handcuffed and arrested.
So you claim that if conservatives were running the country no guns would be used to enforce anything. Right?

No, I did not make that claim.

I don't see much difference between the means that liberals and conservative use, they both use political means, which is to say, a gun, to get their way.

Liberals love guns was my point, nobody has rebutted it.
No, I did not make that claim.

I don't see much difference between the means that liberals and conservative use, they both use political means, which is to say, a gun, to get their way.

Liberals love guns was my point, nobody has rebutted it.
I refuted your moronic point

Well, reality did actually

You’re a dumb racist loser who can’t afford refrigeration
No, I did not make that claim.

I don't see much difference between the means that liberals and conservative use, they both use political means, which is to say, a gun, to get their way.

Liberals love guns was my point, nobody has rebutted it.
Conservatives love them some guns. Nobody but a halfwit like yourself will rebutt it.
I refuted your moronic point

Well, reality did actually

You’re a dumb racist loser who can’t afford refrigeration

So, about that prostitute....you gonna force her to serve the guy she doesn't like or you gonna walk away and let it be her choice how to use her own body ?
So, about that prostitute....you gonna force her to serve the guy she doesn't like or you gonna walk away and let it be her choice how to use her own body ?
we get that you're a racial segregationist.

it is another example of how you are always wrong about everything.

it is kind of amazing to be that consistently wrong.

you can't afford refrigeration, loser
we get that you're a racial segregationist.

it is another example of how you are always wrong about everything.

it is kind of amazing to be that consistently wrong.

you can't afford refrigeration, loser

I once owned over 25 refrigerators. Honest.

I sort of cooled on them after a while though.
I hope for your sake your dick is longer than your attention span.
It’s longer than yours, you impotent retard. You make dumbass statements like a drunk fool. Just blurt them out. Usually total stupidity. Like this recent spate of dumb shit. You are one fully packed bag of bullshit. Bet you are a gutless sonofabitch too.
No, I did not make that claim.

I don't see much difference between the means that liberals and conservative use, they both use political means, which is to say, a gun, to get their way.

Liberals love guns was my point, nobody has rebutted it.
I see. You hate the fact that you have to pay taxes and follow laws.
If people refuse to obey laws or pay taxes, someone from the government is gonna force them to comply or they'll pay the price for not obeying. You're pushing that soo hard, that's got to be it. You're butt hurt about our form of government. What are your alternatives?Would you like that we go back to a bartering system. I'll give you 3-dozen eggs for some dried fish. Give me a break.
I see. You hate the fact that you have to pay taxes and follow laws.
If people refuse to obey laws or pay taxes, someone from the government is gonna force them to comply or they'll pay the price for not obeying. You're pushing that soo hard, that's got to be it. You're butt hurt about our form of government. What are your alternatives?Would you like that we go back to a bartering system. I'll give you 3-dozen eggs for some dried fish. Give me a break.

So you see that Liberals love guns now? Excellent.

I have all the eggs I need, but thank you for your offer.
I see. You hate the fact that you have to pay taxes and follow laws.
If people refuse to obey laws or pay taxes, someone from the government is gonna force them to comply or they'll pay the price for not obeying. You're pushing that soo hard, that's got to be it. You're butt hurt about our form of government. What are your alternatives?Would you like that we go back to a bartering system. I'll give you 3-dozen eggs for some dried fish. Give me a break.
He actually does believe in the barter system

He’s a retard
you're a costco bulk shopper, aren't you? what did you do with all that left over ground beef & corndogs after your "lets form a militia rally" bombed?...eat sloppy joes for two years?

No, I am not a Costco bulk shopper.

I use the Liberal method of feeding myself, I use a gun to make other people fund me.

Sloppy Joes? Oh man, all over your shirt!!??