Petition to ban trump from facebook and twitter for hate "speech"

There is a HUGE difference between political lies and being straight up evil and Trump is the epitome of all that is evil in the world 2020 can't come soon e
Or that you live in a red state.
Millions of rednecks and hillbillys running around going "yeah trump", "we don't need no union". Making $8.25 an hour with no health insurance cause Bubba said it's a good job
Millions of rednecks and hillbillys running around going "yeah trump", "we don't need no union". Making $8.25 an hour with no health insurance cause Bubba said it's a good job a HillWilliam, i felt a responsibility to say something....but i got nothin...i know too many fucking trumptard idiots to deny it. some of us rise above the froth in the genetic pool, but not many... a HillWilliam, i felt a responsibility to say something....but i got nothin...i know too many fucking trumptard idiots to deny it. some of us rise above the froth in the genetic pool, but not many...
There was a time in the south when in many places a Republican couldn't get elected. I know a few round these parts who can't stand trump but they like any who have union jobs are usually quiet about it
You guys do you, I’ll do me. I really don’t care what any of you think about me. It’s a grow forum for fuck sakes lol. You all think I like trump, that’s cute. Your also bitching to someone who doesn’t care. You make your own problems, not the president, whether it’s, obummer whoever. I am selfish completely and I will admit. I don’t care about anyone but my family. No one matters but my family. Don’t care about the boarder, don’t care about any of you, don’t care about nothing. I have my own issues that require my attention. The boarder wall, immigrant kids, immigrants in general are not my problem. Sounds Heartless, sure, but none of you know me so again, I care not. Enjoy.
do another rant telling us how little you care

then suck trumps dick some more
You guys do you, I’ll do me. I really don’t care what any of you think about me. It’s a grow forum for fuck sakes lol. You all think I like trump, that’s cute. Your also bitching to someone who doesn’t care. You make your own problems, not the president, whether it’s, obummer whoever. I am selfish completely and I will admit. I don’t care about anyone but my family. No one matters but my family. Don’t care about the boarder, don’t care about any of you, don’t care about nothing. I have my own issues that require my attention. The boarder wall, immigrant kids, immigrants in general are not my problem. Sounds Heartless, sure, but none of you know me so again, I care not. Enjoy.

You talk about not caring as if it makes you cool, but it doesn't

It just makes you uncaring and empty
There was a time in the south when in many places a Republican couldn't get elected. I know a few round these parts who can't stand trump but they like any who have union jobs are usually quiet about it
i'm guessing that most who work with each other already know where their working friends stand. Keeping the peace at work and in the family is important too. I do the same as your buddies. No time for that when working.
I am in a interracial relationship...but hey ya I am racist, lol :lol:.... this thread is awesome. Keep it coming fuck boys, I enjoy reading your deranged posts.
just because you found a girl who'll talk to you doesn't make you a great humanitarian...all it proves is that one other human being on the planet can stand you...
who you date is you live your life is what matters. that's what you don't get. you were calling us all whiners, telling us all to just man up and deal with it....but the second someone says something about you, you fall all over yourself trying to prove...what? that you like black or asian or w/e girls? would you hire her brother to run your company? would you hire a minority whose sister you weren't fucking?
Wow mods deleting my comments now, figures. I hit a nerve, I love it. Alright back to work, talk to you all fuck boys later.
just because you found a girl who'll talk to you doesn't make you a great humanitarian...all it proves is that one other human being on the planet can stand you...
who you date is you live your life is what matters. that's what you don't get. you were calling us all whiners, telling us all to just man up and deal with it....but the second someone says something about you, you fall all over yourself trying to prove...what? that you like black or asian or w/e girls? would you hire her brother to run your company? would you hire a minority whose sister you weren't fucking?

Lmao I love it, keep it coming. You’re giving me great content.
My thoughts exactly. Whatever they don’t want to hear they want to just mute you...hilarious. But I do think Facebook and social media platforms have their own Set of rules and guidelines. Just for the record I think both parties are fucking tools and completely useless and hate them both equally.
That's the beauty of it. Since it's a private company they let their guard down and express their true beliefs. Suddenly leftists are capitalists for big business. Their advocacy for "liberty" doesn't extend into the real world, at least when convenient.