Flawless FINISH - how to properly flush ? Help ! Day 66

I've always had a hard time figuring this out...

A local dispensary thats been open for over a quart century said "3 week flush to be considered medicinal". They were growing large scale, synthetic nutes, soil, and the last 3 weeks would only feed plain Ph'd water.

In Hydro I taper and end up with clean burning bud and snow-white ash.
Greetings, yeap regular old Magnesium sulfate aka Epsom salts. Pretty much the same thing in flawless finish, check the label.

I use it at 1gr per gallon in plain pH water at finish. No starving the plant for 2 weeks either, just cut ppm back each week to 200-400 by finish from 1000-1200 ppm at week 4-6 ish and 0-400 at start

Is that your watering solution ppm or the runoff ppm? On my first grow, trying to figure out this whole “flushing” debate. Seems tapering off nutrients is the best option, won’t know until I try though!
Is that your watering solution ppm or the runoff ppm? On my first grow, trying to figure out this whole “flushing” debate. Seems tapering off nutrients is the best option, won’t know until I try though!
That ppm ramp is during the growth phase. The last 1-2 feeds gets the Epsom salt only water.

My medium wil still have nutes in it from before so I'm letting the plants suck that up at the end.

The Epsom gives the plant magnesium sulfate which the plant likes and sulfate adds a little flavor color.

I add Epsom salt every water though.
That ppm ramp is during the growth phase. The last 1-2 feeds gets the Epsom salt only water.

My medium wil still have nutes in it from before so I'm letting the plants suck that up at the end.

The Epsom gives the plant magnesium sulfate which the plant likes and sulfate adds a little flavor color.

I add Epsom salt every water though.

So the “ppm ramp” you are measuring the water BEFORE going into the pots, correct?

How much Epsom salt do you add with each water, and how much do you increase at the end?

I have an unopened bottle of flawless finish as well, but can always return it.

Thanks for the help and quick response!
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OK, I tried flushing a couple vegging plants with some epson salt that we purchased from wally world and it threw the plants in shock. I checked PPM with a TDS meter, I am using RO water that the baseline is 8TDS and it looks like it had a large PH fluctuation. They recovered right after the next regular watering. I did not check the PH of my water after the epson salt (newbie mistake, because I have not had a ph issue with ro water and all Advanced Nutrients Nutes), but my guess is that the salt threw the ph way off. Live and learn lol.

To sum it up.... If you are new-ish to this, maybe stick with what is working for you. Too scared to retry at the moment. LOL.
All not feeding does is shuffle mobile nutes to the newest growth where its needed. It doesn't leave the plant or get "used up" and disappear. The white ash people seem to strive for is nothing more than the elements the plant absorbed while it was growing. People have been using ashes of hardwoods in gardens for ever, its where the term "potash" comes from.

Anybody ever roll and smoke a joint or a blunt? Do you think the paper or tobacco leaf was flushed for taste? Read the links and you'll see the plants aren't able to move about half of the nutes absorbed.
The second link explains the law of the minimum and how deficiencies affect growth
. You're far better off not pouring 17 bottles of shit into a plant thinking it can be removed, it can't. Less is more your lungs and bank accounts will thank you.


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OK, I tried flushing a couple vegging plants with some epson salt that we purchased from wally world and it threw the plants in shock. I checked PPM with a TDS meter, I am using RO water that the baseline is 8TDS and it looks like it had a large PH fluctuation. They recovered right after the next regular watering. I did not check the PH of my water after the epson salt (newbie mistake, because I have not had a ph issue with ro water and all Advanced Nutrients Nutes), but my guess is that the salt threw the ph way off. Live and learn lol.

To sum it up.... If you are new-ish to this, maybe stick with what is working for you. Too scared to retry at the moment. LOL.
Flushing during veg, interesting......
It's pointless to try to explain things to people who already know it all like yourself. If you're telling people they need to do something you should be able to explain why, period. There's a reason it's called search and not research? That's clever you should put that on a bumper sticker. Unfortunately the research people do are on other sites just like this one, so they repeat what they read without any first hand knowledge or experience. Here's an example

I've smoked bud from the exact same crop/strain, most plants were flushed and a few were not, there was an EXTREME difference in the way the weed burned and finished.

.It's plain and simple, when using synthetic nutrients in ALL VARIETIES of mediums, there can be some salt build up. Not always but sometimes.

Another thing is when you burn a bowl and it leaves behind a black ash plug and doesn't burn all the way/leave white ash, I'd say either there's something left in your product that could essentially be "flushed" out before cropping, or it's just by chance that it taste like crap, pops and cracks and doesn't burn correctly, who knows really there are tons of variables.

All your quotes from November, now you're singing a different tune and you don't need it. Your last post from that thread.

I've been busy. I read all the replies and the articles and links you all provided and then some. I will have to say my opinion on flushing has been changed.

You typed walls of text, mocked people, and made smart ass sarcastic comments advocating something you knew nothing about, no search, no research, certainly no experience.

Yesterdays claims by you
AN sensi a/b vs AN grow/bloom/micro
For some reason his seems to be finishing two weeks earlier and with more and smellier bud on the plant. I've never heard of this, it is for sure the same plant from clone, smells the same just stronger.

Did you notice you quoted a two year old post just to talk shit and call names? Nope, you wanted to tell him how "your friend" had the biggest yields (21 gram cola?) the best taste and faster flowering times using AN. You didn't explain how or why your friend was a superior grower, all you wanted to do is call someone who disagrees a hater. Again without any research. If you weren't in such a rush to tell everyone how superior of a grower you are you'd have noticed the MULTIPLE comparison grows in his sig.
So when I see someone making claims like you do, I'll ask simple questions. It helps me know who's full of shit and who's info should be avoided. What's lame is pretending, supporting, and arguing about things you've never done. What your friend did, you heard, or saw on youtube isn't valuable to me. You don't like it tough shit, get over it.
Here's some facts about AN for you so this post isn't a complete waste of time.
Throw some epsom salt in a bottle and call it a "flushing solution"View attachment 4080106View attachment 4080106
You are so awesome
You..."It's pointless to try to explain things to people who already know it all like yourself"

Me ....obviously..."I've been busy. I read all the replies and the articles and links you all provided and then some. I will have to say my opinion on flushing has been changed."

You ..."Did you notice you quoted a two year old post just to talk shit and call names?"

I read a post that had been revived by someone else a couple days ago, was I supposed to look at the dates while reading backwards through people's rude comments? Also show me where I called names on this post cause I don't recall it... Any shit talking was just calling out shit talkers like you.... Don't see anything other than that.

You again...."You typed walls of text, mocked people, and made smart ass sarcastic comments advocating something you knew nothing about, no search, no research, certainly no experience."

I like to debate... How does someone learn without questioning something? I'll have to admit my style is straightforward but I don't remember mocking anyone. No search, no research, no experience, those are some bogus claims considering that's what I came to do and that's how I got here was searching.

I can tell by the way you ask these little stupid questions to people that you are just here to "mock and make smart ass comments" to them, you're definitely not here to learn as you already know it all..

As for the rest of us, who understand science isn't the knowing of all things, we will continue to debate about it. im sure somewhere along the line we will find one your useless comments throwing someone off like....

"Bigger yield in a shorter time, sounds like a win/win. Wonder why more people don't use it. How do you know when to flush if AN shortens flowering times? Should I use AN's flushing solution, I don't wanna taste chemicals. Thanks"

And of course I believed you and my reply was litterally built from information I got from talking to you...

But you were too busy trolling around looking for another stupid question to ask someone to help your inferiority complex.

As for bud factor x containing a pesticide! Lol it's salicylic acid or the same stuff used in acne medications and wart removers. They know it's in there it's what causes the SAR response that makes the plant grow more trichomes, as for the guarenteed analysis it's not required to say much so there could be other ingredients not listed that may help improve taste somehow. (I wasn't advocating using it I'm just not super against advanced nutrients or any lineup for that matter)

"Products that are fertilizers only, and have no claimed functions other than as plant nutrients have the simplest labeling requirements. ... For example, Hydrogen is not considered to be a plant nutrient, so it cannot appear on the label."

Who cares what's inside... If it works for some people and they don't want to mix Epsom salt and water then cool right? Maybe instead of being angry that people don't know just jump on the bandwagon and start selling bottled Epsom salt and water. If advanced nutrients can and get 5 star reviews and best sellers with it why not you?

Oh for your question... "I wonder why more people don't use it?" Look it up its the number one selling plant nutrient lineup for cannabis on the market.... Yes I'm sure there was more brands of non specific nutrients that sold higher on a commercial level, and no I've never bought it or used it I just got some for free basically, I can't say for myself just what I've seen others do with it.

Have a good time asking useless questions... Really helps people looking for answers.
You are a turd
Didn't see this untill now.

Lol you must have a thick skull....
View attachment 4083212
I bet you would say that don't mean a thing right? The one on the right is probably higher thc and maybe looks just fine to you? Try making hash with a strain that looks like that lol, or better yet let's see a strain 30 percent or higher "look" like that.

Now have a nice day and go smoke some of your shitty "looking" weed.....lol.

Or wait.....are you blind?.. Cause in that case I'm sorry you can't see the difference.
You're such a turd
Wow what a thread.

You can't find out everything that is in a product by the label or a msds. But you can find more than you can by not reading one. Check out the msds for final flush and then read up about EDTA, then make up your mind if it is worth using.

Happy growing and smooth smoking. Peace!
Or dont flush anything at all. It's a myth and a way for nutrient companies to sell you shit you absolutely do not need, and its a surefire way sacrifice quality and yield . Cutting off the plants food during the time when it needs it the most is flat out retarded.... What contributes to good smooth potent cannabis is the drying and the curing....... Flushing is for toilets
Or dont flush anything at all. It's a myth and a way for nutrient companies to sell you shit you absolutely do not need, and its a surefire way sacrifice quality and yield . Cutting off the plants food during the time when it needs it the most is flat out retarded.... What contributes to good smooth potent cannabis is the drying and the curing....... Flushing is for toilets
This. Agriculture is, like, a thing. Cannabis is not outside of normal agriculture, but the cannabis industry/culture sells the idea that it is different, and pre-harvest flushing is part of that weird ritual. Pre-harvest flushing is something no other crop producer does. Just the weed dorks, and the reasons cited are usually spurious. Curing is the key, and good curing methods can be learned from mainstream commercial agriculture, too.

The cannabis industry as we know it is still selling a lot of pseudoscience that is flatly incorrect and widely harmful.
Flushing only happens when ur done. Put the soil into a vat when the plant is harvested , and wash...welcome to flushing. Re use soil.
Flushing only happens when ur done. Put the soil into a vat when the plant is harvested , and wash...welcome to flushing. Re use soil.
Or any time your media has salts buildup, but not as a matter of course before harvest, only as a response to potential problems in your media. Salts don’t build up in plants because plants only uptake elemental nutrition through their roots. Salts are not, by definition, elements. I flush my hydro system once or twice per run by observation and measurements and intuition.
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