Flawless FINISH - how to properly flush ? Help ! Day 66

Flushing removes excess "salts" from chemical nutrients, The "Flushing" debate has been going been going on for years. Choice is yours - many say it improves taste which I tend to believe thru experience. Do a side by side = flush one and don't flush one must use strain for test.
If a plant uptaken converts and stores nutrients in its leaves. They are staying there unless the plant uses them.

"Flushing" or leaching as it is actually called in container gardening industries is solely to remove excess salts that are not held in the medium through citation exchange (CEC).

It is a direct result of fertilizing many different plants with the same resiviour. Like in a greenhouse.

Water only for the last 2 weeks or whatever is only possible with good results in my opinion if you have already added too much to the pot.

Otherwise taper your feedings to the plants needs. Like they prefer with fertilizer. In my experience and research.
Im not a fan of an products but no its not just epsom salt. Jesus these forums sometimes are ridiculous. Which is why most people still use bennies at the same time they use hygrozyme or h202. Flushing is always a debate. However if you are growing for product you def flush. If for you its up to you. If you have been using synthetics which means if you used anything other than water then flush. Having done this for 25 years i can assure you your girls will get through the final days just fine with water alone. After all the sky doesnt rain magnesium sulfate. So much bullshit out there. Does flawless work? Absolutely. But no better than running base nutes diluted to 10 to 1 with a bit of leeching agent and some phosphorus which is inside undoubtedly in trace amounts

I'm growing Super Silver Haze, and I'm on my final week before harvest. Both of my plants smell like nutrients or something fowl. I bought some flawless finish to hopefully clear that up. Has anyone else experienced this before?
I'm growing Super Silver Haze, and I'm on my final week before harvest. Both of my plants smell like nutrients or something fowl. I bought some flawless finish to hopefully clear that up. Has anyone else experienced this before?
More details on feed schedule. Trichs color?
More details on feed schedule. Trichs color?
Trichs are clear/cloudy.. I've been using AN products.. bloom a&b, b52, overdrive, bud factor x, carboload. I've fed nothing but water last week, and the ppm are still at 1100. This happened once before. This plant should smell amazing , like a sweet pine, and instead it just smells like ass and vitamins.
Trichs are clear/cloudy.. I've been using AN products.. bloom a&b, b52, overdrive, bud factor x, carboload. I've fed nothing but water last week, and the ppm are still at 1100. This happened once before. This plant should smell amazing , like a sweet pine, and instead it just smells like ass and vitamins.
Yeah you can try with the FF. Normally you taper the ppms off after week 3-4 to end around 500 feeding Epsom salts through out for flavor color.

1100 a week before is bad news. Sparks and bud that keeps going out might be expected. The smell is probably N.

Yeah get on this ASAP but in the future FF is snake oil because it's only concentrated Epsom salt.
Yeah you can try with the FF. Normally you taper the ppms off after week 3-4 to end around 500 feeding Epsom salts through out for flavor color.

1100 a week before is bad news. Sparks and bud that keeps going out might be expected. The smell is probably N.

Yeah get on this ASAP but in the future FF is snake oil because it's only concentrated Epsom salt.
Yeah you can try with the FF. Normally you taper the ppms off after week 3-4 to end around 500 feeding Epsom salts through out for flavor color.

1100 a week before is bad news. Sparks and bud that keeps going out might be expected. The smell is probably N.

Yeah get on this ASAP but in the future FF is snake oil because it's only concentrated Epsom salt.

Thanks.. I have a container of epsom salt too I could use lol. I actually have been tapering it down, usually feeding at about 800 ppm. The problem is, I haven't been physically doing the feeding. I was in the hospital for a while from a bad accident i had. So i've been relaying what needs to be done, but failed to mention to not feed 800 ppm whenever the plant needs water. So there were no water only feedings for the last 4 weeks. And since I can't walk downstairs where they are, i had the plants brought up last saturday, and i went nuts when i checked the ppm. 1 plant was at 4000 and the other at 3000 ! WTF! Its all my fault, i'm usually all over these things. I'm going to flush it good, and hope it makes a little come back somehow... hopefully
Thanks.. I have a container of epsom salt too I could use lol. I actually have been tapering it down, usually feeding at about 800 ppm. The problem is, I haven't been physically doing the feeding. I was in the hospital for a while from a bad accident i had. So i've been relaying what needs to be done, but failed to mention to not feed 800 ppm whenever the plant needs water. So there were no water only feedings for the last 4 weeks. And since I can't walk downstairs where they are, i had the plants brought up last saturday, and i went nuts when i checked the ppm. 1 plant was at 4000 and the other at 3000 ! WTF! Its all my fault, i'm usually all over these things. I'm going to flush it good, and hope it makes a little come back somehow... hopefully
3/4k then I got an idea of what your looking at. Water and Epsom and calmag for a minute might help bring it back.
Flushing does not make the product smoother.

Proper care, feeding and environmental conditions do. And then proper drying.

Also the genetics. The breeder has hopefully worked the strain for flavor.

I feed but tapering off the concentration as they need less towards ripening. Then usually only water the last 1 or 2 times. And honestly only to not waste nutes.

Also more mag is not recommended at ripening. They don't need much then. Even Botanicare says to disconue the Sweet bottle for the last 2 weeks. That's mostly mag sulfate.

Multi bottle lines are promoting just that. Paying for multiple bottles. Most are not needed at all. But this is a hobby for some and they cater to the grower who wants to "play".

I use only amended potting soil (ocean forest) and Pure Blend Grow only in flower. It is a balanced complete naturally derived fertilizer.

Why would I want to stop fertilizing this growing flowering plant just because it has a couple more weeks. Those big buds will double in size and potency during the last 2 weeks.

I just use less as needed.

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How long have you been growing for? Just have to ask looking good
K. I'm going to stick with flushing being a myth.

how is flushing a myth? its not a myth that i run some ph'd water with a lil cal mag and some amino's and yucca and bennies. thats called a flush and i dont know what i would do without it, in coco doing that has saved my plants so many times.
What flushing does is removes all the built up money in your pockets. I like to consider buying flushing products a donation to folks that need the money more than I do.

Lol I knew it, your a little smart ass and you were being sarcastic earlier when you quoted my post on advanced nutrients, Lol no offense, I don't believe much in flushing either, I used to.

You should change your approach man, coming at people with sarcastic questions that you know the answer to for yourself is kind of lame, if you have good info to share...share it. Why act like your clueless to try and get some lame answer or a rise out of someone asking a simple question? When you say things like "what does flushing remove from the plant" instead maybe try to educate on why you think it doesn't remove anything.

Science isn't the knowing of all things man it's the challenging of what we think we know already and proving it wrong over and over again. Einstein once said to raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.

There's a reason it's called research and not just search lol :)
Lol I knew it, your a little smart ass and you were being sarcastic earlier when you quoted my post on advanced nutrients, Lol no offense, I don't believe much in flushing either, I used to.

You should change your approach man, coming at people with sarcastic questions that you know the answer to for yourself is kind of lame, if you have good info to share...share it. Why act like your clueless to try and get some lame answer or a rise out of someone asking a simple question? When you say things like "what does flushing remove from the plant" instead maybe try to educate on why you think it doesn't remove anything.

Science isn't the knowing of all things man it's the challenging of what we think we know already and proving it wrong over and over again. Einstein once said to raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.

There's a reason it's called research and not just search lol :)
It's pointless to try to explain things to people who already know it all like yourself. If you're telling people they need to do something you should be able to explain why, period. There's a reason it's called search and not research? That's clever you should put that on a bumper sticker. Unfortunately the research people do are on other sites just like this one, so they repeat what they read without any first hand knowledge or experience. Here's an example

I've smoked bud from the exact same crop/strain, most plants were flushed and a few were not, there was an EXTREME difference in the way the weed burned and finished.

.It's plain and simple, when using synthetic nutrients in ALL VARIETIES of mediums, there can be some salt build up. Not always but sometimes.

Another thing is when you burn a bowl and it leaves behind a black ash plug and doesn't burn all the way/leave white ash, I'd say either there's something left in your product that could essentially be "flushed" out before cropping, or it's just by chance that it taste like crap, pops and cracks and doesn't burn correctly, who knows really there are tons of variables.

All your quotes from November, now you're singing a different tune and you don't need it. Your last post from that thread.

I've been busy. I read all the replies and the articles and links you all provided and then some. I will have to say my opinion on flushing has been changed.

You typed walls of text, mocked people, and made smart ass sarcastic comments advocating something you knew nothing about, no search, no research, certainly no experience.

Yesterdays claims by you
AN sensi a/b vs AN grow/bloom/micro
For some reason his seems to be finishing two weeks earlier and with more and smellier bud on the plant. I've never heard of this, it is for sure the same plant from clone, smells the same just stronger.

Did you notice you quoted a two year old post just to talk shit and call names? Nope, you wanted to tell him how "your friend" had the biggest yields (21 gram cola?) the best taste and faster flowering times using AN. You didn't explain how or why your friend was a superior grower, all you wanted to do is call someone who disagrees a hater. Again without any research. If you weren't in such a rush to tell everyone how superior of a grower you are you'd have noticed the MULTIPLE comparison grows in his sig.
So when I see someone making claims like you do, I'll ask simple questions. It helps me know who's full of shit and who's info should be avoided. What's lame is pretending, supporting, and arguing about things you've never done. What your friend did, you heard, or saw on youtube isn't valuable to me. You don't like it tough shit, get over it.
Here's some facts about AN for you so this post isn't a complete waste of time.
Throw some epsom salt in a bottle and call it a "flushing solution"upload_2018-1-27_15-8-54.jpegupload_2018-1-27_15-8-54.jpeg
