Attention all Bernie Sanders supporters

Why did Republican Mitch McConnell vow to make Obama a one term President. Stopping or attempting to stop any thing positive Obama put forth. How was Obama to make changes in such a toxic environment they create for him. Why did so many right wing idiots say shit like Obama was Kenyan. Regardless of what his father was, humans come out of women. Do you idiots really think that his mother took her lily white self to Kenya to give birth.
The answer to all your questions come from fucking racism, bigotry and ignorance
I voted for Obama. Still Trump is by far the most negatively talked about president ever. Even with all that going on now he's still raising up the whites at the expense of the "browns and black" ( a term used by another member) according to what I read on here. How does Trump accomplish things that the dems can't stop meanwhile republicans had absolute power over Obama somehow? It makes no damn sense to me.
I voted for Obama. Still Trump is by far the most negatively talked about president ever. Even with all that going on now he's still raising up the whites at the expense of the "browns and black" ( a term used by another member) according to what I read on here. How does Trump accomplish things that the dems can't stop meanwhile republicans had absolute power over Obama somehow? It makes no damn sense to me.
Bro you way too dumb down for me to converse with.
Here maybe @Rob Roy and yourself can find something in common. He enjoys idiot talk
It's all good. I know you like the echo chamber.
Not at all. I enjoy facts and people who can discuss from that. Ignorance is something I avoid
As a grown man I find little understanding on fools who just keep with the dumb shit.
Trump is the most negative POTUS we have ever had. Only fools and those who likes to be grabbed by the pussy would say other wise
Yup, I was Bernie or bust last time around. !!! Hehehe.

After he was cheated out of the primary win. I voted my conscience.. I voted Green, for Jill Stein!

I am tired of old school politicians like Hillary! My vote will not be held hostage, by those that are so out of touch with the plight of the WORKING poor. (Key word WORKING)

Don't blame 2016 Bernie supporters for Trump. Democrats did that to themselves! Look Inward, not at the Russians.

Me, I hope Bernie DON'T run again.

My eye is to the new young class of Representatives, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez along with all the other rebels just elected to the house .
(Warren and Polosi should retire with the rest of the dinosaurs. They both have recently demonstrated how out of touch they really are.)
So you didn't vote for Clinton.
That benefits Trump
Bro you way too dumb down for me to converse with.
Here maybe @Rob Roy and yourself can find something in common. He enjoys idiot talk

I voted Green, for Jill Stein!

You voted for a woman so fucking lazy she couldn't be bothered to fill out the candidacy forms and wasn't even listed on the ballot in many states right up to the election.

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

It's people like you that are responsible for what's happening now. Rather than do your best for the greater good, you act like spoiled children and essentially helped Adolf Hitler get elected.

this could all be solved if we went with hillary
Hillary Clinton was the most aggressively interventionist- read warmongering- SecState since Kissinger, and might even be worse than he was.

The notion that she would keep us out of wars is so counter to the facts that it's clear you don't do anything reassembling homework.
At least a million
A large percentage of Yemeni citizens are in serious danger of famine.

America isn't helping. Saudi Arabia is just flying F-15 fighters we sold them from bases we built for them, serviced and maintained with weapons and parts we sell them, installed by American military maintenance crews, getting targeting and nav information from American sources.

Oh yeah, we paid for them to go to war in the first place.
You voted for a woman so fucking lazy she couldn't be bothered to fill out the candidacy forms and wasn't even listed on the ballot in many states right up to the election.

Brilliant. Just brilliant.

It's people like you that are responsible for what's happening now. Rather than do your best for the greater good, you act like spoiled children and essentially helped Adolf Hitler get elected.


Comparing life under Trump to life under Hitler in Natzi Germany.? Not a good analogy. Disrespectful and stinks of antisemitism.


Asshat? For voting my concence? That's exactly the out of touch disrespect that got Trump elected, and is turning the global tide away from out of touch leaders you brown nose!

BRITEX, Yellow vests on and on. It's a global populist/nationalists revolt.

The current path we are on is very alarming! Quit supporting criminal politicians that perpetuate it.

I suggest not fanning the flames.

Take heed in the fact that huge swaths of urban and rural blue collar folks are pissed off with Klinton status quo. You ought to not under estimate the power and diverse backing of the new freshman class of house Representatives not affraid to speak their minds.

And No I ain't no puffball soft and comfortable suburbanite liberal. I am a rural, literal redneck blue collar farmer, that actually lives and works at the threshold of poverty. And sick of getting screwed by cooperate controlled politicians.

I believe Anthony Hopkins as Col. William Ludlow, in Legend of the Fall, summed it up pretty well....
"Screw the government. Screw em!"
Comparing life under Trump to life under Hitler in Natzi Germany.? Not a good analogy. Disrespectful and stinks of antisemitism.


Asshat? For voting my concence? That's exactly the out of touch disrespect that got Trump elected, and is turning the global tide away from out of touch leaders you brown nose!

BRITEX, Yellow vests on and on. It's a global populist/nationalists revolt.

The current path we are on is very alarming! Quit supporting criminal politicians that perpetuate it.

I suggest not fanning the flames.

Take heed in the fact that huge swaths of urban and rural blue collar folks are pissed off with Klinton status quo. You ought to not under estimate the power and diverse backing of the new freshman class of house Representatives not affraid to speak their minds.

And No I ain't no puffball soft and comfortable suburbanite liberal. I am a rural, literal redneck blue collar farmer, that actually lives and works at the threshold of poverty. And sick of getting screwed by cooperate controlled politicians.

I believe Anthony Hopkins as Col. William Ludlow, in Legend of the Fall, summed it up pretty well....
"Screw the government. Screw em!"
The only book that Trump read in his adult life was an English translation of Mein Kapf, written by Adolf Hitler. His use of minorities as scapegoats and his careless policies towards rounding them up and holding them in substandard if not illegal conditions echos of Hitler's tactics.

You are correct that Trump is no Hitler. Trump spent a hundred days out golfing at Mar a Lago and other junkets away from work last year. While I find that repugnant, I am comforted that Trump is not behaving like a power mad and driven dictator determined on world domination. Still, Trump does take many pages from Hitler and his tactics. They show the same level of empathy too.
Hillary Clinton was the most aggressively interventionist- read warmongering- SecState since Kissinger, and might even be worse than he was.

The notion that she would keep us out of wars is so counter to the facts that it's clear you don't do anything reassembling homework.
You gotta admit if she is a war hawk that's ok. She would get us into good wars. Not like all these bad wars Trump is getting us into. He's like Hitler trying to attack the whole world and she'd be more like whatever good person was trying to unite the whole world with good war.