Manchin is going to vote for Kavanaugh

why? are you partisan only? agreement and compromise is what gets us where we need to go.
I would hope that I would have very little in common with a man who openly enjoys asking women to spread their ass cheeks with duct tape, so he can view their anus. How would you feel if you were asked that online ? Would you comply ?
1. kapernick is dead wrong and doing a disservice to black america..he obvi doesn't follow politics as close as we do or he'd know full impact with lack of minorities voting. what kapernick did was actually voter suppression his NIKE overlords told him to do. just remember your paycheck is your 'thank you'..where's kapernick getting his? big corporate.
Ummmmm Who pays you your paycheck ? Do you own your own business or do you get paid by a corporation. I kneel with Kaepernick and support his and Nike message to " Just do it "
I would ask you to explain how his kneeling for social justice is doing a disservice to blacks, but we already know you are pretty dumb on this subject due to the teachings of your father.
And if you are going to talk about the man at least spell his name correct
Well, there are 50 states in the Union.

West Virginia ranks near or at the bottom in every major category there is. West Virginia's overall rank is #47. The only three states worse than West Virginia are New Mexico, Mississippi and Louisiana. Here are a few of West Virginia's pertinent rankings:

Health Care #44
Education #45

Opportunity #23
Crime & Corrections #31
Fiscal Stability #36
Quality of Life #45

It's a shit-hole state, full of uneducated people working shit jobs for shit wages and always has been. It in all likelihood always will be.
Wow I'm off ignore. You do realize we agree more than we disagree and at time we will disagree. We both can't know everything, but I will only debate on things I know.

West Virginians are some dumb fucks
Keep supporting Republicans and pretending to be progressive. You have no principles.

Manchin's career is over as a Senator, we're gonna make sure of that.
The "we" in your sentence are the people of West Virginia. Their choice. On areas where they can agree, my state senators will work with Manchin should he win the seat in November. If he loses, there will be one less Senator who usually votes for progressive causes. Surely you don't think the Republican he's running against will vote that way, do you.

Oh, and every Republican voted for Kavanaugh. Manchin's defection is symbolic. Kavanaugh would have been elected regardless of Manchin's vote.

That's the way it works, naive child.
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You don't believe that. 70% of Americans support universal healthcare. 86% of Democrats, 51% of Republicans. The majority of the country supports universal healthcare, but ol' Joe, don't..

Bullshit. Lacks evidence. All other objective evidence proves otherwise.

Joe don't vote with Democrats 77% of the time. That's another objective lie that can be verified by anyone willing to check the congressional record. Ol Joe votes with Trump more than 60% of the time.
Now you’re just lying about what I said
Ummmmm Who pays you your paycheck ? Do you own your own business or do you get paid by a corporation. I kneel with Kaepernick and support his and Nike message to " Just do it "
I would ask you to explain how his kneeling for social justice is doing a disservice to blacks, but we already know you are pretty dumb on this subject due to the teachings of your father.
And if you are going to talk about the man at least spell his name correct

i didn't say his kneeling was a disservice to blacks..don't you read ALL the posts or do you just cherry pick? my comment was in response to kapernick telling people to not vote, if indeed he said this.
The "we" in your sentence are the people of West Virginia. Their choice. On areas where they can agree, my state senators will work with Manchin should he win the seat in November. If he loses, there will be one less Senator who usually votes for progressive causes. Surely you don't think the Republican he's running against will vote that way, do you.

Oh, and every Republican voted for Kavanaugh. Manchin's defection is symbolic. Kavanaugh would have been elected regardless of Manchin's vote.

That's the way it works, naive child.

wasn't murkowski a 'no'?
wasn't murkowski a 'no'?
She says she's going to say "present" instead of voting NO. Even so, I do stand corrected by you in that one Republican isn't going to vote yes and I said "all would". Even so, a Murkowski and Manchin "NO" wouldn't be enough to stop Kavanaugh because the Republican Veep is the tiebreaker.

Manchin isn't your Senator, he's West Virginia's and they have every right to pick whomever they want. As an outsider, I'd prefer they pick Manchin because the alternative is Trumpian to the max. I expect my Senators to work with Manchin wherever they find agreement.
She says she's going to say "present" instead of voting NO. Even so, I do stand corrected by you in that one Republican isn't going to vote yes and I said "all would". Even so, a Murkowski and Manchin "NO" wouldn't be enough to stop Kavanaugh because the Republican Veep is the tiebreaker.

Manchin isn't your Senator, he's West Virginia's and they have every right to pick whomever they want. As an outsider, I'd prefer they pick Manchin because the alternative is Trumpian to the max. I expect my Senators to work with Manchin wherever they find agreement.
Nope, senators are obligated to represent their constituents. And of course, by constituents, I mean Tty and Pad.

They pure. That entitles them.
People who don't see eye to eye with you doesn't mean they're a Trump supporter. Most Democrats and Republicans are the same, as politicians anyway.

Unlike Paddy I think it takes guts to be the only Democrat to vote yes. People have their own opinions. Why vote at all if you're expected to vote a certain way? That"s not democracy and is instead Marxism dressed up as if anyone has real say.

Anyone who gets bullied into votes is being extorted. That's not what America was built upon. But what would you know as an ex-pat who shat upon the country who gave him the lifestyle he now enjoys while pretending such is untrue.

There's two types of liberals. The one who's grateful for what they have and want to share in any little way they can. And, well, there's those like you.

I still respect Paddy for speaking what he believes, no matter how naive I might think his view is at times. He will speak his mind without resulting to insults.

That's one thing I'm working on. But it's very hard when even trying to be sincere, and you're taken as if the Devil.
"bullying"? How can anybody be bullied into voting against their conscience?

That's why we have the right to privacy when we vote. So that nobody can tell us how to vote or punish us for the vote we made. You cry about "bullies" when convenient and then go on to call for abolishing the right to privacy when voting. Hypocritical bs post of you made there.

Regarding the rest of your post: reductionist logical fallacy.
Manchin is a federal representative of the Democratic party, not just WV. More than 80% of Democratic constituents support universal healthcare. Manchin doesn't care. He will though.

temp pic1.png

Somebody should tell Joe that he's running for national office.

Hey, Pad, when did we change the constitution to allow Californians to vote for a West Virginia Senator? His campaign website says nothing about this. You should give him a call and let him know.
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