Manchin is going to vote for Kavanaugh

I never said anything like that, ya dingus.

But that's what it implies and what you think. The new and best way to shut down most people these days is just accuse them of being a Trump supporter because you think green is the best color and those who like blue, "Fuck you! Only Trump supporters like blue."
Any Democrat who supports him after this has no principles

october surprise? NOT..he's always been a turncoat..he needed to wait for the women-folk to vote..what a man.

the choice sewn..what is it about reaping something something?

what happens from here is not karma or what goes around, but merely the end result of choice.

this was a job interview in which he was questioned about a past event..regardless of the nature he chose to meet the challenge with anger, defiance and partisanship. durbin cornered him for which he had no answer..will you turn to and request FBI investigation?..he just fell back into his chair..further, he answered only about 50% of the questions put to him..the rest he stonewalled.

a job is a job in the can someone call my employer or prospective employer and have me not hire/fired for FB or other social media that SOME READER with nothing to do, didn't like? and yet someone with questionable moral compass, who will shape out country for decades to come, salis through.

this was a job interview and in my opinion no one who sit on SCOTUS should ever display the type of anger, defiance and partisanship which was displayed last thursday.

the citizens of this country have been done a great disservice..the dem citizens of west virginia should consider an alternative to manchin this cycle.

Mitch McConnell Inflates Throat Pouch In Show Of Dominance Over Fellow Congressional Males

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Ok on this we will agree. I have wonder for so long why Dems even bother to vote his Repuke voting ass in. Hell just give the seat to the Repuke if we can't find a Dem to win it in WV. He has never been a Dem, only so to win a seat. I would say just like Bernie but Bernie only did it for POTUS and he still votes mostly Dem.
Machin votes Repuke...fuck him.
Are West Virginia Dems really this fucking stupid ? seems so

it's west virginia.
When democrats were in power manchin voted with them 77% of the time and there’s no chance in hell of another Democrat winning that senate seat in a r+40 state

Our alternative is to pull a tea party style self own - like when they primaried mike castle in Delaware and got Christine O’Donnell instead. Castle would have won easily but O’Donnell lost by 20 points. Chris coons is still sitting in a seat that mike castle would be in

Don’t be stupid because you’re a hysterical crying woman

77%? ummmmmmmmm that pretty low and voting WITH GOP 33% of the time on a good day..time to go joe.

you're wrong on this buck.
I understand what you are saying, but if he keeps holding the seat as a fucking Dem we will NEVER get a chance to get it as Dem. Fuck him and let him become Repuke. He still going to vote how he votes, but we at least get a chance to challenge the seat with a real Dem.. The problem is where in the fuck can we get a real Dem in backwoodsfuck West V

Now excuse me whilst I showered after having to agree with Pada

i was going to 'like' until the last line..that statement was unnecessary to the were almost there..try again.:sad:
Manchin is a federal representative of the Democratic party, not just WV. More than 80% of Democratic constituents support universal healthcare. Manchin doesn't care. He will though.
Lol. I have never seen him on my ballot. I guess if you voted you might know that.
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Because it is all about the anointing of St. Bernard. Once you get that, you are free to take :big" money and support Trump. These dimwits are as intent to have their cult of personality as Trumpees are.

That's quite hilarious. Being so anti-Trump makes you your own type of cult of personality, the very thing you complain about is what you've become.
Tomorrow will be why, as much as I support his message, I hate Kaepernick as much as Trump.. To be in front of cameras and say he wasn't going to vote because "it "didn't matter" who won the election because neither candidate was a good choice." " was just irresponsible as hell.. As much as I understood the sentiment, I understood the real life ramifications.. RBG is in good health, but almost 100 or something.. She should have bowed out when Big O got re-elected.. God forbid something happens to her... (and Im not even religious lol)

Manchin is a bitch for this, but he's a politician doing what politicians do.

1. kapernick is dead wrong and doing a disservice to black america..he obvi doesn't follow politics as close as we do or he'd know full impact with lack of minorities voting. what kapernick did was actually voter suppression his NIKE overlords told him to do. just remember your paycheck is your 'thank you'..where's kapernick getting his? big corporate.

2. RBG at 85, is one of the healthiest Justices and let's say she retired..who is her seat going to? Merrick Garland? she's not going anywhere as she's said many, many times..'they will carry me out on a stretcher'. her family happens to enjoy long life. she's not going anywhere. period. i bet she lives to be 105.


I Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Workout. It Nearly Broke Me.
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Manchin is a federal representative of the Democratic party, not just WV. More than 80% of Democratic constituents support universal healthcare. Manchin doesn't care. He will though.

his constituents are begging for services..they want health, $15/hour so they don't have to keep mixing up meth and blowing up houses..they're poorly clothed, poorly educated and just counting which number SSDI application they're on..FTW it's 4 for approval.

their genetic pool is equal to Isle of Man.

i saw them on a town hall thing with sanders..their only 'out' is military.
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Are West Virginia Dems really this fucking stupid ?

Well, there are 50 states in the Union.

West Virginia ranks near or at the bottom in every major category there is. West Virginia's overall rank is #47. The only three states worse than West Virginia are New Mexico, Mississippi and Louisiana. Here are a few of West Virginia's pertinent rankings:

Health Care #44
Education #45

Opportunity #23
Crime & Corrections #31
Fiscal Stability #36
Quality of Life #45

It's a shit-hole state, full of uneducated people working shit jobs for shit wages and always has been. It in all likelihood always will be.
Well, there are 50 states in the Union.

West Virginia ranks near or at the bottom in every major category there is. West Virginia's overall rank is #47. The only three states worse than West Virginia are New Mexico, Mississippi and Louisiana. Here are a few of West Virginia's pertinent rankings:

Health Care #44
Education #45

Opportunity #23
Crime & Corrections #31
Fiscal Stability #36
Quality of Life #45

It's a shit-hole state, full of uneducated people working shit jobs for shit wages and always has been. It in all likelihood always will be.
They are close to the top in opiate abuse.

mountain mama...
Well, there are 50 states in the Union.

West Virginia ranks near or at the bottom in every major category there is. West Virginia's overall rank is #47. The only three states worse than West Virginia are New Mexico, Mississippi and Louisiana. Here are a few of West Virginia's pertinent rankings:

Health Care #44
Education #45

Opportunity #23
Crime & Corrections #31
Fiscal Stability #36
Quality of Life #45

It's a shit-hole state, full of uneducated people working shit jobs for shit wages and always has been. It in all likelihood always will be.

but it doesn't have to be this way..they know its this way too..what i saw in that town hall opened my eyes but i have a feeling that no one votes there other than the man-folk.

can you imagine keeping track of what application of SSDI you are on to get your disability that really doesn't exist but the only way to secure an income?

they don't work, therefore they are not contributing to SS. I don't pay FWT but i sure as hell pay my SS/MED and last time i checked my monthly if i retire at 72 is close to $3k..those in WVA will get their $700-$800 for SSDI because they know at retire there will be very little..might as well get on the gravy train now.
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