Those Damned Intolerant Liberals

You are definitely a hater.

You wrap yourself in whatever flag is handy in the moment, but you are without any doubt whatsoever the most toxic person here and you have been for years.
five little babies jumping on the bed
one fell off and bumped his head
mama called the doctor
and the doctor said
no more babies jumping on the bed
I appreciate what you are trying to say. However, the Germanic tribes of the 5th century also lacked leadership and often fought against themselves. It was little consolation to Rome.

So the factions of the left are going to loosely come together to eventually take advantage of the right's implosion and replace the whole thing with feudalism in a couple hundred years?

I get what you're trying to say, I think. But it's an iffy metaphor, at best.
So the factions of the left are going to loosely come together to eventually take advantage of the right's implosion and replace the whole thing with feudalism in a couple hundred years?

I get what you're trying to say, I think. But it's an iffy metaphor, at best.
At the rate things are going, we don't have a couple of hundred years to wait.
For the record, since it seems to be a point of contention in credibility:

I barely graduated high school. I'm an idiot, especially in the grand scheme of the world. I know and accept it.
no i'm not
If you support unlimited corporate money flooding our political system, you're a Corporatist, which is a synonym for Fascist. That's straight from Mussolini himself.

You better clean your jackboots; you've stepped deep into dogma and now you stink like toxic schlock.

It might never come out.
For the record, since it seems to be a point of contention in credibility:

I barely graduated high school. I'm an idiot, especially in the grand scheme of the world. I know and accept it.
Having gotten a degree and seen the sausage being made, I don't think a college degree is very indicative of someone's ability to think.

To put up with bullshit long enough to get a piece of wallpaper? Sure. But they don't teach people how to think anymore. It would be far too dangerous.

I invite you to read the article in the link in the original post of this thread.

It seems we are not alone in our distrust of Liberal intolerance and dogmatism.
If you support unlimited corporate money flooding our political system, you're a Corporatist, which is a synonym for Fascist. That's straight from Mussolini himself.

You better clean your jackboots; you've stepped deep into dogma and now you stink like toxic schlock.

It might never come out.
no, corporations are benevolent and you want to deny them free speech. that makes you a fascist.

let the good people speak
no, corporations are benevolent and you want to deny them free speech. that makes you a fascist.

let the good people speak
Then you're a naked Fascist.

Corporations don't breathe, they don't have children and they don't die.

They aren't people and they must not be allowed to have any say in our Democratic political system. If what they want is valid, their employees and supporters can certainly speak for them- as in fact they often do.

Money is not free speech. Only fascists think differently.
This thread is the problem with internet politics. No eye contact, no body language, no tone, etc. It's easy to devolve into being insulting when you don't have to look someone in the eye.

Plus, the irony of what I consider the traditional left (most of the people in this thread) going after the dogmatism on the right is outstanding. The traditional left is so dogmatic that you can't even have ideas that would also be considered left, just more or less than traditional left.

This thread is also a microcosm of the democratic party. It lacks leadership and everyone is running around nipping at (would be) political allies.

I agree. Your last paragraph is what I have been trying to tell them.
He's slipping badly.

I don't understand why the site still tolerates him, he drives more people away than anyone else I've ever seen. Can't be good for site traffic numbers.

Don’t you know he works here for the site sponsor. What he is doing is his awful job.
any real jew would probably want to save that title for the avowed nazis we have here, but since you are not a real jew you don't.

you're just a conman.

You are really lost dude. You don’t have a clue about anyone.

And it turns us off from taking your side.

Maybe I will post the proof you seek. But nothing could make you look worse at this point. You are ruined.
Then you're a naked Fascist.

Corporations don't breathe, they don't have children and they don't die.

They aren't people and they must not be allowed to have any say in our Democratic political system. If what they want is valid, their employees and supporters can certainly speak for them- as in fact they often do.

Money is not free speech. Only fascists think differently.
which corporation made the computer or phone you used to type that reply