It's a misdemeanor, shitz stainWhat you can do is tell their parents to stop being felons.
The only felon here is you, retardWhat you can do is tell their parents to stop being felons.
Can you read, shitzstain?Facts are hard. So let’s make shit up right?
Facts are hard. So let’s make shit up right?
It says it is a civil violationCan you? Seems pretty simple. It’s the first sentence. What’s the penalty for crossing into Mexico illegally? We should have reciprocal laws.
Illegal entry (or "improper entry") to the US carries criminal penalties.
Obama never separated legal immigrants seeking asylum from their infant children you nazi scumYou didn’t give one shit about this when it was Oblunders administration. Your faux outrage is pathetic. MAGA bitches ✌
You’re doing the nazi salute wrong.MAGA bitches ✌
Facts are hard. So let’s make shit up right?
Separating infants from their legal asylum seeking parents never happened under obama you dumbfuck brainwashed cult memberAll you bleeding heart nazi snowflakes didn’t say shit for eight years. You are just parroting cnn talking points.
Was it okay eight years ago?
Why didn’t you say anything back then?
You didn’t say anything because cnn didn’t tell you to.
Fucking pathetic muppets.
Can’t wait for President Trump to remove weed from schedule 1. Your little muppet heads will explode.
All you bleeding heart nazi snowflakes didn’t say shit for eight years. You are just parroting cnn talking points.
Was it okay eight years ago?
Why didn’t you say anything back then?
You didn’t say anything because cnn didn’t tell you to.
Fucking pathetic muppets.
Can’t wait for President Trump to remove weed from schedule 1. Your little muppet heads will explode.
You have a problem dealing with realityHoly shit a black nazi.