What can we DO about imprisoned children?

Imprisoned children? Sounds like "public schools" .

in light of the egregious new policy of separating children from their families, pulling babies from the breast, what can we DO? Let’s brainstorm my friends.

This one has crossed a line of actual extreme cruelty and dehumanization that cannot be forgotten by the next scandal.

I’ll start:

Write faith leaders encouraging them to speak out to their flocks on this

Write Congress

Brand supporters of this without giving a bit of slack- we must brand these folks with this- this happens by repetition and focus on this. This is is how conservatives beat us- focus on an issue or two and pound and pound and pound it... we must return the favor.

What else can we do???

Right now Trump would need to be shamed by his minions for it to stop..baby Donald wants Wall money.

In 2020, it’s then up to us.
Fat shit Mammon loves props at anyone’s expense including children if it serves his purpose-greed.

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what i wonder is why don't the reporters, who are obviously better informed of the facts than the people in the white house, don't immediately call bullshit on the bullshit, and tell them how it's bullshit, in a room full of reporters and cameras. present them with the facts...and don't back down. start writing articles like "today's misinformation from the white house"....daily. let them, and the whole world, know that we know they're full of shit, and will never say different. i watched a "press briefing" and it was painful to watch, a room full of people who knew they were being lied to, but they couldn't really do much about it.....whenever they pressed her, she just kept saying the same shit...like being briefed by rainman......
When Chump administration officials travel to foreign countries, that's exactly what happens. See the Dutch press' reaction to their speeches given there.

The problem in America is that our mass media outlets are owned by the same corporations who spend millions to lobby politicians to create politics profitable for them but destructive to citizens and planet. Those reporters who step out of line get fired and in today's environment of an ever shrinking number of newsrooms, that's often a death sentence for their journalism careers.

Silencing the press is a classic Fascist authoritarian tactic. America is displaying all the signs of a totalitarian regime, right down to manipulated elections.
Just dropped 70 pounds.

I'm an aerospace machinist.

Public defenders are free.

Children are still being ripped out of their mother's
They hiring snitching felons for that work ? Let me know when you obtain your A&P license, so you can get some "real money".
why doesn't one of these rich talking heads like Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg start their own news network and run it as a real news outlet? too busy chasing windmills, i guess, when the real dragon is inside the fucking gate. it's inside the fucking castle.
One of these rich bastards that claims to be "different" should hook up with Snopes, Factcheck.org, and Politifact and publish "the facts as we know them".....i wonder how many inconsistencies they could find daily? they could make a whole news network that just corrects other outlets news, and tells you the truth behind the political lies flooding out of washington daily....fuck, they could end up with two channels, there's plenty of bullshit for 48 hours a day coverage
why doesn't one of these rich talking heads like Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg start their own news network and run it as a real news outlet? too busy chasing windmills, i guess, when the real dragon is inside the fucking gate. it's inside the fucking castle.
One of these rich bastards that claims to be "different" should hook up with Snopes, Factcheck.org, and Politifact and publish "the facts as we know them".....i wonder how many inconsistencies they could find daily? they could make a whole news network that just corrects other outlets news, and tells you the truth behind the political lies flooding out of washington daily....fuck, they could end up with two channels, there's plenty of bullshit for 48 hours a day coverage
Trump lies every five minutes regardless where he is or who he's talking to. The people who support him don't care and those who don't support him have developed a critical ear to everything he says. Trump says stuff that would end any other politician's career yet it only seems to burnish his image with the fascists. If you use the people who post here as an example, Trump's supporters must prefer more extreme lies because they keep repeating whoppers that even Trump wouldn't say.