What can we DO about imprisoned children?

in light of the egregious new policy of separating children from their families, pulling babies from the breast, what can we DO? Let’s brainstorm my friends.

This one has crossed a line of actual extreme cruelty and dehumanization that cannot be forgotten by the next scandal.

I’ll start:

Write faith leaders encouraging them to speak out to their flocks on this

Write Congress

Brand supporters of this without giving a bit of slack- we must brand these folks with this- this happens by repetition and focus on this. This is is how conservatives beat us- focus on an issue or two and pound and pound and pound it... we must return the favor.

What else can we do???

you don't speak his name. he his now known as #presidentwhoshallnotbenamed. YOU take his legit away.
. Trump says stuff that would end any other politician's career yet it only seems to burnish his image with the fascists.

i blame white evangelicals for letting him get away with this shit he says and does.

they as a group have never allowed this kind of behavior before.

they sold their soul to cheeto jesus because of the SCOTUS appointment.

they think abortion is going to be made illegal again.

fucking morons...
No it doesnt

has anyone noticed he's gone to his summer orange shade? WTF color is that shit?

to his spray tan color mixer 'i'm looking for something that capture's the essence Flames of Hades'
i'm not sure, with careful study, it may be revealed that his shade of orange is an indicator of his mood, the brighter it is, the more likely he is to do something to fuck things up, when he looks closest to normal, he's tired, and doesn't have the energy to cause too much shit

They will develop an indicator status system that will announce to the American Public which color it is now.

Sweat Condition Light-Orange!
Sweat Condition Yellow-Orange!
Sweat Condition Red-Orange!
