What can we DO about imprisoned children?

It was all good back in the day...

It’s awesome how you snowflakes show your true colors when hit with facts. You can’t bring intelligent thought so you have to try to say something edgy. Nice “your mom” joke. Then you are so pathetic you drop a comment then run away and hide behind the ignore button.
You are clearly a moron who cannot distinguish between a picture of children who crossed into the country alone versus being stripped from their parents. What was Obama to have done, genius, cloned them parents?

It is sad that you are not very smart and cannot comprehend such things.
You are clearly a moron who cannot distinguish between a picture of children who crossed into the country alone versus being stripped from their parents. What was Obama to have done, genius, cloned them parents?

It is sad that you are not very smart and cannot comprehend such things.

Fortunately, he's a dying breed.

Attrition and immigration won't be kind.
Maybe they can make a statue.
It was all good back in the day...

It’s awesome how you snowflakes show your true colors when hit with facts. You can’t bring intelligent thought so you have to try to say something edgy. Nice “your mom” joke. Then you are so pathetic you drop a comment then run away and hide behind the ignore button.

Experience has taught me that people who use the term "snowflake" are half-assed trolls who aren't to be taken seriously
Obama was nothing but a pure racist. IMO the most bigoted president in our history. Not even a close second. His racist legacy is almost erased and vaporized. Finally blacks have hope with the latest job #'s.

Thomas Jefferson owned 140 slaves. Jefferson spent years raping his slave Sally Hemings—his wife’s half-sister—since she was a child. Hemmings bore six children. And this man enslaved his own kids. Jefferson said the “unfortunate difference of color” of Black people made them less beautiful than whites.

Andrew Jackson owned hundreds of slaves, and censored anti-slavery mailings from Northern abolitionists while president. Nicknamed “Indian killer,” he committed genocide against of Native Americans, including women and children. His Indian Removal Act removed 46,000 native people from their land, making 25 million acres available to white settlers and slave owners, while 4,000 Cherokee people died during the “Trail of Tears” forced relocation to the West

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, rounded up more than 100,000 Japanese-Americans during World War Two and locked them up in prison camps, while sparing Italian- and German-Americans the same fate.

When Lyndon B. Johnson nominated Thurgood Marshall to the U.S. Supreme Court rather than a less-well known African-American judge, he explained, “when I appoint a nigger to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a nigger.”

Johnson once asked his chauffeur Parker if he preferred to be called by his name rather than “boy,” “nigger” or “chief.” When Parker said yes, Johnson angrily said, “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.” He called civil rights legislation “the nigger bill.”

Richard Nixon “Do you know, maybe one black country that’s well run?,” Nixon told Henry Kissinger on the phone from the Oval Office, speaking about Jamaica. “Blacks can’t run it. Nowhere, and they won’t be able to for a hundred years, and maybe not for a thousand.” Of the Jewish community, Nixon said, “The Jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality.”

Ronald Reagan brought us the racist stereotype of the “welfare queen,” who is presumably a Black woman. “There’s a woman in Chicago. She has 80 names, 30 addresses, 12 Social Security cards and is collecting veterans’ benefits on four nonexistent deceased husbands. She’s got Medicaid, is getting food stamps and welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income alone is over $150,000\

But yeah, Obama.


TerpsWell-Known Member
That's funny. Except their not checking facts, they are giving opinions to opinions....

Even when it’s a lie, it’s not a lie :(. The poor gullible sheep :(. Sad!