
I only been a smoker not a grower. Me and my friend were cracking bud and some seeds fell out, so out of curiosity i took them home, researched for a good few minutes, and i planted them in the only tiny planter i had. And BAM. They started to grow.
See, this was originally a joke and or an experiment to see if i could do it (i always thought growing weed was mission impossible, i was ready to laugh at my failure) but to my surprise they are doing pretty ok. After doing a lot of research after planting, i actually tried with my little seedlings.
They sprouted Tuesday and shot up Wednesday, and today (Thursday) they grew even taller. Making these 3/4 days old.
Now, i know my circumstances are not ideal. I know i need to separate the plants, get proper soil (i got clay like dirt from my backyard) the whole 9. Now i see they sprouted i want to seriously grow these babies.
But my question is, how am i doing so far?
I put the seedlings out for a few hours today for the first time ever and at first it seemed to make it sprout even more. As the day went on, i think they started to burn in the sun. I live in Mass, where the days are getting hotter and more humid.
I was scared so i brought them inside in scares of burning them. I’m not sure what the light requirement is for seedlings, as i said this is a joke turned real. Every and any info would help. Can i bring them outside to get sunlight everyday and then bring them back in? Would a fluorescent light work better? How do my seedlings look? My stem color etc? help me ! Lol
The tips started to turn a little brown and the stem is dark in some places and crooked. The little sprout leaves on one is also looks like it’s bent downwards... i just don’t want them to die. Hit me with all your info !