Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?

Do what you want you baby. I told you that was not what I meant. And I don’t care about your statistics or argument so your version is obviously wrong. I wasn’t arguing. I was telling you “ yeah I only clicked the link provided. Which was wiki.

The rest is your anxiety second guessing everything and reaching for control.

And I am not the biggest anything here. You are.
i asked you if the citation had different numbers and you said "yeah"

you lied

now you are making up more lies to cover your lies

pathological serial liar. the worst RIU has ever seen
i asked you if the citation had different numbers and you said "yeah"

you lied

now you are making up more lies to cover your lies

pathological serial liar. the worst RIU has ever seen

You really want people to believe you are right.

No one cares.

Move on and get some new material.
So, you came here telling us that we are powerless against the Cult of Trump:

Now calm down.. and breath. Trump is our President, there is nothing you can do about that. Nor can you do anything about his "followers". But you can do everything about yourself. You can change your own world and move on from what others have tried to create for you.
You then tell somebody who says they cannot capitulate that they should commit suicide. Also you said that anybody not living in the Cult of Trump is living in a shit world:
Life might be difficult at times.. but its amazing man. Truly.

If it's just a bitch, then end that shit now. Fuck it, cut the cord. Move on and find out what is next..

I mean why delay the inevitable, and live in shit world? :confused:
When you don't like being called out for that, you say:
Nope, bowing out now.

I started this thread with a list of attributes about a cult, the first item being:
1. Opposing critical thinking
You are the same thoughtful, caring and interesting person that you were before you joined the Cult Of Trump. But since you joined, people aren't seeing that good side of you anymore. I'm not criticizing you, I'm just encouraging you to consider if you've been living up to your own expectations since you joined the Cult of Trump.
You really want people to believe you are right.

No one cares.

Move on and get some new material.
i am right. it is all in black and white

and then there are gems like this one where you joke about how jews are "lying rats" and "penny pinchers"

you are a seral pathological liar. everyone has known someone like you. you remind me of a kid i knew in 10th grade english once. you lie just for the sake of lying. like trump does

Screenshot 2018-04-03 at 1.32.37 PM.png
i am right. it is all in black and white

and then there are gems like this one where you joke about how jews are "lying rats" and "penny pinchers"

you are a seral pathological liar. everyone has known someone like you. you remind me of a kid i knew in 10th grade english once. you lie just for the sake of lying. like trump does

View attachment 4121736

All. And I mean all of your tired boring examples of me lying or racist are your imagination.

This quote is me answering your rude hateful question you were asking because someone else upset you.

You really need time off line.
All. And I mean all of your tired boring examples of me lying are your imagination.

This quote is me answering your rude hateful question you were asking because someone else upset you.

You really need time off line.
so you thought it was "rude" and "hateful" of me to ask someone to clarify their nasty jew-hatred, but you never spoke out against said jew-hatred, and even decided to make light of sad jew-hatred by validating it?
so you thought it was "rude" and "hateful" of me to ask someone to clarify their nasty jew-hatred, but you never spoke out against said jew-hatred, and even decided to make light of sad jew-hatred by validating it?

Dude. You talk in vicious circles.

I suggested to say something politically correct like frugal. No need to get all upset and focused on a weed forum you goof.

You and your assertions do not matter here. No one cares.
Dude. You talk in vicious circles.

I suggested to say something politically correct like frugal. No need to get all upset and focused on a weed forum you goof.

You and your assertions do not matter here. No one cares.

so someone calls jews "lying rats" and penny pinchers"

and your suggestion is that they call jews "frugal" instead

and you wonder why no one believes that you are a jew
so someone calls jews "lying rats" and penny pinchers"

and your suggestion is that they call jews "frugal" instead

and you wonder why no one believes that you are a jew

Everybody doesn’t have to get all worked up over everything. Have a spine. This is the Internet. Not your wife’s living room.
For the past year, wise people on this site like @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and especially @st0wandgrow have been advising that we stop calling racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists -- racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists. Their example of probity when confronted with people who disagree with them have convinced me that calling racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists -- racist, retrograde, bigoted fascists only causes them to dig deeper into their racist, retrograde, bigoted fascist beliefs. This thread is my response to their very fine examples of behavior and advice.

With tongue in cheek, I ask you, sir, to refrain from speech that upon @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk and especially @st0wandgrow 's advice only alienates Trump cultists and causes them to avoid seeking the truth about their racist, retrograde, bigoted, fascist beliefs. They are not crazy but are the same intelligent, creative and interesting individuals they were before they joined The Cult of Trump. As with falling in love they are just crazy about the group, its amazing leader and its great potential to change the world and you with it. So the ideals of the group are probably quite attractive superficially – ending war and poverty, say, or promoting the healthy development of brain and body.
That's not what I've advised. I believe if someone is openly racist/bigoted, they should be called out on it

That's not what you advocate

Your posts show you advocate only for belittling these sorts of people. Calling someone out for being a racist or bigot is completely different from belittling them. Calling them out entails explaining why you believe their viewpoint is wrong.

You ignore that part

What I have advocated is that while calling out racist/bigoted speech, you don't stop there, you advocate for progressive policies and offer progressive solutions that objectively work to improve the lives of the working class, regardless of race/gender/age/etc. A major benefit being that said programs will disproportionately benefit the lives of minorities since more minorities are poor/live in poverty

You ignore that because it contradicts your accusations

I don't want people to stop talking about racism/sexism/xenophobia/etc., I simply don't believe only talking about it without any spine to back actual legislation in congress is a recipe for success. It's lip service
The intent of my post isn't to get them angry or to try to tell them what to do.
Anyone who reads your posts, even a few posts after the post I quoted can tell that's exactly your intent. That's why I stopped responding to you; you're not interested in intellectual honesty, you're interested in arguing
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That's not what I've advised. I believe if someone is openly racist/bigoted, they should be called out on it

That's not what you advocate

Your posts show you advocate only for belittling these sorts of people. Calling someone out for being a racist or bigot is completely different from belittling them. Calling them out entails explaining why you believe their viewpoint is wrong.

You ignore that part

What I have advocated is that while calling out racist/bigoted speech, you don't stop there, you advocate for progressive policies and offer progressive solutions that objectively work to improve the lives of the working class, regardless of race/gender/age/etc. A major benefit being that said programs will disproportionately benefit the lives of minorities since more minorities are poor/live in poverty

You ignore that because it contradicts your accusations

I don't want people to stop talking about racism/sexism/xenophobia/etc., I simply don't believe only talking about it without any spine to back actual legislation in congress is a recipe for success. It's lip service

Anyone who reads your posts, even a few posts after the post I quoted can tell that's exactly your intent. That's why I stopped responding to you; you're not interested in intellectual honesty, you're interested in arguing
No, you've said that one must be kind, bend over and let racist fuck them in the ass, all the while trying to reason with them. At least that's what you said at the time. Maybe you are changing your story. Refer to the Sanders cult thread for more information.
Everybody doesn’t have to get all worked up over everything. Have a spine. This is the Internet. Not your wife’s living room.
since you claim to be a jew i assume you will not get upset when people call you a "lying rat" and "penny pinching jew", even though you get worked up when i correctly identify you as a racist meth addict.
since you claim to be a jew i assume you will not get upset when people call you a "lying rat" and "penny pinching jew", even though you get worked up when i correctly identify you as a racist meth addict.

I get worked up over the meth accusation because I already overcame drugs and you are writing lies about my accomplishment. And on a site I joined to promote the benefits of a plant over chemicles for many illnesses. I am successful in this. Your lies about me go against all that.

I was born Jewish and raised Jewish but I and the hypocrites that raised me are atheist and science based people.

And even on tv since I have been alive they have been making Jew jokes.
sorry, meth boi

calling jews "lying rats" and "penny pinching jews" are not "jew jokes" you meth-addled klansock

Still no one but you believes it. And really whatever crutch is making you act this way progressively worse night after night.

Try some good weed instead. You already ruined any semblance of a forum here.
Go ahead and quote where I've said that
Oh, everybody knows you do that. There is no need.

Don't you remember when you were talking about how you converted a racist by sitting down and talking with him?

OK, so I was using the concept of the racist butt fucking the earnest liberal while he was trying to convince them to change their ways as a metaphor for the lunacy of "having a talk over coffee". Still, the image I get from your "conversation" is the racist going back to his clubhouse and snickering about you with his friends. So, yeah it was a metaphor but an accurate one.
the image I get from your "conversation" is the racist going back to his clubhouse and snickering about you with his friends.

By actually addressing the KKK's racist arguments, Daryl Davis was able to educate and change the minds of many KKK members

Reverend Wade Watts, state leader of the NAACP, educated and changed the minds of actual KKK members by using intelligence

Can you cite a single instance the tactic you primarily choose to employ has even come close to the results of the tactic I choose to employ?

By actually addressing the KKK's racist arguments, Daryl Davis was able to educate and change the minds of many KKK members

Reverend Wade Watts, state leader of the NAACP, educated and changed the minds of actual KKK members by using intelligence

Can you cite a single instance the tactic you primarily choose to employ has even come close to the results of the tactic I choose to employ?
Yes, one person said he was converted. That's not very convincing.

I don't believe that a real racist or sexist or bigot can be converted by anything anybody says. My proof is that 44% of people today lean toward racist beliefs, practically all are white. We've talked and talked and talked yet still people who were racist 20 years ago are still racist.

I call your 1 person and raise you 44%.