Okay here we go:

Have a great day. Thanks for stopping by

In all srsness. I'm fine with the age raise to 21. That's about it. If you figured out a probe you can stick into someones ass that tells you if they're crazy let me know. Until then, good luck.

Oh also, as far as new laws I'd be all for: removing all gun free zones. Because they're fucking stupid.

You said earlier that you supported gun control laws and now you don't. So, why did you change your mind? What rationale do you have for changing your mind?

Totally agree with your support for raising the age of purchasing guns to 21. Good for you!!!! You and I agree on something!!!!!!!:hug:

Also agree that the argument made by gun nuts -- that the problem is mental illness and not the ease with which unreasonably angry people can purchase a mass-murder weapon -- is false.
You said earlier that you supported gun control laws and now you don't. So, why did you change your mind? What rationale do you have for changing your mind?

Totally agree with your support for raising the age of purchasing guns to 21. Good for you!!!! You and I agree on something!!!!!!!:hug:

Also agree that the argument made by gun nuts -- that the problem is mental illness and not the ease with which unreasonably angry people can purchase a mass-murder weapon -- is false.

You guys act like John Fuckstick can walk out of the mental hostpital, walk into a gun store, and buy a gun.

Doesn't work that way.

Have any of you even bought a gun ever? Gone through the process required? Or are you listening to what clueless 17 year olds say? Dead serious question.

Go walk into the closest gun store and try to buy an AR-15 right now. I bet it takes you either an hour for them to do your background check, or they tell you to get fucked and come back when you have a permit to purchase. Aka a police background check.
I just renewed my permit to purchase. Took 3 days to get it. None of this "you can walk in and out in 5 minutes and have a full semi-automatic ar-15!"
I just renewed my permit to purchase. Took 3 days to get it. None of this "you can walk in and out in 5 minutes and have a full semi-automatic ar-15!"
Yeah, it was so difficult that you had to wait three whole days!!!

Quite likely there was an overwhelmed person who just rubber stamped your application when the third day elapsed.

OK, so, it's clear you've changed your mind about gun control laws after you made the statement that you agreed with me that there should be more regulations in place. When you said that, which regulations were you considering and why have you changed your mind about them?
Yeah, it was so difficult that you had to wait three whole days!!!

Quite likely there was an overwhelmed person who just rubber stamped your application when the third day elapsed.

OK, so, it's clear you've changed your mind about gun control laws after you made the statement that you agreed with me that there should be more regulations in place. When you said that, which regulations were you considering and why have you changed your mind about them?

You're hopeless. You need to get out and see the real world so you can understand the real world. As far as I'm concerned you're about as weathered to life as these 17 year olds.
You're hopeless. You need to get out and see the real world so you can understand the real world. As far as I'm concerned you're about as weathered to life as these 17 year olds.
OK, so, it's clear you've changed your mind about gun control laws after you made the statement in which you agreed with me that there should be more regulations in place. When you said that, which regulations were you considering and why have you changed your mind about them?
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OK, so, it's clear you've changed your mind about gun control laws after you made the statement that you agreed with me that there should be more regulations in place. When you said that, which regulations were you considering and why have you changed your mind about them?

Stop beating a dead horse. You've literally brought this up to me 10+ times now.

Apparently it's extremely hard for you to wrap your head around things.

Don't you ever get sick of being a parrot and just repeating the same nonsensical bullshit over and over and over?