long live donald trump!

an american god
So, how is that draining the swamp going? How much has the US gov't paid Mar al Lago for the rooms Trump's security detail are using? What about that trademark that was granted by China to Trump? You know, the one that had been dragging on for years but suddenly was resolved when Trump became president? That didn't raise the level of the Swamp much did it?
trump is a god,he can spend all your money if he wants,do you expect him to spend his money?geez
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Hey dickwad, this was an international march, not just in the USA, that just alone in DC had an estimated crowd size of over 800,000 participants, not counting all the other cities in this country, and the world.

An initial crowd estimate from Washington, D.C., 4:55 p.m.: March for Our Lives organizers are estimating about 800,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. Saturday for Saturday’s rally, according to a report from NBC News

Wake up, and stop watching only Fox for your fucked up news and propaganda.

Oh, and while I'm at it, fuck the NRA ( their done :) ) and fuck your soulmate, that no good piece of shit Trump,
Actually, the crowd was estimated at <300,000
Actually they are estimated at 180-220k. But say fuck it 300k still a far shot from the 800k reported lol
More, many more than attended the inauguration.

How many attended the inauguration? Not even all Republican congressmen. Excepting those who had to show as a sign of fealty, how many attended? Maybe 12 people?
More, many more than attended the inauguration.

How many attended the inauguration? Not even all Republican congressmen. Excepting those who had to show as a sign of fealty, how many attended? Maybe 12 people?
Way to try and deflect there sheepy
Lol, still not taking our guns snowflakes.

I'd be embarassed AF a 17 year old is leading you plebs. Follow some little fuckwit that probably can't even make a pack of ramen lmao.
Actually, ramen is pretty easy to make. But don't let that discourage you, we are all still proud that you learned how. It is a major accomplishment for your limited abilities.
Gud one unclesnowflake.

Fact of the matter is, you're letting children push a political agenda upon you.

17 year old don't know a thing about the real world. Do none of you find it ironic this little shitstain is getting flown all over fuck and has speeches written for him?

Lmao. Silly sheeple.
Your jealousy is coming across loud and clear. It doesn't matter what age you were when you mastered that flavor pouch. We are still proud of you - they're tricky.