Okay here we go:

Have a great day. Thanks for stopping by

In all srsness. I'm fine with the age raise to 21. That's about it. If you figured out a probe you can stick into someones ass that tells you if they're crazy let me know. Until then, good luck.

Oh also, as far as new laws I'd be all for: removing all gun free zones. Because they're fucking stupid.

Seems to me that raising the age to buy a gun should be matched to raising the age to vote.
You are an idiot.

I can write reams about the flaws in your pathetic attempt at logic but you are nowhere near worth the effort and my time would be wasted due to your lack of knowledge and intellectual dishonesty.

So I will just leave it at that, you are an idiot.

It is shameful that such a large portion of our country can do no better than you.
laura ingraham, who is a cunt, is now apologizing for mocking the parkland massacre survivors but only because she is losing sponsors left and right.

rick santorum is apologizing for telling the kids to stop marching and learn CPR (as if CPR is effective strategy for treating gunshot wounds from an AssaultRifle-15

the cons can't even win an argument against kids.
laura ingraham, who is a cunt, is now apologizing for mocking the parkland massacre survivors but only because she is losing sponsors left and right.

rick santorum is apologizing for telling the kids to stop marching and learn CPR (as if CPR is effective strategy for treating gunshot wounds from an AssaultRifle-15

the cons can't even win an argument against kids.
Sad. I think they are intimidated by their ramen making ability.