LOL of course it does, "AR" has nothing to do with "Armalite Rifle" - the company who designed the ar15. you are truly a moron. go back to your cnn you brainwashed idiot. you can actually even google this but thats probably too much of a stretch for your pea brain.
Speaking of brainwashed.
So those laws have no deterrent effect? Is that what you are saying?

no, thats not what im saying. i dont know if there is a deterrent effect. i do know that laws dont stop it from happening.

thats not to say there shouldnt be laws. the laws are there for justice first.

are there preventative laws? of course but this example isnt one. a preventative law is required federal fbi background checks to purchase a firearm, or a wait period to take possession after purchase. wearing your seatbelt. those are preventative laws.
no, thats not what im saying. i dont know if there is a deterrent effect. i do know that laws dont stop it from happening.

thats not to say there shouldnt be laws. the laws are there for justice first.

are there preventative laws? of course but this example isnt one. a preventative law is required federal fbi background checks to purchase a firearm, or a wait period to take possession after purchase. wearing your seatbelt. those are preventative laws.
So your logic is totally flawed and you are just too dumb to know it.

Ok, thank you for your useless opinion.
you said "gun laws won't stop children from dying" while arguing against more gun laws, just like you said "child pornography laws dont stop it from happening" so i assume you were also arguing against child pornography laws.

if you are saying it is a good idea to have laws against child pornography then i agree, just like i agree it is a good idea to have laws against guns and gun massacres.

yeah i agree it is a good idea to have and there are laws already in place against massacres and using guns to kill people. see a pattern here?
if AR15 does not stand for "assault rifle 15" why do they advertise it as a military grade assault rifle for soldiers?

Because it was eventually adopted as the M16 to replace the short-lived M14, which itself was adopted as an improvement on the M1, which fired .30-06, which is used today as a popular hunting round originally used during WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. It was invented by a civilian gun manufacturer. Kind of like how the SCAR, the ACR, the XM8, etc. were civilian rifle manufacturers who intended to win a replacement contract.
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How many school children were killed by knife weilding maniacs in the UK last year dipshit? I want an number from you.
some guy in britain just tried to do a knife attack on a train and people threw backpacks at him and the entire attempted attack was stopped in its tracks.
How many school children were killed by knife weilding maniacs in the UK last year dipshit? I want an number from you.

Data from 32 forces in England and Wales shows that 2,579 weapons were seized at schools between April 2015 and the beginning of this year, including axes and air guns, as well as almost 500 knives.

There were 37,443 offences in the 12 months ending in September 2017, a 21% increase on the previous year and the highest number since 2011, the earliest point for which comparable data is available.

it doesnt matter how many people die, the problem exists. you seem to not care because people are only getting maimed and not killed.
there are laws already in place against massacres and using guns to kill people.

clearly they are not working so we need more of them and also to just ban pretty much all guns.

if you take an extensive and rigorous training and background course (i'm talking like a month worth of training and background checks and psychological evaluations) then maybe you can get a small caliber, 5 round magazine self-defense handgun that is not semi-automatic.

that is my most generous offer and i am in the vast supermajority here so i don;t care if you object
clearly they are not working so we need more of them and also to just ban pretty much all guns.

if you take an extensive and rigorous training and background course (i'm talking like a month worth of training and background checks and psychological evaluations) then maybe you can get a small caliber, 5 round magazine self-defense handgun that is not semi-automatic.

that is my most generous offer and i am in the vast supermajority here so i don;t care if you object

and then we have maniacs running around with knives stabbing people. should be ban knives next?

you are not in the majority on this one. sorry pal.
and then we have maniacs running around with knives stabbing people. should be ban knives next?

you are not in the majority on this one. sorry pal.

knife attacks get thwarted b backpacks and rocks and heavy jackets and shit. theres a reason why soldiers get basically a copy of an AR-15 (assault rifle 15) and not just a knife.

67% of americans want to ban assault weapons. only 3% of americans own 50% of the guns. that is 10 million people versus 300 million. you're losing.

Data from 32 forces in England and Wales shows that 2,579 weapons were seized at schools between April 2015 and the beginning of this year, including axes and air guns, as well as almost 500 knives.

There were 37,443 offences in the 12 months ending in September 2017, a 21% increase on the previous year and the highest number since 2011, the earliest point for which comparable data is available.

it doesnt matter how many people die, the problem exists. you seem to not care because people are only getting maimed and not killed.
It does matter. It matters a lot.

Infact, it is all that matters.
are you ok with police having guns? you are far more likely to be shot by a police officer than some manic with a gun shooting up a school, mo
knife attacks get thwarted b backpacks and rocks and heavy jackets and shit. theres a reason why soldiers get basically a copy of an AR-15 (assault rifle 15) and not just a knife.

67% of americans want to ban assault weapons. only 3% of americans own 50% of the guns. that is 10 million people versus 300 million. you're losing.

you dont even know what an assault weapon is. they ahve been banned since 1986 and are not readily available. the pre 1986 assault weapons you can buy cost 10,000$+ and are already under strict regulation. it doesnt seem like you know the laws about guns, or anything about guns in general besides what youve been told.
I just want to point out that the AR-15, to include the M4 Carbine, is a shit rifle. It jams too fucking easily because of the direct impingement system filling the breech with carbon and nastiness, and that shit mixes with the dust of Afghanistan, causing jams that are hard as fuck to clear. It fires a small, fast round that is shit at killing, tends to overpenetrate, and has no fucking stopping power. The only good thing about the M4 is the cheek-to-stock-weld feel and straight alignment of sight. The only worse decision the military made was to replace the 1911 with the Beretta 92FS/M9.

AR-15: I fucking hate you. You suck. I’d rather have a firearm with a gas-piston system or something more reliable that fires a 7.62. Fuck you, AR-15. Fuck you in the goat ass. You nearly got me killed.
yeah hows that knife problem going in the UK? tell me again how laws work?
You tell me. Nice diversion.

Gun control laws work. They have worked in every developed nation that has enacted them. Gun owners in the US can cooperate and help write legislation that meets their and our needs or they can whine about what non-gun owners get done. I can guarantee you that you won't like the legislation if only non-gun owners write it.
you are far more likely to be shot by a police officer than some manic with a gun

there's about 1000 police shootings per year and about 35,000 other gun shootings per year so no. you are wrong.

it doesnt seem like you know the laws about guns, or anything about guns in general besides what youve been told.

don't need to.

you think abortion kills children. there are laws against killing children though. so you don;t know what the fuck you are talking about but you seem to think you get a say anyway

i know way more about guns than you do. assault weapons are not banned. ar-15 stands for "assault rifle 15"

You tell me. Nice diversion.

Gun control laws work. They have worked in every developed nation that has enacted them. Gun owners in the US can cooperate and help write legislation that meets their and our needs or they can whine about what non-gun owners get done. I can guarantee you that you won't like the legislation if only non-gun owners write it.

i dont have a problem with tighter legislation but please know the current laws already in place before you suggest something stupid like "banning assault weapons" and saying things like "ar stands for assault rifle".
i dont have a problem with tighter legislation but please know the current laws already in place before you suggest something stupid like "banning assault weapons" and saying things like "ar stands for assault rifle".

we need to ban assault weapons like the "AR-15" (assault rifle 15)
i dont have a problem with tighter legislation but please know the current laws already in place before you suggest something stupid like "banning assault weapons" and saying things like "ar stands for assault rifle".
A lot of the sheep on this board would gladly burn the Constitution and the bill of rights if it made them feel good.