typical leftist move picking apart my post like that lol.

the message of the photo is true. these kids are stepping all over our rights calling for the ban of certain weapons, certain weapons that fall into the same category as countless others which they dont care about. i recall one of these children tell bill mahr "people talk about the second amendment as if its a right you are born with" <-- it is a right were born with, in america anyways, and those are the people who want to make new laws not having a clue about the current ones already in place? HA! i dont disagree with some legislation on stricter background checks but at the end of the day its upto the fbi to do their job which they have failed more times than id consider acceptable.

theres bigger fish to fry if you care so much about childrens lives. i havent heard one mention from you about the 4,000+ children that die everyday from texting and driving, what about the 700+ teenagers that die from drug overdoses every year? how about the 600,000+ children killed from abortions that you probably march for the right to kill? what about the bullying that pushes so many children to suicide? these arent strings you can pull to manipulate with.
typical leftist move picking apart my post like that lol.

the message of the photo is true. these kids are stepping all over our rights calling for the ban of certain weapons, certain weapons that fall into the same category as countless others which they dont care about. i recall one of these children tell bill mahr "people talk about the second amendment as if its a right you are born with" <-- it is a right were born with, in america anyways, and those are the people who want to make new laws not having a clue about the current ones already in place? HA! i dont disagree with some legislation on stricter background checks but at the end of the day its upto the fbi to do their job which they have failed more times than id consider acceptable.

theres bigger fish to fry if you care so much about childrens lives. i havent heard one mention from you about the 4,000+ children that die everyday from texting and driving, what about the 700+ teenagers that die from drug overdoses every year? how about the 600,000+ children killed from abortions that you probably march for the right to kill? what about the bullying that pushes so many children to suicide? these arent strings you can pull to manipulate with.
their right to live > your "right" to play with war toys

we have laws against texting and driving now, strict regulations for how drugs are to be prescribed/administered, and there are laws against killing children, which abortion does not violate.

go be a dumbfuck somewhere have nly yourself and others like you to blame for the impending changes that will happen in the gun control arena.
By now? So you thought this was at one point real? Wow you are dumb. Of course 100% completely fake, anyone with a brain can see that its photoshopped.. The message it conveys is still 100% true though
The message is bullshit. The constitution was written to allow it to be modified. Slavery was written into the constitution. I suppose you might as well have posted a meme of Lincoln tearing the constitution in half too. There is no reason why the people of the US, a vast majority of whom don't own a gun, should tolerate the massive disparity in gun homicides compared to other similar nations. As I just said in my previous post. 70% is an unstoppable majority in a democracy.
their right to live > your "right" to play with war toys

we have laws against texting and driving now, strict regulations for how drugs are to be prescribed/administered, and there are laws against killing children, which abortion does not violate.

go be a dumbfuck somewhere have nly yourself and others like you to blame for the impending changes that will happen in the gun control arena.

theres also strict regulation on illegal drugs. strict regulation on prescription drugs doesnt stop doctors from over prescribing them just like drug regulation doesnt stop people from using them and selling them, child pornography laws dont stop it from happening, and guess what. gun laws wont stop children from dying.

we have laws for a lot if things. if they worked so great why do people still commit such things?
theres also strict regulation on illegal drugs. strict regulation on prescription drugs doesnt stop doctors from over prescribing them just like drug regulation doesnt stop people from using them and selling them, child pornography laws dont stop it from happening, and guess what. gun laws wont stop children from dying.

we have laws for a lot if things. if they worked so great why do people still commit such things?
good heavens. How many times do people have to point out that every developed nation that enacted gun control laws have much lower rates of gun homicides and other unnecessary injuries and deaths due to guns. They work.
theres also strict regulation on illegal drugs. strict regulation on prescription drugs doesnt stop doctors from over prescribing them just like drug regulation doesnt stop people from using them and selling them, child pornography laws dont stop it from happening, and guess what. gun laws wont stop children from dying.

we have laws for a lot if things. if they worked so great why do people still commit such things?
So if one cannot totally eliminate gun deaths by restricting guns, we should take no action to limit them?

good heavens. How many times do people have to point out that every developed nation that enacted gun control laws have much lower rates of gun homicides and other unnecessary injuries and deaths due to guns. They work.

yeah hows that knife problem going in the UK? tell me again how laws work?
theres also strict regulation on illegal drugs. strict regulation on prescription drugs doesnt stop doctors from over prescribing them just like drug regulation doesnt stop people from using them and selling them, child pornography laws dont stop it from happening, and guess what. gun laws wont stop children from dying.

we have laws for a lot if things. if they worked so great why do people still commit such things?
to be clear, you are arguing against having child pornography laws here.
missing the point, creating more laws dont stop criminals. derp.
it did in australia.

an AR15 costs $30,000 over there and you need an illicit black market hookup to get one. hence why they don;t have weekly gun massacres over there.

AR-15 stands for "assault rifle 15" in case you didn;t know
no, im not lol. nice try, again. laws like that are put in place to punish criminals that commit atrocious acts.

you said "gun laws won't stop children from dying" while arguing against more gun laws, just like you said "child pornography laws dont stop it from happening" so i assume you were also arguing against child pornography laws.

if you are saying it is a good idea to have laws against child pornography then i agree, just like i agree it is a good idea to have laws against guns and gun massacres.
LOL of course it does, "AR" has nothing to do with "Armalite Rifle" - the company who designed the ar15. you are truly a moron. go back to your cnn you brainwashed idiot. you can actually even google this but thats probably too much of a stretch for your pea brain.

AR15 stands for "assault rifle 15" because you can kill at least 15 children per minute with one
Yeah, totally. It definitely doesn’t stand for Armalite Rifle model 15. And the AR-10 wasn’t its predecessor, chambered in 7.62mm NATO. And neither of them were created by Eugene Stoner for the ArmaLite corporation, which definitely never sold the rights to Colt.

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if AR15 does not stand for "assault rifle 15" why do they advertise it as a military grade assault rifle for soldiers?
