Android spy app needed

If you think something is up it usually is. Lots of good advice I've read through on here. Never once have I even had a suspicion about my wife's loyalty, even when we had just started dating, hell even when I was being a dumb ass she was there to straighten me out instead of finding other people. Marriage is a big deal. No secrets. Not even stupid little shit. And if that doesn't go both ways it's not a solid relationship.
I was in the same boat a couple years ago. I was married to her and got to feeling suspicious. Got tired of it and left her. She immediately shacked up with the guy so i guess i was right. Been with my new girlfriend for 3 years now loving every minute of it. Sometimes we even swap phones because she forgets to charge hers and cant at work. If its just like you say and your not cheating her and feeling guilty then leave.
All I got outta this is that the op has a little dick and can’t satisfy his chick. So she has to sneak around looking for bigger dicks so she doesn’t hurt his feelings. I think it’s nice of her to consider his feelings so much. What an awesome gal.

Op stop acting like a bitch and love her the way she loves you.
All I got outta this is that the op has a little dick and can’t satisfy his chick. So she has to sneak around looking for bigger dicks so she doesn’t hurt his feelings. I think it’s nice of her to consider his feelings so much. What an awesome gal.

Op stop acting like a bitch and love her the way she loves you.
And I agree, op gets to fuck everyone she fucked
The way I see it is this. The OP doesn't trust his woman and would go off on one over the most innocent of messages or calls found. Then there's the repeated "Are you making the beast with two backs with someone else" questions.

If there's one thing guaranteed to drive her to someone else, it's right there in front of everyone's eyes, and I know what my reaction would be if I found out my missus planted some sort of spyware on my phone (not that she has the tech knowledge to do that without me finding it) whether I was up to something or not.

Bottom line is this. The trust has gone, the relationship is over no matter what because if she is screwing around then he'll never trust her again, and if she isn't then she'll never trust him to believe that any innocent contact with another bloke is something other than innocent contact.

It could well be she's having one last blow out before getting hitched, she wouldn't be the first woman to do so, but the bottom line is what was there will NEVER return no matter how much he "loves" her because he's always going to have this nagging feeling in the back of his mind that there's a third (or more) person in the room, the snooping will go on for the whole duration of what would be a VERY short marriage, the paranoia will only grow.

So there's only one option, one I took myself *ahem* years ago, and end it for the relationship is doomed now no matter what as counselling will only likely unveil some truths that he won't want to hear and make things worse.

It's over, move on
For example, take the lovely Charlize Theron…


But you put her in my proprietary marriage algorithm and after 30 years of marriage…


My fiance has always seemed trustworthy and has had my trust until now. I don't want to spy on her and never have but that's not the only reason. She has done other things lately to lead me to believe she is cheating. I need to know and clear my mind before I marry her. I only need it a few days to find out what I need to know.

Hey, from a woman.
One, if she has social media of any kind or uses the Internet she can find this post. Lmfao just saying.

Now seriously, if you want to marry her, don't spy on her. Ask her face to face, tell her hat you saw, and then ask her to explain it. Spying will make you the bad guy in this, that's. It what you want. If Shen is being unfaithful by just photos.. I'd say try to talk with her if you love her and work it out. Maybe there's something missing lately in the relationship if she hasn't been faithful this whole time.
Sadly, I can't only think of going to someone else if I wasn't getting what I needed at home BUT haven't done that but know the feeling of wanting more. Communication is key. You will not find out half truths by snooping and you might not find out all the pieces. Ask her. Talk to your soon to be wife and make it clear that you really don't want to goninto this marriage wondering.
@IgrowUgrow have you talked to your partner? Do you need my services still? I think we started off on the wrong foot. Perhaps first you should post us some pictures of her and we can advise you if she's even worth all this fuss. I'm pretty good at digitally enhancing what someone will look like after X amount of years of marriage.
How would a photo of a woman help decide if she is worth "the fuss"
The problem is she still is protective over her phone and is on it all day but always busy when I try to talk to her. When I asked about the messages she got mad and went to sleep and ignored me then just acted like it was over and done the next day.
That doesn't work, if I try we're me I'd keep her up.

I'm annoying but I don't go to bed angry. I have annoyed my fiancé to the point that he wants to kick me out of the bedroom but in the end he know communication is the answer. He can sleep after a fight but I don't let him lmfao
It's better to face a cougar head on than let it come up behind you.

Stop being a pussy looking for validation to your actions. Confront her, figure out what's going on, make decisions and act. Sounds like you'd bend over to make it work even if you found out she was cheating, so I don't think any of this advice really matters.

Just go full Cuck and be done with it.