Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...


Well-Known Member
Other countries don't have a fucked up society like the U.S. Greed, materialism, consumerism and narcissism. People judge each other by how expensive their homes, cars and sneakers are. :spew:everybody is playing keeping up with the Jones's. Guns are glorified in the hollywood pictures. Guns are deeply embedded in american culture. Wyoming is the most armed state per capita. If you live in a rural area then a gun is a must. Guns are here to stay as is gay marriage so at least you get that consolation Uncle Buck tooth.
You have a hard time staying on topic. ADD much?

I'm not even talking to you. I'm saying that gun control works as demonstrated in other countries and the 70% who don't own guns are just a few more mass murders away from clamping down. Gun owners can either get the message and take ownership for reducing carnage from guns or non-gun owners will implement their own ideas for what to do. I can guarantee you that you won't like what we do. The choice is yours.

There is no sense in denying that gun control doesn't work except through your weird way of belief in spite of facts. Something you are famous for on this site.


Well-Known Member
You have a hard time staying on topic. ADD much?

I'm not even talking to you. I'm saying that gun control works as demonstrated in other countries and the 70% who don't own guns are just a few more mass murders away from clamping down. Gun owners can either get the message and take ownership for reducing carnage from guns or non-gun owners will implement their own ideas for what to do. I can guarantee you that you won't like what we do. The choice is yours.

There is no sense in denying that gun control doesn't work except through your weird way of belief in spite of facts. Something you are famous for on this site.
Gun laws are impossible to enforce or in act. Guns are part of American culture and the economy. Hell, the military industrial complex runs the damn country dude. Military equipment fuels the economy and is the foundation of which America was built on. The 2nd Amendment? The right to bear arms. The earth is flat and guns are here to stay get used to it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Gun laws are impossible to enforce or in act. Guns are part of American culture and the economy. Hell, the military industrial complex runs the damn country dude. Military equipment fuels the economy and is the foundation of which America was built on. The 2nd Amendment? The right to bear arms. The earth is flat and guns are here to stay get used to it. :peace:
Gun control laws have worked in every other developed nation. As I said, this is not negotiable or even debatable. Seventy-percent of all households don't own guns. Opinions against relatively unfettered gun sales are running against at about the same amount. It's going to happen. The only choice you have is to work with other gun owners now and take ownership for reducing the carnage caused by guns. I guarantee you that you won't like what non-gun owners put in place. By then it will be too bad for you.

This is not a discussion.


Well-Known Member
We already went over this.
I will get to race baiting after you answer my question.
I was just pointing out that you mis-used a word and could benefit from a history lesson. Race baiting isn't some word that entitled white boys can just define and discuss. Well you can, but you wouldn't be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
He had a meltdown over my use of the word gringo.
Chicky's stool is #NotRacist

Quote 7: You're the racist ,.
Because—feeling butt-hurt is not a medical symptom.

also Quote 5: Not all white people,
Nothing upsets the #NotRacist stomach more than hearing the phrase “white people” used in any capacity. Only the term “white privilege” causes more consternation.

Gringo works too.