Flawless FINISH - how to properly flush ? Help ! Day 66

It's pointless to try to explain things to people who already know it all like yourself. If you're telling people they need to do something you should be able to explain why, period. There's a reason it's called search and not research? That's clever you should put that on a bumper sticker. Unfortunately the research people do are on other sites just like this one, so they repeat what they read without any first hand knowledge or experience. Here's an example

I've smoked bud from the exact same crop/strain, most plants were flushed and a few were not, there was an EXTREME difference in the way the weed burned and finished.

.It's plain and simple, when using synthetic nutrients in ALL VARIETIES of mediums, there can be some salt build up. Not always but sometimes.

Another thing is when you burn a bowl and it leaves behind a black ash plug and doesn't burn all the way/leave white ash, I'd say either there's something left in your product that could essentially be "flushed" out before cropping, or it's just by chance that it taste like crap, pops and cracks and doesn't burn correctly, who knows really there are tons of variables.

All your quotes from November, now you're singing a different tune and you don't need it. Your last post from that thread.

I've been busy. I read all the replies and the articles and links you all provided and then some. I will have to say my opinion on flushing has been changed.

You typed walls of text, mocked people, and made smart ass sarcastic comments advocating something you knew nothing about, no search, no research, certainly no experience.

Yesterdays claims by you
AN sensi a/b vs AN grow/bloom/micro
For some reason his seems to be finishing two weeks earlier and with more and smellier bud on the plant. I've never heard of this, it is for sure the same plant from clone, smells the same just stronger.

Did you notice you quoted a two year old post just to talk shit and call names? Nope, you wanted to tell him how "your friend" had the biggest yields (21 gram cola?) the best taste and faster flowering times using AN. You didn't explain how or why your friend was a superior grower, all you wanted to do is call someone who disagrees a hater. Again without any research. If you weren't in such a rush to tell everyone how superior of a grower you are you'd have noticed the MULTIPLE comparison grows in his sig.
So when I see someone making claims like you do, I'll ask simple questions. It helps me know who's full of shit and who's info should be avoided. What's lame is pretending, supporting, and arguing about things you've never done. What your friend did, you heard, or saw on youtube isn't valuable to me. You don't like it tough shit, get over it.
Here's some facts about AN for you so this post isn't a complete waste of time.
Throw some epsom salt in a bottle and call it a "flushing solution"View attachment 4080106View attachment 4080106

You..."It's pointless to try to explain things to people who already know it all like yourself"

Me ....obviously..."I've been busy. I read all the replies and the articles and links you all provided and then some. I will have to say my opinion on flushing has been changed."

You ..."Did you notice you quoted a two year old post just to talk shit and call names?"

I read a post that had been revived by someone else a couple days ago, was I supposed to look at the dates while reading backwards through people's rude comments? Also show me where I called names on this post cause I don't recall it... Any shit talking was just calling out shit talkers like you.... Don't see anything other than that.

You again...."You typed walls of text, mocked people, and made smart ass sarcastic comments advocating something you knew nothing about, no search, no research, certainly no experience."

I like to debate... How does someone learn without questioning something? I'll have to admit my style is straightforward but I don't remember mocking anyone. No search, no research, no experience, those are some bogus claims considering that's what I came to do and that's how I got here was searching.

I can tell by the way you ask these little stupid questions to people that you are just here to "mock and make smart ass comments" to them, you're definitely not here to learn as you already know it all..

As for the rest of us, who understand science isn't the knowing of all things, we will continue to debate about it. im sure somewhere along the line we will find one your useless comments throwing someone off like....

"Bigger yield in a shorter time, sounds like a win/win. Wonder why more people don't use it. How do you know when to flush if AN shortens flowering times? Should I use AN's flushing solution, I don't wanna taste chemicals. Thanks"

And of course I believed you and my reply was litterally built from information I got from talking to you...

But you were too busy trolling around looking for another stupid question to ask someone to help your inferiority complex.

As for bud factor x containing a pesticide! Lol it's salicylic acid or the same stuff used in acne medications and wart removers. They know it's in there it's what causes the SAR response that makes the plant grow more trichomes, as for the guarenteed analysis it's not required to say much so there could be other ingredients not listed that may help improve taste somehow. (I wasn't advocating using it I'm just not super against advanced nutrients or any lineup for that matter)

"Products that are fertilizers only, and have no claimed functions other than as plant nutrients have the simplest labeling requirements. ... For example, Hydrogen is not considered to be a plant nutrient, so it cannot appear on the label."

Who cares what's inside... If it works for some people and they don't want to mix Epsom salt and water then cool right? Maybe instead of being angry that people don't know just jump on the bandwagon and start selling bottled Epsom salt and water. If advanced nutrients can and get 5 star reviews and best sellers with it why not you?

Oh for your question... "I wonder why more people don't use it?" Look it up its the number one selling plant nutrient lineup for cannabis on the market.... Yes I'm sure there was more brands of non specific nutrients that sold higher on a commercial level, and no I've never bought it or used it I just got some for free basically, I can't say for myself just what I've seen others do with it.

Have a good time asking useless questions... Really helps people looking for answers.
I wasn't bullshitting about trying the theory either, after having changed my mind I just figured I went wrong when I pulled the un flushed weed earlier and ran the flushed a little longer, I think now that it was the unflushed weed was just less mature and that's why it wasn't as good. There was an extreme difference, the shit even gave me headaches.

Last crop I finished out and even cropped the day after feeding cause I had to. I dried it for like 7-10 days depending on the strain and then jarred it. Never had a problem.

I'm pretty convinced but still I want to try again and pull them at the same time this time. Really pay attention to the final product. I've never used mass amounts of water to flush in the past, I just started watering and not feeding for awhile cause that's what I thought it meant.

Then I was told that people use 3x the pot size in gallons, where the heck does all that water go? On the floor? That's 15 gallons of water each plant for me what a waste!

By that definition I've never "flushed" a plant, just watered it a bunch. I guess I didn't know what I was advocating at first, I thought it was referring to tapering food and just giving some good ol plain water.
Just thought I'd go look and see what chelates are and I found this!


This is kind of confusing but check it out!

Flawless finish has a bunch of different chelates apparently that aren't found in just Epsom salt.

The word chelate derives from the Greek word “chel”, meaning a crab’s claw.

Hence advanced using the term "claws"

Chelates make metals inside the soil mobile again according to this paper.

Anyone care to elaborate if they know anything else about this?
This seems backward from what flawless finish is trying to do doesn't it? It makes more nutrients available!

After reading it again it does say it makes cationic nutrients mobile in the plant also.

Maybe when using these chelates late in flowering it just makes things more mobile and speeds up senescence?

There has to be a reason for this crap! Lol
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Sorry for my walls of text lol, I'd just like to say to Kryptobud you have a lot of great information for people that need it, I just think you should change your approach that's all. We are all just humans here and we all make mistakes correct?

I like to think of helping people in the way I would teach a child, you don't pick through children and call them dumb when they have the wrong answer, they are children and they don't know any better and becoming an adult doesn't make them know automatically either.

Then again this just brings up the debate on corporal punishment which I believe to be an extremely primative form of correction that is used far too often for stupid reasons.

I once saw my sister tell my nephew "don't hit!" Then slapped his hand and made him cry.

Needless to say he hits just about everyone when he doesn't like what they do....I wonder why? Lol
Have a good time asking useless questions... Really helps people looking for answers.

Maybe you should reread the posts you're crying about. I'm replying to bullshit statements (I believe) being made. If you say you've been growing 25 years and you have to flush, you should understand how and why it works.

It looks like your trying to have a photo contest here, doesn't really help your argument either.This bud looks pretty but I've seen bud from 10 different grows "look" better than that and "look" more potent.

Those plants look huge and healthy and neither of you gave him any credit for that, you obviously just like to hate on AN and anyone who uses it.

I've recently seen a 21 gram cola grown from AN, some of the best weed I have ever tasted was grown with AN.

I just gave a strain away to a friend that uses AN in lucky dog medium and his plant is WAAAY different than mine! I grew in FFOF soil and Fox Farm trio and my plants took over 60 days before I cut them down and they could have went longer.

For some reason his seems to be finishing two weeks earlier and with more and smellier bud on the plant. I've never heard of this, it is for sure the same plant from clone, smells the same just stronger.

If you're gonna IMPLY better yield, better taste, better smell, a more potent "look" whatever the fuck that means, and it finished faster using a specific brand of nutes you're gonna get called on it. Now the grower you were responding to HAD MULTIPLE SIDE BY SIDE GROWS WITH MULTIPLE BRANDS OF NUTES IN HIS SIG and you still chose to talk shit. So why the fuck would someone bother to debate or help someone who knows it all already?
Also you weren't trying to answer anyones question ok, so stop acting like you're some victim bullshit. I'm done fuckin up peoples threads arguing about bullshit, let it go.
Just to let you know the it was the guy and his grow I was defending mostly not so much advanced nutrients. I have seen it do much better than what I'm using (fox farm),....at least I think it's just the nutrients.
He even just came in and said basically "advanced is watered down" and that he switched to cogo's 2 part. Case closed on that subject.

On the subject of flushing though I'm convinced now that the harvest time flush people swear by isn't needed and could even be bad for your plant, but then again I'm open to argue both sides of the subject cause I'm sure there's more to be learned.

I just don't see the plant ever moving nutrients or even accumulated metals to anywhere other than up and into the buds. I get the logic on that, how the hell is it leaving the plant?
I think people flush and it essentially just speeds senescence and the last part of the grow which gives them the idea that they've flushed something out because of the drastic change in leaf color when flushing.

This too means they usually finished the grow and that means a better product too. Nail the dry and cure and your a believer in the mythical marijuana flush!
@MaloMAL just taper down on your nutes the last two weeks so they still have nutrients when in there final weeks of production IMO .. Also when u chop do it before lights are coming on u don’t want the plant to start sucking up nutes and give u the flavor u don’t want it has worked in my favor when I chop a plant.....If u notice when lights come on u start smelling all the goodness from the plants because they are waking up , if I’m not mistaken I have read that some where there is a lot of good books to read
http://catnews.org/FREE Pot Books/
I like that flawless finish has claw's...??? Wtf ever that even means.

I'll stick to my brown sugar and magnesium sulfate mix last 10 days. ;-)
That's pretty much all final flush is. Epsom salts and a waste of money. It does have a snazzy label though. The packaging costs hundreds times more than the few cents worth of magnesium sulfate dissolved in water.

Fancy labels and marketing.
So basically Bud Factor X is MagSul and aspirin? Those sneaky fuckers.
So much for "Big Mikes" claim of it being due to the readily available chitin.

Then again, he's spent a fortune on a marketing technique that works on new and/or small scale growers.

I say use whatever works but folks should know there are definitely cheaper more complete user friendly nutes available.....but they don't have the cool pics on the bottles :wink:
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So basically Bud Factor X is MagSul and aspirin? Those sneaky fuckers.
So much for "Big Mikes" claim of it being due to the readily available chitin.

Then again, he's spent a fortune on a marketing technique that works on new and/or small scale growers.

I say use whatever works but folks should know there are definitely cheaper more complete user friendly nutes available.....but they don't have the cool pics on the bottles :wink:
It has some salicylic acid in it too. It's a secret so it's not on the label.