the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

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Well-Known Member
Oh kiddo. Of all the completely true and provable shit I said about you, this is what you came back with? Look we both know you didn't serve. That cool. It's not for everyone.

Forget all that though. I'm sorry. I've clearly hurt you and your little friends feelings I never thought people who post so often in the trolliest section of the web site would be so sensitive.

Tell your group I"ll stop. Shit I won't even post anymore while you guys heal. It honestly doesn't mean as much to me and you guys clearly need it more.

My bad.

edit: shit if it helps, just write me off as a sock puppet or something
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Well-Known Member
I'm pointing out that human sexuality is complicated.
The topic is misogyny (also a complex topic). It gets played out in many different kinds of relationships and is not exclusive to sexual relationships. Your duct-tape fetish is NOT the headline. The fact that you are a misogynist is. Please quit trying to bury the headline. As previously noted, I detected your misogyny long before I was aware of your sexual proclivities. What happened to you? Any idea? Do you believe you were genetically predisposed to taping women's assholes open?


Well-Known Member
I could not even reply to the stupidity coming from him. Does he reall claim to have a PhD. ?
@TacoMac you fail history
Well, you know, nothing african americans have accomplished over the years could have been done without the loving guidance of white men. TacoMac is a racist dirtbag and a moron. Tubman would be shocked and saddened, I believe, to know that some people still thought like this in 2017.


Well-Known Member
I'm not particularly fond of locking people in cages, but if someone wants to do that because it gets them off, and someone consents to it, then I don't care either way.
So, you wouldn't care if a woman wanted to be locked in a cage, then? It's six of one and half-dozen of the other, huh? I would lose my boner if a woman asked me to lock her in a cage. Sadness has that effect on me.


Well-Known Member
The topic is Judge Roy Moore slipping in the polls as more comes out about his indiscretions with young girls.

Charles Barclay made an excellent additional argument today, saying that his association with Steve Bannon, of recent White House and less recent Breitbart News infamy, was enough on its own to disqualify him. He said, 'I'm not even going to get into the women stuff';

No wonder the Chump likes him.


Well-Known Member
I did not put him in the category of a racist until he typed that fucked post. George Washington was a racist POS who treated his slaves badly.

What is clear is that Washington frequently utilized harsh punishment against the enslaved population, including whippings and the threat of particularly taxing work assignments. Perhaps most severely, Washington could sell a slave to a buyer in the West Indies, ensuring that the person would never see their family or friends at Mount Vernon again. Washington conducted such sales on several occasions.

Fuckers want to say " well he did request that his slaves be free in his will"
You spend all your years abusing, raping, selling a set of people and on your fucking death bed you try to make things right with yourself and your creator.. FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOU. You cherry tree chopping wooden teeth fucker. Day slow and reincarnate as a fucking pig, wallowing in shit until slaughter day.
@TacoMac Fuck you also...PhD my ass
Well said.

"Harriet Tubman remained active during the Civil War. Working for the Union Army as a cook and nurse, Tubman quickly became an armed scout and spy. The first woman to lead an armed expedition in the war, she guided the Combahee River Raid, which liberated more than 700 slaves in South Carolina."

Fuck George Washington indeed.

He's no match for this selfless and courageous soul who was born into the nightmare of slavery yet was able to liberate herself and then hundreds of others. All this while suffering some degree of brain damage from a badly aimed brick intended for another slave. I wonder if George used bricks. The very sentiment that Tubman should have felt gratitude towards Washington is racist at its core.


Well-Known Member
There were many Officers in Vietnam that would move their cots around their tent each night.....afraid the damn VC would slip in and roll a grenade into their tent...
I read that in the article too. Moore so much as said "a known drug abuser" was looking to kill him. As if the boy was under the influence and it had nothing to do with himself. LOL

One of his long time acquaintances said he was always a con man.