President Pedo: SHUT UP ALREADY!!!


Well-Known Member
One year later, Trump voters blame the president's tweets for his troubles

“Some of his tweets are, like, what the hell does this have to do with running the country?” says Francis Smazal, a registered nurse from Marshfield, Wis.

but I definitely would like him to be more presidential,” says Margie Chandler, a business manager from Old Monroe, Missouri. “He doesn’t know when to stop talking.”

Trouble in Trumpland: The president's core supporters begin to worry

If only some would have came together after the primaries. They thought it best to keep bashing Hillary.
Now the weirdos starts thread complaining about Trump, after they wished him on us. Talk about crazy low info voters. You made your bed now lay in the shit.
I recall something like "they get what they deserve".
Why was it even close?

Was it because Mrs Clinton was arrogant and patrician?

Was it because the DNC shamelessly manipulated the nomination, ignoring the voice of the voters?

Was it because the media didn't give equal time to all the candidates?

Was it because Trump made a stronger case for being an agent of change for the average American?

Nah. Blame Bernie bros! Pay no attention to anything else!

Indeed, we have the government we deserve. Maybe if we work harder at having a better one, we'll be rewarded.

But that means actual work, and Americans hate that.

'America can be counted on to do the right thing- once all other alternatives have been exhausted'
Why was it even close?

Was it because Mrs Clinton was arrogant and patrician?

Was it because the DNC shamelessly manipulated the nomination, ignoring the voice of the voters?

Was it because the media didn't give equal time to all the candidates?

Was it because Trump made a stronger case for being an agent of change for the average American?

Nah. Blame Bernie bros! Pay no attention to anything else!

Indeed, we have the government we deserve. Maybe if we work harder at having a better one, we'll be rewarded.

But that means actual work, and Americans hate that.

'America can be counted on to do the right thing- once all other alternatives have been exhausted'
You're the one ignoring the voice of the voters.

Jesus how are you so fucking dumb?
Why was it even close?

Was it because Mrs Clinton was arrogant and patrician?

Was it because the DNC shamelessly manipulated the nomination, ignoring the voice of the voters?

Was it because the media didn't give equal time to all the candidates?

Was it because Trump made a stronger case for being an agent of change for the average American?

Nah. Blame Bernie bros! Pay no attention to anything else!

Indeed, we have the government we deserve. Maybe if we work harder at having a better one, we'll be rewarded.

But that means actual work, and Americans hate that.

'America can be counted on to do the right thing- once all other alternatives have been exhausted'

no. we work harder at being closet bernie bros..we're everywhere.
You're the one ignoring the voice of the voters.

Jesus how are you so fucking dumb?

still believing no voter fraud which is SOP from the dems. Why do you think dems love illegals and illegals vote dem. give them free money, healthcare, housing, food stamps (most do not earn enough income to pay taxes) to assure their vote all at the expense of real american tax payers
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still believing no voter fraud which s SOP from the dems. Why do you think dems love illegals and illegals vote dem. give them free money, healthcare, housing, food stamps to assure their vote
The DNC committed voter fraud on a mass scale. The voting integrity oversight authorities committed mass fraud. THOUSANDS of eligible voters were thrown off the rolls in the primaries, and many more in the general election.

They never found evidence of voters themselves committing fraud.

That says a great deal about exactly who routinely violated the sanctity of the voting process, and by extension why.

The story about illegal aliens voting at all, let alone overwhelmingly for one side has been thoroughly investigated- because one side WANTED it to be true so badly they turned over every rock looking for it- and was found to be categorically false.

The presidential voter fraud oversight committee hasn't met in months because there's no fraud to investigate- except by the parties themselves. They don't want to investigate THAT, because those fingers point right back at themselves!

The sop about free housing and food stamps to lazy and illegal recipients is designed to sucker people like you; those rates of fraud are very low as well.

And of course it's an article of right wing faith that people in trouble don't deserve a helping hand, that they're all just lazy bums standing in bread lines.

Fuck your superior attitude, @PetFlora sneering at the poor, you selfish asshole. I think you should go find a food bank and volunteer for awhile. It might open your eyes as to exactly who is in real trouble in this country today. You're just one misstep away from joining them and don't you ever forget it.

It never fails to amaze me how those who swear they're the most generous and giving in this country are also the most self centered and judgemental.
The DNC committed voter fraud on a mass scale. The voting integrity oversight authorities committed mass fraud. THOUSANDS of eligible voters were thrown off the rolls in the primaries, and many more in the general election.

They never found evidence of voters themselves committing fraud.

That says a great deal about exactly who routinely violated the sanctity of the voting process, and by extension why.

The story about illegal aliens voting at all, let alone overwhelmingly for one side has been thoroughly investigated- because one side WANTED it to be true so badly they turned over every rock looking for it- and was found to be categorically false.

The presidential voter fraud oversight committee hasn't met in months because there's no fraud to investigate- except by the parties themselves. They don't want to investigate THAT, because those fingers point right back at themselves!

The sop about free housing and food stamps to lazy and illegal recipients is designed to sucker people like you; those rates of fraud are very low as well.

And of course it's an article of right wing faith that people in trouble don't deserve a helping hand, that they're all just lazy bums standing in bread lines.

Fuck your superior attitude, @PetFlora sneering at the poor, you selfish asshole. I think you should go find a food bank and volunteer for awhile. It might open your eyes as to exactly who is in real trouble in this country today. You're just one misstep away from joining them and don't you ever forget it.

It never fails to amaze me how those who swear they're the most generous and giving in this country are also the most self centered and judgemental.
Bullshit, bullshit, bulkshit.

"Widespread voter fraud" is your excuse for Lord Bernie losing?

Trump said the same thing about losing the popular vote, it figures that you'd once again parrot his bullshit.
Why was it even close? close ??? close counts only in nuclear bombs and horse shoes and I don't think it was close at all. Bernie had runs and got his ass handed in others.

Was it because Mrs Clinton was arrogant and patrician?I don't like everything about Clinton, but she is world apart from Trump and she actually took some of Bernard's ideas

Was it because the DNC shamelessly manipulated the nomination, ignoring the voice of the voters? Nah. The DNC needs to put out the best DEMOCRATIC person running. Bernie tried to change parties just to receive votes. So scummy

Was it because the media didn't give equal time to all the candidates?This we can agree. Trump got wayyyyyyy more time then needed. My mind was change to give money to the Bernard campaign because of wife, word of mouth, and the MEDIA

Was it because Trump made a stronger case for being an agent of change for the average American?Not really . A lot of immature Bernie Babies did not vote because they did not get their way. Couple that with having our first black POTUS. Many racist folks decided to come out in numbers to vote. Remove the history if the man from Kenya. The spreading of false information like pizzagate help with some idiots to stay home or vote wrong.

Nah. Blame Bernie bros! Pay no attention to anything else! I coupled it with other reasons.

Indeed, we have the government we deserve. Maybe if we work harder at having a better one, we'll be rewarded. You have the government you deserve. I'm merely had to adjust to the bullshit I was served. I didn't vote for this shit and fought against it

But that means actual work, and Americans hate that. Some Americans hate work. Some Americans are hard workers. Maybe all the people you know hate hard work. Birds of a feather and shit. You look like you can start doing a little running and working out, before you become a fat overweight slob. College life is over. Dress accordingly

'America can be counted on to do the right thing- once all other alternatives have been exhausted' do you want to give proper credit to the person who actually said that or will you STFU
reply in red
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The DNC committed voter fraud on a mass scale. The voting integrity oversight authorities committed mass fraud. THOUSANDS of eligible voters were thrown off the rolls in the primaries, and many more in the general election.

They never found evidence of voters themselves committing fraud.

That says a great deal about exactly who routinely violated the sanctity of the voting process, and by extension why.

The story about illegal aliens voting at all, let alone overwhelmingly for one side has been thoroughly investigated- because one side WANTED it to be true so badly they turned over every rock looking for it- and was found to be categorically false.

The presidential voter fraud oversight committee hasn't met in months because there's no fraud to investigate- except by the parties themselves. They don't want to investigate THAT, because those fingers point right back at themselves!

The sop about free housing and food stamps to lazy and illegal recipients is designed to sucker people like you; those rates of fraud are very low as well.

And of course it's an article of right wing faith that people in trouble don't deserve a helping hand, that they're all just lazy bums standing in bread lines.

Fuck your superior attitude, @PetFlora sneering at the poor, you selfish asshole. I think you should go find a food bank and volunteer for awhile. It might open your eyes as to exactly who is in real trouble in this country today. You're just one misstep away from joining them and don't you ever forget it.

It never fails to amaze me how those who swear they're the most generous and giving in this country are also the most self centered and judgemental.

The voter fraud came from the people checking in voters at voting stations in low income neighborhoods. Imagine that.

I happen to be in real estate and am quite familiar with section 8 housing (and who qualifies), and the money unwed mothers get for each illegitimate child, who gets food stamps, free healthcare, cell phones... they have no intention of getting off this gravy train, and neither do their illegitimate children. They will never vote for republicans as long as the dems serve up the freeloading gravy at taxpayer expense.
I happen to be in real estate and am quite familiar with section 8 housing (and who qualifies), and the money unwed mothers get for each illegitimate child, who gets food stamps, free healthcare, cell phones... they have no intention of getting off this gravy train, and neither do their illegitimate children. They will never vote for republicans as long as the dems serve up the freeloading gravy at taxpayer expense.
The Republican base benefits more from government aided programs. The truth can hurt.
The voter fraud came from the people checking in voters at voting stations in low income neighborhoods. Imagine that.

I happen to be in real estate and am quite familiar with section 8 housing (and who qualifies), and the money unwed mothers get for each illegitimate child, who gets food stamps, free healthcare, cell phones... they have no intention of getting off this gravy train, and neither do their illegitimate children. They will never vote for republicans as long as the dems serve up the freeloading gravy at taxpayer expense.

Just a couple of points. You seem to be using the word illegitimate pejoratively, when almost half the people born in the U.S last year, were born into families where the parents weren't married. How do you see it as relevant?

The average wait for a two or more bedroom apartment, in the section 8 program is 3 to 5 years.

As to the nonsense about all the "money" mothers get, the Cato institute looked at this. If you add up the amount of money, most of the poor qualify for, Cato found that the value of just those benefits was equivalent to being paid $17,347 a year, or $8.34 an hour.

Maybe you should stick to shit posting illuminati videos, and leave poor women and their children the fuck alone.

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Just a couple of points. You seem to be using the word illegitimate pejoratively, when almost half the people born in the U.S last year, were born into families where the parents weren't married. How do you see it as relevant?

The average wait for a two or more bedroom apartment, in the section 8 program is 3 to 5 years.

As to the nonsense about all the "money" mothers get, the Cato institute looked at this. If you add up the amount of money, most of the poor qualify for, Cato found that the value of just those benefits was equivalent to being paid $17,347 a year, or $8.34 an hour.

Maybe you should stick to shit posting illuminati videos, and leave poor women and their children the fuck alone.



You should change your UN to Ignorant Bleeding Heart Lib There's a HUGE difference as welfare mothers have no father at home (which qualifies them for the aid PER child). They, in fact have multiple children from multiple absentee fathers who provide no help, nor do they want it. Apparently for you, $17.347K per year is chump change, but when you are born into poverty growing up on on govt welfare, you get used to it. Plus these neighborhoods is where most of the crime comes from as a way to augment that free money

Back in the 60s my father built weekly housing in the 'hood' charging $18.54 per week for what would generously be called studio apartments. 2 adjoining 'studios' shared a tiny bath and kitchen WITH ROTATING STRANGERS. My job at 16 was to collect th rents every Friday and Saturday, AND clean the disgusting messes let behind when they fled before paying. First hand experience you have no idea about.

Just read a Cato Article that concludes with To date, the War on Poverty has placed intentions above results, and the people most harmed by its failures are the programs’ intended beneficiaries.