One year later, Trump voters blame the president's tweets for his troubles
“Some of his tweets are, like, what the hell does this have to do with running the country?” says Francis Smazal, a registered nurse from Marshfield, Wis.
but I definitely would like him to be more presidential,” says Margie Chandler, a business manager from Old Monroe, Missouri. “He doesn’t know when to stop talking.”
Trouble in Trumpland: The president's core supporters begin to worry

“Some of his tweets are, like, what the hell does this have to do with running the country?” says Francis Smazal, a registered nurse from Marshfield, Wis.
but I definitely would like him to be more presidential,” says Margie Chandler, a business manager from Old Monroe, Missouri. “He doesn’t know when to stop talking.”
Trouble in Trumpland: The president's core supporters begin to worry