President Pedo: SHUT UP ALREADY!!!

Why was it even close?

Was it because Mrs Clinton was arrogant and patrician?

Was it because the DNC shamelessly manipulated the nomination, ignoring the voice of the voters?

Was it because the media didn't give equal time to all the candidates?

Was it because Trump made a stronger case for being an agent of change for the average American?

Nah. Blame Bernie bros! Pay no attention to anything else!

Indeed, we have the government we deserve. Maybe if we work harder at having a better one, we'll be rewarded.

But that means actual work, and Americans hate that.

'America can be counted on to do the right thing- once all other alternatives have been exhausted'
The majority of Democrats voted for Clinton by a whopping large margin. That's pretty much the end of the story for the Sanders campaign. Trump won due to many factors but I'm not arguing against his winning the electoral college which in fact did subvert the will of the majority. .

You are saying that the family who are living in hell because their mother or father is under threat of being sent away from them forever deserved Trump because somebody in their family thought Clinton was the better choice. I can't possibly fathom how anybody could say that.
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Oh, so Donna Brazile wrote the book and then within days of dropping it, she said, 'never mind?'

And you call anyone else an idiot?
I'll just re-post this because you seem need to be reminded daily of arguments you've already lost:

Brazile: I found no evidence Democratic primary was rigged
Brazile: I found 'no evidence' Democratic primary was rigged
Brazile says she found ‘no evidence’ that Democratic primaries were rigged for Clinton

Clinton Campaign Staffers Accuse Brazile Of Buying Into ‘Russian Propaganda’

Officials “don’t recognize the campaign Brazile portrays,” says open letter.
On Saturday night, after The Washington Post reported on some of Brazile's allegations and characterizations, more than 100 Clinton staffers signed an open letter disputing the former party chair's account.


We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.

we are pretty tired of people who were not part of our campaign telling the world what it was like to be on the inside of our campaign and how we felt about it. We loved our candidate and each other and it remains our honor to have been part of the effort to make Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

All Democrats should be doing everything they can — canvassing, phone banking, etc. — to help our candidates for Governor of Virginia and New Jersey and the other races around the country next Tuesday.
still believing no voter fraud which is SOP from the dems. Why do you think dems love illegals and illegals vote dem. give them free money, healthcare, housing, food stamps (most do not earn enough income to pay taxes) to assure their vote all at the expense of real american tax payers

The above comment is insulting.

It doesn't work that way you're still living in 'Welfare Queen' need to update yourself. If you're going to comment, at least get your facts straight.

Undocumented workers pay $12 Billion annually..additionally, they work jobs that no one else wants like AG.

President Pedo pays $0 and hasn't paid anything in years. He also cheats everyone which is why no one wants to work or be associated with him. Banks, Attorneys or Vendor. The only lender he can get are the Russians. This is why he has no Cabinet and why those he tries to appoint are unknowns for the most part.
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where do you get your facts? UNdocumented means no income taxes. In addition to INCOME taxes we all pay huge taxes for gas, food, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, rent... your number is highly misleading, and quite likely hugely innacurate
still believing no voter fraud which is SOP from the dems. Why do you think dems love illegals and illegals vote dem. give them free money, healthcare, housing, food stamps (most do not earn enough income to pay taxes) to assure their vote all at the expense of real american tax payers
sorry you're a shit stupid racist.

now go pick up your disability check and buy some opioids with it, old worthless white on medicaid.
The voter fraud came from the people checking in voters at voting stations in low income neighborhoods. Imagine that.

I happen to be in real estate and am quite familiar with section 8 housing (and who qualifies), and the money unwed mothers get for each illegitimate child, who gets food stamps, free healthcare, cell phones... they have no intention of getting off this gravy train, and neither do their illegitimate children. They will never vote for republicans as long as the dems serve up the freeloading gravy at taxpayer expense.

most welfare recipients are white rural republicans, lord dipshit.
where do you get your facts? UNdocumented means no income taxes. In addition to INCOME taxes we all pay huge taxes for gas, food, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, rent... your number is highly misleading, and quite likely hugely innacurate


Hint: they pay taxes with NO benefit. Since you're so smart figure out the rest genius..

You should change your UN to Ignorant Bleeding Heart Lib There's a HUGE difference as welfare mothers have no father at home (which qualifies them for the aid PER child). They, in fact have multiple children from multiple absentee fathers who provide no help, nor do they want it. Apparently for you, $17.347K per year is chump change, but when you are born into poverty growing up on on govt welfare, you get used to it. Plus these neighborhoods is where most of the crime comes from as a way to augment that free money

Back in the 60s my father built weekly housing in the 'hood' charging $18.54 per week for what would generously be called studio apartments. 2 adjoining 'studios' shared a tiny bath and kitchen WITH ROTATING STRANGERS. My job at 16 was to collect th rents every Friday and Saturday, AND clean the disgusting messes let behind when they fled before paying. First hand experience you have no idea about.

Just read a Cato Article that concludes with To date, the War on Poverty has placed intentions above results, and the people most harmed by its failures are the programs’ intended beneficiaries.
Ah, so you hate them because you're a slum Lord.
I'll just re-post this because you seem need to be reminded daily of arguments you've already lost:

Brazile: I found no evidence Democratic primary was rigged
Brazile: I found 'no evidence' Democratic primary was rigged
Brazile says she found ‘no evidence’ that Democratic primaries were rigged for Clinton

Clinton Campaign Staffers Accuse Brazile Of Buying Into ‘Russian Propaganda’

Officials “don’t recognize the campaign Brazile portrays,” says open letter.
On Saturday night, after The Washington Post reported on some of Brazile's allegations and characterizations, more than 100 Clinton staffers signed an open letter disputing the former party chair's account.


We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.

we are pretty tired of people who were not part of our campaign telling the world what it was like to be on the inside of our campaign and how we felt about it. We loved our candidate and each other and it remains our honor to have been part of the effort to make Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

All Democrats should be doing everything they can — canvassing, phone banking, etc. — to help our candidates for Governor of Virginia and New Jersey and the other races around the country next Tuesday.
Why don't you quote some responsible sources like They had a great story about Jay-Z shape shifting into a lizard on a plane today.

Go ahead, just drink the Kool-aid.