Nevada shooter kills 50+ at Las Vegas concert


Well-Known Member

An 'older white male' was killed by police after he emptied several clips of ammunition through his fully automatic weapon into a crowd at a country music festival last night.

Firing from a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort on the Las Vegas strip, he killed at least 50 concert goers and wounded over 100 more.

Authorities are saying this is NOT an act of terrorism. I guess that's because he was a white local resident, because if he were any other color or from anywhere else it most certainly would be considered as such.

Older white male Americans committing acts of domestic terrorism kill far more people than all other races or foreign entities- combined.

Maybe it's time the authorities called them what they are; terrorists.

An 'older white male' was killed by police after he emptied several clips of ammunition through his fully automatic weapon into a crowd at a country music festival last night.

Firing from a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort on the Las Vegas strip, he killed at least 50 concert goers and wounded over 100 more.

Authorities are saying this is NOT an act of terrorism. I guess that's because he was a white local resident, because if he were any other color or from anywhere else it most certainly would be considered as such.

Older white male Americans committing acts of domestic terrorism kill far more people than all other races or foreign entities- combined.

Maybe it's time the authorities called them what they are; terrorists.
Duh, maybe because they don't know his motive yet? Why jump the gun calling this terrorism before we know anything about it?

An 'older white male' was killed by police after he emptied several clips of ammunition through his fully automatic weapon into a crowd at a country music festival last night.

Firing from a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort on the Las Vegas strip, he killed at least 50 concert goers and wounded over 100 more.

Authorities are saying this is NOT an act of terrorism. I guess that's because he was a white local resident, because if he were any other color or from anywhere else it most certainly would be considered as such.

Older white male Americans committing acts of domestic terrorism kill far more people than all other races or foreign entities- combined.

Maybe it's time the authorities called them what they are; terrorists.
Already a thread on it, reported as spam.
Duh, maybe because they don't know his motive yet? Why jump the gun calling this terrorism before we know anything about it?
Over 50 dead? Over 200 wounded at the most recent count?


Cuz he's white? An American? Maybe cuz he's older and just grumpy because it was late and he was sick of the noise?!

You have to be the densest fucking moron ever to think this is anything else!

The bodies speak for themselves, you special feather on an asshat.
Over 50 dead? Over 200 wounded at the most recent count?


Cuz he's white? An American? Maybe cuz he's older and just grumpy because it was late and he was sick of the noise?!

You have to be the densest fucking moron ever to think this is anything else!
he could be mentally deranged and had no political motive, not trying to make a statement . Usually you try to have a civil discourse tty, but lately you've started with the ad hominems. I think you've been talking to much to the politics forum trolls, you're starting to talk just like them.
he could be mentally deranged and had no political motive, not trying to make a statement . Usually you try to have a civil discourse tty, but lately you've started with the ad hominems. I think you've been talking to much to the politics forum trolls, you're starting to talk just like them.

Killing one person or two might be a mental breakdown. 50 dead and hundreds wounded is domestic terrorism, whether or not there is an explicitly political motivation.

You're absolutely a thoughtless troll.

Next you'll start defending him as 'confused', amirite?!
FBI definition of terrorism;

Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives
Killing one person or two might be a mental breakdown. 50 dead and hundreds wounded is domestic terrorism, whether or not there is an explicitly political motivation.

You're absolutely a thoughtless troll.

Next you'll start defending him as 'confused', amirite?!
don't start with the strawmen arguments you're so fond of. I don't know anything about him and neither do you.
the most common definition of terrorism
"the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
The number killed doesn't mean terrorism, one or two could be terrorism, 100 could be some nutcase hallucinating he's killing demons. Maybe he did have some agenda, then he's a terrorist, if not, he's just a murderous nut.
FBI definition of terrorism;

Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives
So where's your evidence he was trying to coerce anyone in furtherance of a political or social objective?
he could be mentally deranged and had no political motive, not trying to make a statement . Usually you try to have a civil discourse tty, but lately you've started with the ad hominems. I think you've been talking to much to the politics forum trolls, you're starting to talk just like them.

he had multiple weapons.
Indeed. A clear sign of planning.

He shot and critically wounded cops coming to arrest him.

The chances that this was 'just a madman' are very small.

But by all means, keep defending a mass murderer.
Even if chances are small,(which they aren't) psychopaths are quite capable of planning things like this, ala Charles Whitman who killed 16.
Defend a murderer? WTF!! Stop with the strawman arguments, this son of a bitch, whatever his story, needed his head blowed off, just too bad they couldn't have got him earlier
Even if chances are small,(which they aren't) psychopaths are quite capable of planning things like this, ala Charles Whitman who killed 16.
Defend a murderer? WTF!! Stop with the strawman arguments, this son of a bitch, whatever his story, needed his head blowed off, just too bad they couldn't have got him earlier
A psychopath is someone who fully understands the consequences of their actions but lacks the empathy to care, so you are correct on this that the only conclusion that can be taken so far is "Not enough data".
Even if chances are small,(which they aren't) psychopaths are quite capable of planning things like this, ala Charles Whitman who killed 16.
Defend a murderer? WTF!! Stop with the strawman arguments, this son of a bitch, whatever his story, needed his head blowed off, just too bad they couldn't have got him earlier
It was carefully planned;. Multiple weapons, discharged hundreds of rounds, advance planning to get a hotel room with a clear view of the festival, detailed and intimate knowledge of fully automatic firearms.

It's all but certain that he's a military veteran.

Anyone capable of such an act is arguably psychopathic. That explains or excuses nothing.