Well-Known Member
Buzzzzz! What are "things FOX and Friends said", Alexwho says its wrong, I'm no moralist.
seems like cheezy politicizing to me. let no good tragedy go to waste kind of thing
Buzzzzz! What are "things FOX and Friends said", Alexwho says its wrong, I'm no moralist.
seems like cheezy politicizing to me. let no good tragedy go to waste kind of thing
In order to prevent the accidental death scenario you have to properly store the weapon at all times, which then renders it useless if someone kicks down your door in the middle of the night.
fingerprint activated pistol safe bolted on to my bedframe. problem solved. kid safe, intruder kaput.
I'm sure the technology has improved. Back when I was considering a gun the biometric safes were new, and there were a lot of complaints.
Like I said earlier, if you want to own a gun rock on. I just choose not to. The stats don't lie, and I would never forgive myself if I left the gun out and something happened to one of my kids.
If the only requirement is causing fear then yes he is a terrorist.
Officially, terrorism is a political act to influence policy of a government. It's also the common definition of the word.
- the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
We can make up our own language, as tty most certainly does or we can choose to speak a common language. It's a free country. I won't defend your right to speak see4ese or ttyese but I don't care if you do.
no, i'm with you too. just have to be vigilant especially with kids. i'm out in the country though and relying on the sheriff is an even worse option.I'm sure the technology has improved. Back when I was considering a gun the biometric safes were new, and there were a lot of complaints.
Like I said earlier, if you want to own a gun rock on. I just choose not to. The stats don't lie, and I would never forgive myself if I left the gun out and something happened to one of my kids.
I suppose then you may be precluding the notion that involuntarily he may have been terrorizing, as its a source of partisan discourse the moment it happened up through another week or so until the media and Democrats get bored of trying to bring Republicans to the table to talk about it. Until the next time it happens.. and the next time after that...
The statistics don't lie. Just because YOU wouldn't doesn't mean that other people would do the same.I was trained and competent enough to handle, load, disassemble and utilize a firearm by military veterans.
Or is that one of the trending millennial terms for something?
Heh, why do you want to know how well my junk works?
Just a heads up, you're not my type.. and it isn't your skin colour!
Not so, personal experience speaks louder here, guns do not escalate domestic issues.
People escalate domestic violence, if it wasn't a gun then it would be a knife or a chain or..
I've had plenty of road rage incidents and I never fired a single round at those idiots.
There was an armed robbery committed by two teenagers, one was black the other brown, they were robbing two white men. The men got face-down and gave them their money only to be executed right there.
I will shoot someone pointing a gun at me, it does not matter the reason why, it only matters that my life is in danger and I will do anything to protect it.
The chances of saving someone's life with a firearm is far greater than you guessed. Numerous reports of police officers being saved citizens with guns, teachers saving kids with guns, children protecting themselves and their homes with guns.
You don't hear about it because it doesn't fit the media's agenda for political and economic control.
Am I the only wolf in this heard of sheep?
The statistics don't lie. Just because YOU wouldn't doesn't mean that other people would do the same.
You have a bad case of perspective bias.
wow, you ARE a financial prophet, why aren't you on tv? or rich? or even intelligent? ordinary moronWell, let's see; there was one in 2000 which bankrupted millions and another in 2008 which bankrupted millions more. And a huge stock crash in between.
So by all means, keep it up.
You're a special kind of idiot.
Derp. Off topic and out in left field, as usual.wow, you ARE a financial prophet, why aren't you on tv? or rich? or even intelligent? ordinary moron
I agree that he created fear in this country. He certainly terrorized thousands of people that night.
It was a mass murder. Isn't that bad enough? The shooter was a mass murderer and his reasons are unknown at this time. The word terrorism is generally used to describe a violent act to create fear to further a political purpose.
Republicans are very quick to call any violent act by somebody who isn't part of their base a terrorist. They are wrong about most of them. I don't want to play their game.
Cliven Bundy: serial killer
Lee Harvey Oswald: Assassin
Omar Matteen: Mass Murderer (his claim to ISIS was fake also Republicans piled on to call him a terrorist because he was a Muslim)
Dylan Roof: Terrorist (yes indeed he was)
Stephen Paddock: Mass Murderer (until evidence proves otherwise)