How to let the athiest know our God is real

i WAS a sociopath, i'm one of the rare few who matured out of it and developed a conscience, even if it seems stunted by comparison with others. i avoid contact with most people because having empathy sucks, and i don't like to feel my own pain, let alone others.
everyone, including myself, uses one or more "crutches" to hobble through their days. people like to rationalize to themselves that they're doing it all by themselves, but take their crutch away and they'd stumble pretty quick.
i smoke weed, grow weed, avoid people, and actually take meds (lexapro) to be able to go to the store without running people over with my cart and smacking them with french bread for blocking the aisles.
those are my crutches, and i probably have more i rationalize into invisibility to myself.
i'd rather no one kick them out from under me, and i try not to kick anyone elses.
i WAS a sociopath, i'm one of the rare few who matured out of it and developed a conscience, even if it seems stunted by comparison with others. i avoid contact with most people because having empathy sucks, and i don't like to feel my own pain, let alone others.
everyone, including myself, uses one or more "crutches" to hobble through their days. people like to rationalize to themselves that they're doing it all by themselves, but take their crutch away and they'd stumble pretty quick.
i smoke weed, grow weed, avoid people, and actually take meds (lexapro) to be able to go to the store without running people over with my cart and smacking them with french bread for blocking the aisles.
those are my crutches, and i probably have more i rationalize into invisibility to myself.
i'd rather no one kick them out from under me, and i try not to kick anyone elses.
Are you certain you've developed a conscience? Bc I still have the cognitive ability to choose between right and wrong but there is no emotional backlash if I decide to choose wrong. I don't have any emotions at all not even anger. I am very patient when people are trying to annoy me or push my buttons, but I could still cut a person's head off with a smile on my face.

Yes I too have my crutches smoking weed and tobacco but I find they are more of a distraction from boredom since I myself am reclusive and very lethargic. That is one emotion I do still experience is boredom.
oh, i definitely feel, anger a lot, joy quite a bit less, but some.....and i started to feel bad for other peoples pain a while back....thought i was going crazy for a while, then someone explained to me that i was going sane....and i thought " being sane sucks, i was much happier when i was crazy"...and i still think so
oh, i definitely feel, anger a lot, joy quite a bit less, but some.....and i started to feel bad for other peoples pain a while back....thought i was going crazy for a while, then someone explained to me that i was going sane....and i thought " being sane sucks, i was much happier when i was crazy"...and i still think so
Lol yes I thank God every day for my psycopathy
The conversation can be about whatever we like the OP has abandoned the thread.

Yes I agree with everything you've said except the Jews writing the bible at sword point do you have any peer reviewed data to support that? A very good book about the writing of the new testament is God Against the Gods I forget the authors name and much of the material I do not recall if the authors were Jewish or not.

I do not. It is something they taught in Hebrew school when I was a child. It is supposedly part of the history but I do not have a link or book to quote.
Been dead twice its like shutting off an old black and white tv. Picture shrinks to a single point and no memory.
1. electrocuted
2. exanguinated
Not saying there's no god or after life, I just saw zero.
Was dead for a while each time.

Good hunting
How bout we just try to be good people and keep our personal lives and beliefs to our selves. That's a bit easier to do, works in communities all over the world.
Please, thank you, hello, good bye, polite and courteous.
Why do people Gotta be marching around with signs and screaming in your face that your going to hell, when all you're doing is trying to get your mail or buy some toilet paper. Got people in feather boas and bondage leather doing the same thing telling me were here we're etc Some of us just wanna live normal lives without all that static every damn day.
Can't sit in a public park and eat a sandwich without some dude trying to get me born again, or some other dude offering bjs, or some chick taking a dump on a flag, or throwing around tampons for feminism.
I want to eat my sandwich and watch the fcking birds Dammit.
This is a wonderful write-up! If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face , and turn from their wicked ways the God will here from heaven America people must return back to God! and forsake same sex marriage and the worship of Satan.
God yes, not Jesus Christ. That's something.....different.
okay athiest, to argue against the word of the Lord .Your eyes have to see the light of the truth, as it is written in the Holy Bible authorized king james version .That grapevine is Jesus Christ .Athiest use false doctrines written by men to debate with thorns and thistles written by man .As we near Revelation chapter 6 nearing the end of this world age . God's people (US UK) brother nations know your true history. This is the reason we are out numbered by athiest masses .With there political correctness immoral evil behavior. They are getting ready to worship Satan =anti-pope francis .but have the spirit of slumber over them .A third of God's children WILL bow .They don't know that, because they don't give a fuck that's why .an haven't even seen what is written. What nation is most blessed closest to the dew of heaven and taste the fat of the lamb USA baby! We got too much grain what must we do with it? Who saved us with an atomic bomb from Japan Christ delivered his own .He will take care of his own .Who landed on the moon first Christ blessed our nation with a USA flag on that moon first .We share our blessings with our precious brother nation (UK). The gospel is the good news I bring you brethren .Who did that ?Christ did that .Can you see we are the only two nations US UK that worship Jesus Christ , besides Israel.There are still some righteous men and women ready to lay down there life for Christ in US UK .Every other nations worships anything other than God are all heathen .It's bloodlines had set up false images before them .God multiplied our nation as numerous as the sand of the seas as promised .So we had the troops to rescue our precious people Israel .Every heathen Nation is receiving power from Satan since 2012 when the 5th trump was blown .north Korea false worship gaining power the mohammadans . The sorcerers in the original manuscripts are drug dealers the cartels .Our enemies are swarming .As it is Written it shall happen the athiest will take God's name from the vocabulary an weaken this great nation .We don't get as many blessings as we use too gay mirrage , abortion on an on an on. You think God is going to bless that , certainly not. I will bring you the word i carry the priest line .God will deliver us from bondage again just as he did using moses . Moses is coming back

Have a look here for a different point of view, I'm trying to help people not convert them. Christianity has a rich ancient meditative tradition. Long before the KJV and even the catholic church. God judges you like other men, By you thoughts, words and actions, and that's about it. You are made in his image after all, and God is just, and this is what you judge by, the facts. You get to heaven by attaining a state of grace, not a state of delusion, you can't get through the pearly gates with a heart full of hate, no baggage allowed, or it wouldn't be heaven, just another form of life here. If that were the case, heaven would be a lot like North Korea, where all you do is praise the great leader, at least in north Korea you can die.

You will die, accept this, it is self centered, to say the least, to have the creator of the universe (a third anyway) as your imaginary friend. Most so called "christian evangelicals" would be against letting someone like Jesus into the country. He did believe in free health care after all and was against the sword (guns). "What kind of gun would Jesus own", is not a serious theological question. Fundamentalism is intellectual cowardice, as well as, real cowardice. Unfortunately it is often coupled with child abuse and the cult like behavior of home and parochial schooling. Much delusion, hypocrisy and outright lies, are a big part of the fundamentalist/evangelical movement. Read more than one book, read a science one, there are many.

Watch this video for some education, this guy forgot more than your preacher ever knew about the Bible. A good, honest, intelligent, educated and honorable man, will you slander him and call him an agent of evil? Lets see some morals, ethics, courage and faith. Watch this video to the end and think for a bit.

I am not an agent of satan, but a mindfulness teacher who sometimes gives spiritual council to christian ministers, even though I'm an atheist, I have nothing against honest christians, fundamentalist are not honest with themselves. Watch the video before responding, if you have the moral courage to learn something new. This is an act of compassion, ignorance often leads to suffering.

Try this one for a broader perspective on life
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Unfortunately not all atheist are as intelligent or as educated as you Heisenberg, there are many who are making the same blunders as most theists. I had a very short argument with a gnostic atheist last night on Facebook, he began with the statement "there is no God, therefore God does not have a gender" I pointed out that just because you believe there is no God does not mean there is no God, and vice versa. He replied "and just because you believe there is a God does not mean there actually is one, in fact there is evidence that proves otherwise". I said yes that is what I meant by vice versa. May I ask what evidence exactly proves there is no God? And that was the end of the argument he didn't respond. The thing is that there are too many gnostic both atheist and theist, it is impossible to prove either but it is very easy to show someone that their gnostic mind set is irritational.

Do you know of any online courses or sites that could improve my arguing skills?
Unfortunately not all atheist are as intelligent or as educated as you Heisenberg, there are many who are making the same blunders as most theists. I had a very short argument with a gnostic atheist last night on Facebook, he began with the statement "there is no God, therefore God does not have a gender" I pointed out that just because you believe there is no God does not mean there is no God, and vice versa. He replied "and just because you believe there is a God does not mean there actually is one, in fact there is evidence that proves otherwise". I said yes that is what I meant by vice versa. May I ask what evidence exactly proves there is no God? And that was the end of the argument he didn't respond. The thing is that there are too many gnostic both atheist and theist, it is impossible to prove either but it is very easy to show someone that their gnostic mind set is irritational.

Do you know of any online courses or sites that could improve my arguing skills?

It's called rhetoric, the art of making persuasive arguments, goes right back to the ancient greeks, lawyers are specialists in it. Just about winning though, not about the search for the truth.

This might be useful, based on countering the above and rational argument
It's called rhetoric, the art of making persuasive arguments, goes right back to the ancient greeks, lawyers are specialists in it. Just about winning though, not about the search for the truth.

This might be useful, based on countering the above and rational argument
Thank you I will check it out. That is another problem in our society and psychology is that everyone is trying to win the argument not to find the truth.
Unfortunately not all atheist are as intelligent or as educated as you Heisenberg, there are many who are making the same blunders as most theists. I had a very short argument with a gnostic atheist last night on Facebook, he began with the statement "there is no God, therefore God does not have a gender" I pointed out that just because you believe there is no God does not mean there is no God, and vice versa. He replied "and just because you believe there is a God does not mean there actually is one, in fact there is evidence that proves otherwise". I said yes that is what I meant by vice versa. May I ask what evidence exactly proves there is no God? And that was the end of the argument he didn't respond. The thing is that there are too many gnostic both atheist and theist, it is impossible to prove either but it is very easy to show someone that their gnostic mind set is irritational.

Do you know of any online courses or sites that could improve my arguing skills?

This is the reason I do not follow any atheist pages on Facebook. I've never found one that was anything more than trolling. Because there are many paths that can lead to atheism, and because there are no underlying tenets to unite them, atheists run the gamut from enlightened thinkers to rebellious anti-socials. Just as the lack of belief in unicorns shouldn't be expected to bring people together, neither should atheism. We are all thrown in a category that shouldn't need to exist in the first place.

You seem to do a good job of communicating. You often employ the principle of charity. IOW, for the most part, you seem to actually strive to listen and understand what your opponents are saying rather than simply mine their words for mistakes. This is perhaps the most important element for productive debate.

If you want to learn to better argue then you'll need to take a course in logic. An introductory course is enough. You have to be able to look at an argument and easily recognize the premises, logical structure, assumptions and conclusion. You also need to understand where and why errors occur. That way you can tell the difference between legitimate arguments and fallacious arguments. For example, we all know the logical fallacy of argument from authority. But when is it okay to argue from authority? Is it ever okay to make a slippery slope argument? Then you should go on to learn other principles of critical thinking and skepticism, and it doesn't hurt to understand some of the basic elements of statistics.

Also, when it comes to logical arguments, don't be afraid to take what you hear others say and make it your own. You need to actually understand what they are saying of course, rather than merely parroting it, but no one owns logic and facts, and most science communicators intend for their arguments to propagate in just this way.

There is a site called The Great Courses which offer video lectures. They can be expensive, but if you know how to torrent, I don't think the Introduction to Formal Logic course is hard to find. There are also many great channels on youtube. As for web sites, I like:
This is the reason I do not follow any atheist pages on Facebook. I've never found one that was anything more than trolling. Because there are many paths that can lead to atheism, and because there are no underlying tenets to unite them, atheists run the gamut from enlightened thinkers to rebellious anti-socials. Just as the lack of belief in unicorns shouldn't be expected to bring people together, neither should atheism. We are all thrown in a category that shouldn't need to exist in the first place.

You seem to do a good job of communicating. You often employ the principle of charity. IOW, for the most part, you seem to actually strive to listen and understand what your opponents are saying rather than simply mine their words for mistakes. This is perhaps the most important element for productive debate.

If you want to learn to better argue then you'll need to take a course in logic. An introductory course is enough. You have to be able to look at an argument and easily recognize the premises, logical structure, assumptions and conclusion. You also need to understand where and why errors occur. That way you can tell the difference between legitimate arguments and fallacious arguments. For example, we all know the logical fallacy of argument from authority. But when is it okay to argue from authority? Is it ever okay to make a slippery slope argument? Then you should go on to learn other principles of critical thinking and skepticism, and it doesn't hurt to understand some of the basic elements of statistics.

Also, when it comes to logical arguments, don't be afraid to take what you hear others say and make it your own. You need to actually understand what they are saying of course, rather than merely parroting it, but no one owns logic and facts, and most science communicators intend for their arguments to propagate in just this way.

There is a site called The Great Courses which offer video lectures. They can be expensive, but if you know how to torrent, I don't think the Introduction to Formal Logic course is hard to find. There are also many great channels on youtube. As for web sites, I like:
Wow some very intriguing material thanks heis. Yes I used to receive a flyer on The Great Courses I'm going to get my buddy to try and find the introduction to logic, if not I will pay for it and make sure I take that course I really need to sharpen my mind and am also going to read the six books of Rationality judging by the outline I think that is a must read. Again thank you very much.
Wow some very intriguing material thanks heis. Yes I used to receive a flyer on The Great Courses I'm going to get my buddy to try and find the introduction to logic, if not I will pay for it and make sure I take that course I really need to sharpen my mind and am also going to read the six books of Rationality judging by the outline I think that is a must read. Again thank you very much.

Try this while it lasts.
Wow Heisenberg, just wow, I've only watched the first two lectures and this is some incredible stuff. It's really clarifying what you and Tyler have been trying to tell me all along. I will do my best to reinforce these habits in my mind and rise above my primitive brain. Thanks so much this is some really practical stuff I never realized how much our beliefs influence our behavior, this will not only give me more self control it will lead to a better quality of life.