43% say trump should be impeached

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A new polling low
for Trump: Just 16
percent ‘like’ his
conduct as president
Washington Post · 8 hours ago

Just 20% of
Americans under
30 approve of
Trump, poll
Axios · 2 hours ago

Trump Is Really,
Really Unpopular
With Young People
NYMag · 1 hour ago
You were complaining about the five to six trillion spent in Iraq. I was just wondering if you voted third party in 2000 like you did in 2016.

How much do you think the final cost of Trump will be? Will you bitch about this too?

I couldn't vote in that election (I would have voted for Gore if I could have). I was a permanent resident alien after having a P1 work visa at that point. I've voted Dem every election since then until 2016.

I'm hopeful however that the Dems won't run another turd in 2020....
I couldn't vote in that election (I would have voted for Gore if I could have). I was a permanent resident alien after having a P1 work visa at that point. I've voted Dem every election since then until 2016.

I'm hopeful however that the Dems won't run another turd in 2020....

Fair enough, Hillary's vote on the war in Iraq did always bother me, but I would rather have her over Trump or pretty much any Republican. I may never completely understand folks that vote third party.
Fair enough, Hillary's vote on the war in Iraq did always bother me, but I would rather have her over Trump or pretty much any Republican. I may never completely understand folks that vote third party.

I really think we need more than two viable options to vote for. Maybe I'm just used to the way Canada does things. I kicked around the idea of voting 3'rd party before, but I liked Obama too much to really consider casting my vote elsewhere.
I really think we need more than two viable options to vote for. Maybe I'm just used to the way Canada does things. I kicked around the idea of voting 3'rd party before, but I liked Obama too much to really consider casting my vote elsewhere.

Isnt that what primaries are for? In California, Republicans couldn't even get a candidate for Senate on the ballot , lol.
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Thanks for that Foggy.

I just feel compelled to offer an alternative viewpoint when I see the Hillary crowd *still* blaming her loss on everything but her shitty campaign.

Weak sauce
"Hillary crowd", huh?

"Shitty campaign"?

How about the Dept of Justice, the FBI, the NSA and the CIA being in the process of determining how much fucking damage the Russian hacking caused to Clinton's campaign, and pushed Trump into the WH

You know what?

Sanders had a snowballs chance in Hell to win the Presidential election in 2016.

So dream on Bernie heads, he is too advanced in his thinking for your average American asshole.to understand, like most on this site, let alone this country.

That is a fact

So, I am just so sick of hearing that Clinton lost the election because she didn't go here, or didn't go there, or she talked this way or I don'l like her pants suits. Fuck me

You want to know why she lost?

Because #1, the Russians hacked the shit out of the DNC, and fed false information throughout the Internet.

Reason #2 Sanders supporters felt so angry against the DNC in it's seeming bias against Sanders, they didn't vote at all.

So, you know all you Sanders supporters out there, yours is a noble cause, but you basically helped, or did elect Trump.

I just hope that when they all go to sleep at night they say to themselves "fuck, I elected Trump"

I'm pretty sure power bottom liberals will just be whining about whatever the president does anyway. Obama was a great president though, right?
What the fuck is a "power bottom liberal"?
I've never heard that description before, it is it like fat ass conservative cocksuckers?
Maybe he's talking about Roger Ailes? He had a power bottom. He used it to harass women. Is that what he's talking about? Makes no sense to me either. Trump has one too.

LOL We aren't just whining about Trump either. His agenda is dead in the water.