43% say trump should be impeached

I didn't vote for Trump, lapdog.

Besides, Clinton didn't earn my vote. She was too busy giving paid speeches to wall st execs to campaign in Michigan. Fuck her

That was Bernie country, he failed to round up his Looney supporters on election day, fuck Bernie. How bad does it have to get before you admit you were wrong?
That was Bernie country, he failed to round up his Looney supporters on election day, fuck Bernie. How bad does it have to get before you admit you were wrong?

Jesus H, the excuses you losers trot out is embarrassing. It was Bernies fault that Hillary completely neglected the Midwest states that she lost eh? Pointing fingers in every which direction except at the actual candidate herself. Smh

I will never admit to being wrong when I cast my vote for the candidate that best represents my views. I don't care what letter they have beside their name. Maybe the Dems will run a better candidate in 2020. If not, tough luck.
Anyone who did not vote for Hillary, in the general election is to blame. If you put up negative info against Hillary AFTER the primary, go fuck yourself.
If you sat around working against Hillary when it was just Trump or Hillary due to being "Bernie butthurt", suck a donkeys cock covered with mayonnaise.
You should enjoy this Trump shit because you made it fucking happen.
Spoon feed. Check out the dates of discovery, who discovered it. Wars are not raged for free. So while Trump is used as a distraction. There's some incredibly rich psychopaths invading countries for $. Using US troops. Calling it freedom and the eradication of terrorists.


China is the largest consumer of lithium. The US is pretty far down the list. So...

So do you think we have troops there because of some other natural resource?

Or do you think we are there trying to stabilize the government so they can enforce their own laws?

What the fuck does Afghanistan have to do with trump? Nothing. The situation there is not better or worse because of the current administration. It's been fucked up for a long time because we destabilized their government on purpose.

Which rich asshole do you think is pulling strings and getting boots on the ground?

What's the end game here? To stabilize the region and make lithium cheaper for everyone?
Anyone who did not vote for Hillary, in the general election is to blame. If you put up negative info against Hillary AFTER the primary, go fuck yourself.
If you sat around working against Hillary when it was just Trump or Hillary due to being "Bernie butthurt", suck a donkeys cock covered with mayonnaise.
You should enjoy this Trump shit because you made it fucking happen.


Anyone that voted for Hillary in the primary is to blame. Obama was elected twice on a message of change, Trump won the Republican primary with a similar message...so naturally Hillary voters thought it was a good idea to vote for the most establishment politician in our lifetime. :dunce: Hillary was polling 2-3 points ahead of Trump, and Bernie was polling 8-10 points ahead of him, but Hillary voters knew better. The end result, a Trump presidency. Hillary voters can suck a mayo covered donkey dick. SHE lost to Trump (the least popular potus candidate ever). Own it. Hillary voters should enjoy this Trump shit because you made it fucking happen.

Anyone that voted for Hillary in the primary is to blame. Obama was elected twice on a message of change, Trump won the Republican primary with a similar message...so naturally Hillary voters thought it was a good idea to vote for the most establishment politician in our lifetime. :dunce: Hillary was polling 2-3 points ahead of Trump, and Bernie was polling 8-10 points ahead of him, but Hillary voters knew better. The end result, a Trump presidency. Hillary voters can suck a mayo covered donkey dick. SHE lost to Trump (the least popular potus candidate ever). Own it. Hillary voters should enjoy this Trump shit because you made it fucking happen.
again you still on that since Bernie did not win the primary bullshit. Time to put on your big girl panties.
Stop biting my shit, makes you seem like you are not creative and unable to think for self.
Bernie himself told you fools that he was for her, so does that mean Bernie is to blame ?? I mean he did go out and stomp for Hillary.
I also wonder why Bernie voters are so damn stupid that they did not even vote for him in the primary. Talk about your low info voters

Anyone that voted for Hillary in the primary is to blame. Obama was elected twice on a message of change, Trump won the Republican primary with a similar message...so naturally Hillary voters thought it was a good idea to vote for the most establishment politician in our lifetime. :dunce: Hillary was polling 2-3 points ahead of Trump, and Bernie was polling 8-10 points ahead of him, but Hillary voters knew better. The end result, a Trump presidency. Hillary voters can suck a mayo covered donkey dick. SHE lost to Trump (the least popular potus candidate ever). Own it. Hillary voters should enjoy this Trump shit because you made it fucking happen.

Incredibly naive!

Says the guy with a million excuses for why his horse lost.

1) Russia
2) Comey
3) Sexism
4) Racism
5) Bernie supporters
6) Electoral College
7) Gerrymandering
8) Ice cream

I'm sure I've missed a few.... :lol:
And what was the excuse for Bernard Sanders ?...I mean beside his supporters not understanding how the fuck to vote. Freaking dumb fucks. The man says I'm running as a democrat. and his supports stayed registered as a fucking independent.
I guess we can also blame "the blacks "
China is the largest consumer of lithium. The US is pretty far down the list. So...

So do you think we have troops there because of some other natural resource?

Or do you think we are there trying to stabilize the government so they can enforce their own laws?

What the fuck does Afghanistan have to do with trump? Nothing. The situation there is not better or worse because of the current administration. It's been fucked up for a long time because we destabilized their government on purpose.

Which rich asshole do you think is pulling strings and getting boots on the ground?

What's the end game here? To stabilize the region and make lithium cheaper for everyone?

Doubling the population in China, Apple, GM, Boeing all need to be sure Exxon will provide.
Mandate a law stating the US population will grow 500% in the next 5 years, commerce may see it's way to provide.
I would say those same 43% are the same ones that was the 65% that was gonna vote for Hillary in a landslide defeat of Trump.

Oh Snap!! the polls were wrong weren't they?? Oh darn I wonder what other phony narrative they can come up with.
"you would say" you mean "you would bleat or bray" grovelling, fucking shitball, IMPOTUS is a fucking despised lying narcissistic hypocrite and youre his nad sucking coward imbecile serf.

Trump Triumphantly Tweets 50 Percent Approval Numbers from Rasmussen Poll
43%, lets have another election, should be the same result, when 80% want him gone, he might get voted out.
youre a real stupid bitch behind the keyboard sheila,

On Friday morning and again on Sunday, the President tweeted the results of the Rasmussen Poll, which gives him a 50 percent approval rating. “That’s higher that [Obama’s] in #’s!” he made sure to note.

did BHO bang Ivanka like Donny wished he could? Is that the dynamic behind all of trumps flaccid aggression?
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The original source for this 'news article' is Sputnik. What happened to the Russians hacking the election?

Lolololol, now their information is being sited. Lolololol

Still no mention of the never-ending war in Afghanistan. The U.S. needs the lithium for all the phones, computers, and general good feelings for the establishment of Harvard.

No good, sneaky Russians...Lolololol

Lol? Fucking chronically masturbating,trailer trash cretin. The 'funny' is feces in your every post as you plead for a deranged racist nitwit liar.

Anyone that voted for Hillary in the primary is to blame. Obama was elected twice on a message of change, Trump won the Republican primary with a similar message...so naturally Hillary voters thought it was a good idea to vote for the most establishment politician in our lifetime. :dunce: Hillary was polling 2-3 points ahead of Trump, and Bernie was polling 8-10 points ahead of him, but Hillary voters knew better. The end result, a Trump presidency. Hillary voters can suck a mayo covered donkey dick. SHE lost to Trump (the least popular potus candidate ever). Own it. Hillary voters should enjoy this Trump shit because you made it fucking happen.

Have you forgotten so soon?

It was Bernie's job to win enough votes to beat Clinton in the Democratic primary. He lost. By a lot. So Clinton became the Democratic Party's candidate. By Democratic Party's nomination rules, there can be only one Democratic Party candidate for president in the general election.

After he lost, Bernie supported Clinton.

Hillary couldn't convince enough voters to vote for her in a few key states and lost in Electoral College in General election.

These elections aren't like video games where you just re-start a few scenes back when you get killed off.

Glad I could help.