How to let the athiest know our God is real

why does it have to be "GOD"

why not just try and prove there is a larger picture, that we simply cant understand, that there are forces we could never wrap our head around.

I think everyone can agree to that, because at least once while falling asleep you felt how futile it is to try and understand, the position, size, or quantify anything beginning or end.
It has to be God because hes the source of wisdom happiness and life .He is a life giver
if I wanted to I could lead all you straight to God .But its all yalls shitty attitudes and fucked up ways yall grew into . It's a rigid gap yall are so hard headed its impossible for God to use any of you .an that one so called Christian in here . Isn't a Christian I couldn't tell him apart from the athiest .He just follows the crowd .I can't understand why you just refuse to believe its so wierd .

That sounds like something a Godly leader would type.((SMH))

And yes,your definitely on drugs.
Im done with this thread. Yall make me sick to my stomach. With yalls wicked words I pray you all get what yall deserve . I can't stand the ignorance in this room . Don't bother trolling
Im done with this thread. Yall make me sick to my stomach. With yalls wicked words I pray you all get what yall deserve . I can't stand the ignorance in this room . Don't bother trolling

((Casts out line and sets RPM's just rite))

I think it's the alchohol and drugs you did yesterday that got your tummy upset.

((Waiting for bites))

@Aeroknow am I doing this rite?
Im done with this thread. Yall make me sick to my stomach. With yalls wicked words I pray you all get what yall deserve . I can't stand the ignorance in this room . Don't bother trolling
By ignorance you mean that we don't agree with your vacuous beliefs? The thing is, religion just isn't credible and most of us realise that.
There is too much evidence around for the open mind to see that there is no such entity as a "God." Books such as the Bible are instruments of control and are not what their believers claim them to be. Only the weak cannot see that.
If all religion were to disappear from the planet tomorrow there wouldn't be one negative effect whatsoever.
can you explain how gods angels were able to come down and fuck our young human girls? Can you tell me how they were able to become pregnant with angel sperm? can you tell me why any godlike creature would desire to fuck human children and make babies with them? can you tell me what kind of fucking interview process this god may have used when hiring these rapists, with human like penises? can you tell me why this god waited until the offspring of these child rapist gods was causing so much havoc
on earth before he finally decided to flood it?

and what about the fucking dinosaurs, and the magnets. you jesus' have a bunch of splainin to do before anyone with a thinking mind will accept you for more than a another pink
Where exactly in the old testament or the new testament does it discuss "angels raping little kids". A virgin is not necessarily a child, is that what you are referring to? I don't recall the Virgin birth of Jesus ever saying that angels or God himself having any sexual relations with Mary, just that she was a virgin and miraculously gave birth to Jesus. My question is why do you rearrange words and concepts to fit your own beliefs, that is confirmation bias.

You would be better off leaving the Scriptures out of it and instead use real world examples and arguments pertaining to the real world. Such as if there is a God does it find pleasure in the rape of little kids? Then why did God create pedophiles? No where in the old testament of the new testament does it condone the raping of little kids, but if there is a real God perhaps it is a sick sadistic being who does find pleasure in our suffering.
By ignorance you mean that we don't agree with your vacuous beliefs? The thing is, religion just isn't credible and most of us realise that.
There is too much evidence around for the open mind to see that there is no such entity as a "God." Books such as the Bible are instruments of control and are not what their believers claim them to be. Only the weak cannot see that.
If all religion were to disappear from the planet tomorrow there wouldn't be one negative effect whatsoever.
What evidence exactly suggests there is no God? There is no evidence to suggest that there is a God I agree with that but that does not mean there isn't a god that is an argument from incredulity.

I agree the Torah the new testament and the Quran were used as instruments for control over the minds of the masses, but that does not discredit the profound wisdom that the prophets spoke, unfortunately all three are saturated with the words of others who have a tendency to destroy the message.

And I agree it is now time for humanity to abandon religion we would be much better off without it it is perhaps the most severe and productive evil on the face of the planet.

Just my opinions of course
why does it have to be "GOD"

why not just try and prove there is a larger picture, that we simply cant understand, that there are forces we could never wrap our head around.

I think everyone can agree to that, because at least once while falling asleep you felt how futile it is to try and understand, the position, size, or quantify anything beginning or end.
Very well said, however imo there is much wisdom and productive thought that can be gained by the notion of a conscious creator. I see nothing wrong with contemplating gods existence as long as we realize that will never be able to know for certain whether there is a God or not.
Where exactly in the old testament or the new testament does it discuss "angels raping little kids". A virgin is not necessarily a child, is that what you are referring to? I don't recall the Virgin birth of Jesus ever saying that angels or God himself having any sexual relations with Mary, just that she was a virgin and miraculously gave birth to Jesus. My question is why do you rearrange words and concepts to fit your own beliefs, that is confirmation bias.

You would be better off leaving the Scriptures out of it and instead use real world examples and arguments pertaining to the real world. Such as if there is a God does it find pleasure in the rape of little kids? Then why did God create pedophiles? No where in the old testament of the new testament does it condone the raping of little kids, but if there is a real God perhaps it is a sick sadistic being who does find pleasure in our suffering.

show me my post quoting this "raping of little kids" ?
Where exactly in the old testament or the new testament does it discuss "angels raping little kids". A virgin is not necessarily a child, is that what you are referring to? I don't recall the Virgin birth of Jesus ever saying that angels or God himself having any sexual relations with Mary, just that she was a virgin and miraculously gave birth to Jesus.

where exactly did I say "raping little kids?"

1) Genesis 6:1-5
those pesky nephilim, horny angels
"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days — and also afterward — when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4

They are called the God’s “host of heaven” who surround his throne (1Kings 22:19)
They are called Watchers (Daniel 4:13, 17, 24)
They are called Holy Ones (Daniel 4:13, 17, 24)
They are called angels (Hebrews 2:2; Psalm 148:1-2)
They are called God’s “divine council” (Psalm 82:1)
Sometimes they are called “assembly of the holy ones” (Psalm 89:5)
They are even called “gods” at times (Psalm 82:1, 6; 89:6)
Sometimes, all these terms are used together to make the point (Psalm 89:5-8)
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What evidence exactly suggests there is no God?
Pretty much turning on the TV tells me there aint a God. Not evidence granted, but that and the world around me tells me this isn't the work of some Grand Creator with any kind of control. I believe in evolution and don't believe that any kind of God exists.