Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

Lol. I'm having deja vu. I think we've had this conversation before.

I just went the opposite of you. We have a gas well and its free.

If the power goes out I'm good.
Free is almost always going to tip the balance when it comes to energy choices. In homes, heating and cooling home interior spaces are the largest uses of in the US by more than half of the total. Cooking consumes about 3% of the whole. Control, cleanliness and ease of use are my main reasons for thinking about induction cooktop. Cost is holding me back. I already own my gas cooktop and changing to induction won't make me a better cook. My choice of a high efficiency gas furnace was almost completely driven by efficiency concerns because that's where the biggest effect could be had. I don't have air conditioning.
In this, you have an excellent point.

America has turned out to be a shit poor excuse for a world cop; we overthrow democratically elected governments for the offense of not giving us whatever we want for free or below market value, we invade other countries over lies and trumped up accusations, we murder millions of civilians and then shrug our shoulders.

Fog Dog has lapped far too deeply from the Kool aid bowl of American imperialist self justification.

Out of 196 countries in the world, America has mounted covert or overt operations in 137 of them, as of June. The year is young yet; surely we'll get to the rest soon!

So who's really the world's aggressor, anyway? Putin is without doubt a thug, but he's outclassed by the US in every way.
Ah you get it America is a fascist nation. Any government that goes to war to get a better deal for corporations is a fascist government.

We do not have freedom we have a police state. We really need a revolution Russia won't do anything stupid our nukes can end the world. The only downside is we will live more like the Russians kind of poor but not really.
Ah you get it America is a fascist nation. Any government that goes to war to get a better deal for corporations is a fascist government.

We do not have freedom we have a police state. We really need a revolution Russia won't do anything stupid our nukes can end the world. The only downside is we will live more like the Russians kind of poor but not really.
shut the fuck up, pedophile.
Freedom of speech if you don't like it go to your safe space. And for the 900th time I'm not a pedophile.:wall:

Hey idiot saying the president is an asshole is free speech but constantly repeating lies as facts is ignorant and dangerous. Are you that simple minded that you let yourself be swayed by a couple of homemade videos? Are you that poorly educated that you have nothing on which to base your opinions?
I hate those fucking coil heaters. I've used them and can cook with them but they are really slow to heat up and hard to control. I'm considering an induction cook top. Just waiting for an excuse to replace the gas one.
do it yesterday, induction is awesome, get a portable model for a hundred or less and see how you like it, boiling water in 90 seconds, but cooking on one is a bit different than electric or gas
You first, I thought we were really starting to click but I'm going to have to look for friends in real life.
Thought so.

The last friends you had were just because your mommy paid them to be nice to you.
Freedom of speech if you don't like it go to your safe space. And for the 900th time I'm not a pedophile.:wall:
Nobody visits pedophile sites accidentally. What were you doing there, research?
Take a deep breath and go back and read what you're replying to. You've gone wildly astray. Hint: it's possible I think the US is far more fucked up than you do.
Why not just explain? If I misread your intent, by all means let me know where I've erred.